Williams News
September 13, 2024
WHS Website
PISD Parent Portal
What's Happening at WHS...
Sep 13, Fri 7:00 PM - PESH Homecoming vs Princeton @ Kimbrough
Sep 14, Sat 7:00 PM - HOMECOMING Dance @ Williams Warrior Center
Sep 14, Forney Volleyball Tournament - all day @ Forney
Sep 17, Tue 5:30/6:30 PM - 9A/9B Volleyball vs Rock Hill @ McMillen
Sep 17, Tue 7:30 PM - JV2 Volleyball vs Bishop Lynch @ McMillen
Sep 19, Thu 5:30 PM - 9B Football vs Plano West @ Clark
Sep 19, Thu 7:00 PM - 9A Football vs Plano West @ Clark
Sep 20, Fri 5:30/6:30 PM - 9A/9B Volleyball vs Plano Senior @ Clark
Sep 20, Fri 7:00 PM - Plano East Varsity Football vs Plano West @ Clark
Sep 20, Fri 7:30 PM - JV2 Volleyball vs Plano Senior @ Clark
Sep 20, Fri 6:30 PM - Theater Production of Chemical Imbalance - WHS Auditorium
Sep 21, Sat 2:00 PM - Theater Production of Chemical Imbalance - WHS Auditorium
Plano ISD Seeks Input on Website Design
Plano ISD is seeking feedback from families, staff and community members in preparation to design an improved, user-friendly and engaging website that meets the needs of our community. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts, preferences and suggestions regarding the current website as we plan our future web experience.
Your feedback will help us enhance the overall experience for everyone who interacts with our online resources. The survey will close on September 25 at 5:00 p.m. Provide your feedback here: English | Spanish.
Please contact Lesley Range-Stanton with any questions.
Williams Open House Coming Wednesday September 25!!! Plan Now to Attend!
Dear Parents,
Williams High School looks forward to welcoming you to our Fall Open House on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.
Parents will begin their “mini-school day” at 6:00 p.m. At that time, you will begin moving through an abbreviated version of your child’s daily schedule, meeting his/her teachers, and becoming acquainted with the curriculum. We will have ten-minute classes with five-minute passing periods in between. On the next page, you will find the evening’s “bell schedule” and space to write out your child’s class information. Please have your student help you fill it out and then bring it with you that evening; schedules are still available through Skyward, so you could also get room numbers and teacher names through that avenue. If you are unable to arrive by 6:00 or need to leave early, please consider reaching out to those teachers via phone or email if needed.
Please understand that our classrooms and hallways were designed to handle the natural flow of traffic that approximately 1,200 students create in a routine school day, and traffic flow is currently impacted by our renovation. When parents, guardians, and siblings are added into the mix, it can make for crowded hallways, crowded classrooms, and hotter temperatures. We welcome our students and parents/guardians, but please be prepared for the possibility of crowded areas (we hope).
First period will begin promptly at 6:00 p.m., so please don’t be “tardy.” We look forward to seeing you on the 25th.
Jill Engelking, Principal
2024 North Texas Food Bank Virtual Peanut Butter Drive
Plano ISD and the Plano ISD Council of PTAs are working together in the fight against hunger by participating in the 2024 Virtual North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) Peanut Butter Drive. The drive runs throughout the month of September, in conjunction with Hunger Action Month. Our goal is to come together as a community to help feed hungry children and families and raise awareness about food insecurity in North Texas. If you would like to make a donation to your campus, department or district team, follow the directions below to access an existing fundraiser.
- Find your campus or department team here
- Click “JOIN”
- Follow the steps to join as a participant of your campus team
If your campus or department does not have a team, you may donate virtually under the district team, Team Plano ISD - One Mission, One Team.
Please contact James Thomas with any questions.
Friday Night Lights Game Expectations
Parents and Students,
As we start Friday night lights this coming Friday, we have some important announcements for everyone.
- At all sporting events, we encourage students and parents to yell and cheer for our team as they compete. We do ask that you direct all that cheering and yelling in a positive manner towards our team. Please do not single out or yell negative things towards the other team or player, coaches, or referees. In our gym, students are expected to keep both feet in the bleachers at all times and follow the dress code like a normal school day. We ask all participants to refrain from running towards the court during exciting action. Students and parents who do not comply with these expectations will be asked to leave by either or the referee and administrator on duty. It is our goal to create a fun safe environment for our students, parents, and community to come enjoy the event.
- All students attending the varsity games are expected to be picked up within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the game. Most varsity games conclude around 10 pm. With this in mind, parents should plan on being at the stadium by 10:30. It is encouraged that all students call their parents at the beginning of the fourth quarter so parents can come earlier if the game is running faster than expected. This rule would also be in place for sub-varsity games. Students should call their parents at the end of the fourth quarter of the last game being played that night to ensure timely pickup. Students who are there past this time will run the risk of not being allowed to attend future varsity games.
- PISD has a stadium bag policy and stadium rules that each person attending must follow. Please click this link to view these.
- One Kimbrough Stadium rule we are enforcing for everyone's safety is that all students at a varsity game must remain in the stands during play.
- Students will not be allowed to loiter in the concourse of the stadium, except for between quarters and halftime.
- Students are allowed to come down and purchase food and drink and use the restroom but then are expected to return to the stands and watch the game.
- We will have administrators and security personnel direct students into the stands.
- Any student who does not comply with the request will be escorted out of the stadium.
- As always, Murphy PD will also be a presence in all areas of the stadium.
5. To make your entry into the game quicker, we strongly encourage you to pre-purchase tickets to the games. You will also save money doing so and tickets can be purchased here. Ticket prices for all events except varsity football are $5 for adults and $3 for students. For varsity games, the prices are:
Pre-purchased prices are as follows:
- Reserved-$10
- General Admission-$8
- Student-$4
At the gate prices are as follows:
- Reserved-$12
- General Admission-$10
- Student-$10
6. Please be aware that all patrons coming to the game will be asked to go through a metal detector. We share this for your awareness so you can plan accordingly and give yourself plenty of time to get into the game. We will have plenty of assistance getting everyone in, but if everyone arrives right before the game, it will cause a backup and delay in your entry. Please read this document carefully for more details about the implementation of Metal detectors at varsity football games only!
These two points are being introduced and enforced to create the safest environment possible for all those attending the game.
Thank you,
Plano East Cluster Administration
PISD CTE Department Partners with AT&T
The Plano ISD CTE Department is partnering with AT&T to engage students from Clark High School and Williams High School. Students will travel by school buses to AT&T Discovery District. Lunch will be provided by AT&T. There are 45 seats available for each campus.
When: Thursday, October 10, 2024 from 9:15 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Participants will experience the following:
● a tour of Discovery District,
● hear from a panel of tech experts,
● engage in hands-on activities with recent college graduates and new hires of AT&T,
● lunch with industry professionals,
● tour of Fiber Experience Room
Please complete this Google Form and return your permission slip to your computer science or engineering teacher.
Important Library Message
Please click on the link to read updated information regarding accessing Williams' library catalog, an update regarding teacher classroom libraries, and information about how to manage your child's book access.
A Message from Transportation
Please click here to check on bus delays!
This page will provide bus information for any of our Route buses running 30 minutes or more late. The late Buses will still go by their designated Bus Stops. We apologize for the inconvenience as safety is our number one priority.
You may also contact our Dispatch Call Center at 469.752.0792.
School districts statewide and nationwide are dealing with a critical shortage of bus drivers. Please check back often in the morning and the afternoon for the most up-to-date information.
Apply Now & Come Drive with Us!
We’re always looking for new bus drivers and assistants to join our team! For more information and instructions on how to apply, please call (469) 752-0789 or visit Auxiliary Job Postings.
Williams 2024-2025 Cell Phone Policy
Panther Family-
As we begin the 2024-25 school year, I want to introduce and explain some adjustments to Williams’ student cell phone use policy; we have made some changes from last year. One of our primary goals is to provide an outstanding education for all students in our community; in recent years, we have seen an increase in distractions that come from cell phones such as accessing messaging and social media apps during class time or at other times during the school day. In addition to taking focus away from instruction, we have seen an increase in instances of student conflict and inappropriate behavior stemming from interactions on social media. We must also consider research regarding how the immediately available technology our children have access to is impacting their brain development and their social-emotional well-being.
With Plano ISD’s One2Web Initiative, students will have a Chromebook checked out to them and are expected to bring it to school each day. This initiative basically alleviates the need for students to utilize cell phones for instructional purposes.
We will take a couple of days to familiarize all students with the following expectations:
Cell phones, earbuds, and headphones can be used in a school-appropriate manner until 9:05 am.
Portable bluetooth speakers are not allowed at school.
Students will turn in their cell phone to every teacher - every class period - as they enter the classroom.
Devices must be turned in to the classroom teacher every period, but students can have their phones out during passing periods and lunches.
Students will be able to use their phones appropriately in the cafeteria during lunch.
Student cell phones will remain in the classroom when a student leaves the room during class.
Students may text during passing periods.
Phone calls/FaceTime calls are not allowed during the school day.
For safety reasons, one ear must be uncovered during passing periods if using earbuds/headphones.
Teachers WILL NOT ALLOW students to access their cell phones during class unless direct permission has been granted for use. (medical device tracking & language translation are examples of possible exceptions)
At 4:30, students can take out their phones and resume appropriate use.
Parents can connect with teachers, counselors, administrators, and office staff to ensure students receive messages in case of an urgent need or emergency.
If a student needs to contact a parent, they can ask the teacher for permission to use their phone, the classroom phone, or a phone in the front office if privacy is needed.
Failure to meet these expectations will result in cell phones, electronic devices, or headphones being confiscated for the remainder of the class period or the remainder of the school day. Repeated offenses will result in an office referral.
Requiring students to turn in their cell phone every period will be a big change for our returning students. This may also be a change for parents who are accustomed to texting with their child during the school day. We understand that this may be difficult, but we ask that you partner with us in facilitating this change which will hopefully eliminate - or at least reduce - the pull for attention and potential conflict that cell phones can create in an adolescent’s day-to-day school life.
Thank you,
Jill Engelking, Williams High School Principal
Familia de Williams-
Al comenzar este año escolar 2024-25, quiero presentar y explicar algunos pequeños cambios en la política de uso de teléfonos celulares para los estudiantes de Williams. Uno de nuestros principales objetivos es brindar una educación sobresaliente a los estudiantes de esta comunidad; En los últimos años, hemos visto un aumento en las distracciones que provienen de los teléfonos celulares y otros dispositivos electrónicos, como el acceso a aplicaciones de mensajes y redes sociales durante el horario de clase o en otros momentos durante el día escolar. Además de desviar el enfoque del aprendizaje, hemos visto un aumento en los casos de conflicto estudiantil y comportamiento inapropiado derivado a las interacciones en las redes sociales. También debemos considerar la investigación sobre cómo la tecnología a la que tienen acceso nuestros hijos está afectando su desarrollo cerebral y su bienestar socioemocional.
Con la iniciativa One2Web de Plano ISD, los estudiantes tienen un Chromebook prestado y asignado a ellos durante el año, se espera que lo traigan a la escuela todos los días. Básicamente, esta iniciativa alivia la necesidad de que los estudiantes utilicen teléfonos celulares.
Tomaremos un par de días para familiarizar a todos los estudiantes con las siguientes expectativas:
Los teléfonos celulares y audífonos se pueden usar de una manera apropiada para la escuela antes de las 9:05am.
Las bocinas bluetooth portátiles no están permitidas en la escuela.
Los estudiantes entregarán su teléfono celular a cada maestro - cada periodo de clase - al entrar al salón de clase.
Los teléfonos celulares serán entregados a cada maestro en cada periodo, pero los estudiantes podrán recoger su teléfono durante el cambio de periodo o durante el almuerzo.
Los estudiantes podrán usar sus teléfonos apropiadamente en la cafetería durante el almuerzo.
Los estudiantes dejarán el teléfono en el salón de clases si salen para usar el baño.
Los estudiantes pueden enviar mensajes de texto durante los cambios de período.
No se permiten llamadas telefónicas / llamadas FaceTime durante el día escolar.
Por razones de seguridad, solo se puede usar un audífono interno o un audífono externo a la vez durante los cambios de período.
Los maestros NO PERMITIRÁN que los estudiantes accedan a sus teléfonos celulares durante la clase, a menos que tengan permiso especial.(por ejemplo en estas excepciones: para llevar un control de medicina, ó para traducir)
A las 4:30, los estudiantes pueden sacar sus teléfonos y reanudar el uso apropiado.
En caso de una necesidad urgente o emergencia, los padres pueden comunicarse con maestros, consejeros, administradores y personal de la oficina para asegurarse de que los estudiantes reciban los mensajes.
Si un estudiante necesita comunicarse con un padre, puede pedirle permiso al maestro para usar el celular, el teléfono del salón de clases o un teléfono en la oficina del frente si se necesita privacidad.
El incumplimiento de estas expectativas resultará en la confiscación de teléfonos celulares, dispositivos electrónicos o audífonos por el resto del período de clases. Las ofensas repetidas resultarán en una remisión a la oficina de un administrador.
El mayor cambio para nuestros estudiantes que regresan, será tener que entregar sus teléfonos celulares en clase. Esto también puede ser un cambio para los padres que están acostumbrados a enviar mensajes de texto con sus hijos durante el día escolar. Entendemos que esto puede ser difícil, pero le pedimos su colaboración para que juntos podamos facilitar este cambio que, con suerte, eliminará, o al menos reducirá la distracción y el conflicto potencial que los teléfonos celulares pueden crear en el día a día en la vida escolar de un adolescente.
Jill Engelking, Directora de la Escuela Secundaria Williams
Panther Spotlight
We are starting a new eNews section: Panther Spotlight! To see our first Spotlight, please scroll down to read about one of our amazing students. If you'd like for us to Spotlight your student, please send us brags and pictures! You can email your Panther Spotlight submissions to pam.hearne@pisd.edu. We may have to edit and narrow down picture selections, but we want to celebrate all of the incredible things our kids are doing. Thank you!
Admin Team
Admin Team - Alpha Breakdown
A - Eh - Christina Ballinger, ext. 28316, christina.ballinger@pisd.edu
Ei - Loq - Lisa Delacruz, ext. 28314, lisa.delacruz@pisd.edu
Lor - Ra - Don Stevens, ext. 28312, don.stevens@pisd.edu
Re - Z - Inge Dismuke-Stovall, ext. 28313, inge.dismukestovall@pisd.edu
Principal, Jill Engelking 469-752-8310 or jill.engelking@pisd.edu
Counselor's Corner
Counseling Staff
A - Ga - Melissa Lyons, ext. 28317 Melissa.Lyons@pisd.edu
Ge - O - Sholonda Miller, ext. 28319 Sholonda.Miller@pisd.edu
P - Z - Chadwick Caraway, ext. 28318 Chadwick.Caraway@pisd.edu
HSA - Monica Trevino, Lead Counselor, ext. 28320 Monica.Trevino@pisd.edu
Secretary - Alicia Kamien, ext. 28315
Registrar - Carola Garrison, ext. 28323
Important Message from Health Services
Dear Parents,
In preparation for a healthy 2024-2025 school year, the Plano ISD health services team would like to provide the following helpful and important information. Our team’s purpose is to support a safe and healthy school environment. School nurses need your assistance as we work together toward the common goal of prioritizing public health and protecting our students and staff. You can help us by encouraging behaviors we teach at school and by following a few guidelines for keeping your children home when they are not feeling well.
Please review the following information:
• Please keep your children home for any symptom of a possible communicable disease:
• Fever of 100° or more for the duration of the fever plus an additional 24 hours after cessation without fever-reducing medication
• Vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours after cessation
• Generalized rash
• Oozing wounds that cannot be kept dry and covered
• Red, draining eye
• Untreated live lice
• See the complete list for exclusions: Health Services: Communicable Disease
• Immunizations must be up to date according to the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) guidelines for school entry and attendance: Health Services: Immunizations
• All medications and medical procedures at school must have completed paper work. A parent or guardian must bring in all controlled substances. Please see our website at: Health Services: Medications or contact your school nurse.
• State screening mandates are performed for vision, hearing (PreK- Students who turn 4 by Sept 1, Kg, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and all new students), Acanthosis Nigricans (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and all new students) and Scoliosis (girls in 5th and 7th grade and boys in 8th grade). Please see our website at: Health Services: Health Screenings for more information.
• Growth and development class is taught for girls during 4th grade, and boys and girls during 5th grade. A note will be sent home from your school detailing the date and materials to be presented. Parents were asked to opt-in or out of the instruction during enrollment/registration. Contact your school nurse for details or questions.
• Benadryl and epinephrine are kept in the clinic, to be used by only the school nurse, for undiagnosed episodes of anaphylaxis. Having this medication available for unexpected, severe life-threatening anaphylaxis does not take the place of individual prescribed auto-injectors for diagnosed cases of severe allergy: Health Services: Anaphylaxis
• Narcan is available in all school clinics, to be administered by the school nurse or other trained staff, in response to a possible opioid overdose event.
• Current health information is crucial for proper care. Please notify your school nurse of any health conditions your child has, particularly if you were unable to make updates in Skyward Family Access.
Please do not hesitate to contact your school nurse or district health services for assistance. I also encourage you to visit our website at District Health Services for additional information and resources.
We look forward to working together with you in the 2024-2025 school year. On behalf of our nurses, assistants and the entire team, we hope you have a safe and healthy year!
Kindest regards,
Staci Antelo
Staci Antelo BSN, RN, NCSN
Plano ISD Director for District Health
Plano Independent School District
District Health Services
Estimados padres,
En preparación para un año escolar saludable 2024-2025, el equipo de servicios de salud de Plano ISD proporciona la esta información útil e importante. El propósito de nuestro equipo es fomentar un ambiente escolar seguro y saludable. Las enfermeras escolares solicitan su ayuda para alcanzar nuestro objetivo común de priorizar la salud pública y proteger a nuestros estudiantes y personal. Puede ayudarnos fomentando los hábitos que enseñamos en la escuela y siguiendo las pautas para mantener a sus hijos en casa cuando no se sienten bien.
Por favor revise la siguiente información:
• Por favor, mantenga a sus hijos en casa en caso de tener cualquier síntoma de una posible enfermedad transmisible:
• Temperatura de 100 ° o más durante un estado febril y al menos 24 horas posteriores del cese de la fiebre sin medicamentos.
• Vómitos o diarrea durante 24 horas después del cese de la fiebre.
• Sarpullido generalizado
• Heridas que rezumantes que no se pueden mantener secas y cubiertas
• Ojo rojo o drenante
• Piojos vivos no tratados
• Vea la lista completa de exclusiones: Servicios de salud: Enfermedades transmisibles
• Las vacunas deben estar actualizadas de acuerdo con las pautas del Departamento de Servicios de Salud del Estado (DSHS) para el ingreso y la asistencia a la escuela: Servicios de salud: Inmunizaciones
• Documentación completa para todos los medicamentos y procedimientos médicos a administrarse en la escuela. Un padre o tutor debe traer todas las sustancias controladas. Consulte nuestro sitio web en: Servicios de salud: Medicamentos o comuníquese con la enfermera de su escuela.
• Se realizarán procedimientos de detección para la visión, la audición (Estudiantes en PreK que cumplan 4 años antes del 1 de septiembre, Kg, 1º, 3º, 5º, 7º y todos los estudiantes nuevos), Acantosis Nigricans (1º, 3º, 5º, 7º y todos los nuevos estudiantes) y Escoliosis (niñas en 5º grado y niños en 7º grado) en acuerdo con mandatos estatales. Consulte nuestro sitio web en: Servicios de salud: Exámenes de salud para obtener más información.
• Se imparte clase de crecimiento y desarrollo para niñas durante 4th grado, y niños y niñas durante 5ºth calificación. Su escuela enviará a casa una nota detallando la fecha y los materiales que se presentarán. Se pidió a los padres que aceptaran o no participar en la instrucción durante la inscripción/registro. Comuníquese con la enfermera de su escuela para obtener detalles o preguntas.
• Benadryl y epinefrina se guardan en la clínica, para que los utilice únicamente la enfermera de la escuela, para episodios de anafilaxia no diagnosticados. Tener este medicamento disponible para anafilaxia grave inesperada y potencialmente mortal no reemplaza los autoinyectores recetados individualmente para casos diagnosticados de alergia grave: Servicios de salud: anafilaxia.
• Narcan está disponible en todas las clínicas escolares, para ser administrado por la enfermera de la escuela u otro personal capacitado, en respuesta a una posible sobredosis de opioides.
• La información de salud actualizada es crucial para una atención adecuada. Por favor notifique a la enfermera de su escuela sobre todos los problemas relacionados con la salud.
No dude en ponerse en contacto con la enfermera de su escuela o con los servicios de salud del distrito para obtener ayuda. También recomendamos visitar nuestro sitio web de Los Servicios de Salud del Distrito para obtener información y recursos adicionales.
Esperamos trabajar junto con usted en el año escolar 2024-2025. En nombre de nuestras enfermeras, asistentes y todo el equipo, ¡esperamos que tenga un año seguro y saludable!
Staci Antelo BSN, RN, NCSN
Directora de Salud del Distrito Escolar de Plano ISD
Support Williams High School by joining or renewing your membership in the Williams HS Parent Teacher Student Association. This is an easy way to support the students, staff, and families of the WHS community. Membership funds help pay for teacher grants, student programs and events throughout the year. We can all work together to make Williams High School the best that it can be!
Visit www.williamsptsa.org to find out how to join.