Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
Student Fees:
Fees can be paid via credit/debit card through EZpay by using this QR code. You can also pay in the office with cash or check.
Lunch Accounts:
As a reminder, you are able to add funds to your student's lunch account through the EZpay system. If your student's account reaches -$50 it will be rolled into your school fees. Please be mindful and keep your student's account current.
Please click here to order a yearbook.
Monday, November 11th
Project Green 3:00-4:00PM Room 224 - All are welcome
Setting Stone 3:00 PM, Room 320-Any students signed up to perform at this year's first Setting Stone Coffee House next Friday, need to attend a MANDATORY meeting
Tribune-Will not meet this week
Tuesday, November 12th
Art Club 3:00-3:45 PM Room 603
Mock Trial 5:00-7:00 PM Room 315
Wednesday, November 13th
Robotics Club 3:00 PM - Room 412- All are welcome and snacks provided
Diversity Club 3:00 PM Room 400
Chess Club 3:00 PM Room 603
Thursday, November 14th
Mock Trial 5:00-7:00 PM Room 315
Friday, November 15th
YIT Meeting- Tutorial
Setting Stone Coffee House 7:30PM- THS Cafe. Tickets $3 in advance, $5 at the door.
Wednesday, November 20th-Friday, November 22nd
The Diversity Club will host an Uno Tournament. Each lunch will battle to win the "Major Award." Everyone is welcome to participate - just scan the QR code in the hallways to enter your name. No teams allowed.
Friday, November 8th
7:00 PM Drama Production, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland- Performing Arts Center
Saturday, November 9th
7:00 PM Drama Production, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland- Performing Arts Center
Sunday, November 10th
2:00 PM Drama Production, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland- Performing Arts Center
Monday, November 11th
7:45 AM Veterans Day Breakfast, Gym
9:00 AM Veterans Day Assembly, Gym
Tuesday, November 12th
6:00 PM Steel Bands Chili Supper, Cafeteria
Thursday, November 14th
5:30 PM Board of Education Work Session, Media CenterFriday, November 15th
8:00-11:50 AM FCCLA Blood Drive
7:30 PM Setting Stone, CafeteriaSaturday, November 16th
Community Flyer Page
Click here for the community flyer page.