Marcellin College Newsletter
Monday 27th February 2023
Message from the Principal - Ms. Maria Prescott
“I am the light of the world” John 8:12
Light was the common theme for both our Dedication Mass and Ash Wednesday liturgy this year - a powerful symbol for the beginning of the year. This is also the theme for the Caritas 2023 Lent Appeal, which unites our school with all the other Catholic communities in our call to action, “to bring light to the poor and vulnerable, promote human dignity, and live your faith through love and action.”
Our school Lenten journey will include “Goods for a Cause” food collection by each kaitiaki class and a bake sale to raise funds to support the Caritas Lent appeal this year, as well as our Rāpare / Thursday lunchtime Masses and the Stations of the Cross every Rāmere / Friday lunchtime. Ngā mihi kia koutou to our Special Character and Social Justice prefects who are leading this.
As we approach the half way point of this term, it is wonderful to see our ākonga settling into routines and class work despite the disruptive start to the year, thank you to our whānau for your continued support. All ākonga are now expected to have their full correct uniform, stationery and device to be ready to learn for each lesson. Attendance and being on time every day is vital in helping our ākonga achieve success, confidence and connectedness as stated in our school Vision. If you have any questions about your tamariki/child(ren)’s attendance and progress, please email the Kaiārahi in the first instance.
We look forward to meeting all our whānau tomorrow (Rātū / Tuesday 27 Huitanguru/February 3.30pm to 6.30pm) at our ‘New Whānau and Meet the Kaiako evening’ - all whānau and friends are welcome! Enrollments for 2024 are now open so please encourage families with siblings and whānau planning to come to our school next year, to attend this event . This will also be our ‘Meet the Kaiako/Teacher’ event where all ākonga can show their family around our school, complete different activities and meet our dedicated staff. You will read more about our wonderful staff in the ‘Staff Profiles’ section of the newsletters.
Our ākonga are also busy preparing for Athletics day this Rāmere / Friday with their Whānau chants led by our Whānau prefects and Whānau kaiako leaders! We look forward to sharing the highlights of these days on our school Facebook and Instagram pages so make sure you follow us (see our school website for links).
Please continue to pray for our school community, those who were affected by the flooding and natural disasters, those who are suffering and facing life’s difficulties, and for ourselves as we reflect and pray during this time of Lent.
We pray the karakia our kaitiaki classes prayed this morning:
Ki te ingoa, o te Matua, o te Tamaiti, o te Wairua Tapu, Amene.
Almighty and ever living God, you invite us deeper into your world, your people, your Lent.
May this time be one of outward focus; seeking you in those we often ignore.
Help us live a Lent focused on freedom, generosity, and encounter.
Give us hearts hungry to serve you and those who need what we have to give.
In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
Ngā mihi maioha
Ms. Maria Prescott
Marcellin College Board and Staff Profiles
Presiding Board Chair - Mr Filemoni Timoteo
I am the son of two migrants who came to Aotearoa in the 1970s to work and build a different life for their young family and support their families in Samoa. The legacy I was gifted with, is Love of God and Family, service, hard work and sacrifice for our families, church, villages; and applying and practicing Samoan tu and aganu’u (culture and customs). These are my foundations and guide my work and passion in Community and Economic Development of which I have been a practitioner for the past 30 years. However, education is where it all starts. I am honoured to have been elected as a board member since 2016 and privileged to be the Presiding member (Chair) for the last two terms.
I am a co-owner of a boutique consulting company with over 60 combined years’ experience furthering communities’ social and economic development aspirations. We specialise in governance, management, project or programme design, operational management as well relationship management. I know what successful partnerships look like and I know what they are built on, trust, honesty, and a commitment to people.
School Nurse - Ms Clare Corbett
My name is Clare Corbett, I’m the school nurse at Marcellin College, I’ve been here since 2015. I have just returned from maternity leave after having my son last June.
I was raised in Auckland, attended Western Springs College before going onto complete my Bachelor of Nursing and completing my New Graduate Years at Starship, Children’s Hospital.
My main roles and responsibilities at Marcellin College is to provide appropriate healthcare for all students. My role is full time here at Marcellin. We also have a school GP onsite once a week on Tuesday’s, along with a physio onsite two days a week - Wednesday and Fridays.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Clare Corbett
Nāhi (Nurse)
Tau wea: (09) 625 6509 extension 707
Email: corbettc@marcellin.school.nz
Guidance Counsellor - Mrs Theresa Hyde-Hills
I am an Aucklander~and was brought up in Mt Albert with five siblings. My ethnicity is Irish, English and Danish and my faith is Catholic. I have two daughters, Elisabeth and Sophia.
I attended Marist College, Auckland University and Massey University. My first teaching experience was at a Catholic Secondary School In Taveuni, Fiji.
When I returned to NZ I was appointed to a teaching position at Marcellin College. My eldest brother, Michael, attended Marcellin College in the 60s. I have been a staff member of Marcellin College for several decades. I started at the school as a teacher of Economics, Social Studies, Maths and Religious Education when the school was a boys only school. Later on I taught my youngest sister Economics at Marcellin.
I then retrained as a Guidance Counsellor and have been counselling for a number of years. It has been an honor and privilege to support and share in the journey through adolescence of many of our akonga. Sometimes I have been able to counsell akonga, whose parents I have also counseled.
Teenage years can be very challenging. The statistics say that 20% of young people struggle with mental health issues. Counselling is a private confidential service. In counseling we deal with issues such as friendship, bullying, social media issues, time management, academic and career counselling, and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
I have chosen to spend most of my working life at Marcellin as I do believe in and value the charism of Marcellin Champagnat. The school has always endeavoured to uphold his values and has particularly emphasized family values and the education of the ‘whole person’.
Special Character
Dedication Mass
Our Dedication Mass set the tone for our school year. We always dedicate our year to God. We pray that his Holy Presence will continue to enrich our lives; that all our words and actions give praise and honour to God’s name. Our Marcellin Pillar focus for the year is Aroaro/Presence. This means that we strive to be an active presence in our school community, showing support without expecting anything in return, contributing to our school events and classes and bringing God’s light to all we meet. I encourage all our ākonga to feel confident to participate in our school events, clubs and groups; to know that their contribution is valuable and makes a difference in the life of our kura.
Ash Wednesday
Our Lenten journey began with Ash Wednesday. It was a beautiful service at our school and we came together as one Christian community, seeking God’s grace and mercy. The ashes are an outwardly sign of renewing our commitment to God and to remember to “turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.” May this Lenten season remind us to be steadfast in our prayers, to fast from sin and serve our brothers and sisters in Christ through almsgiving. All our students are invited to pray at the Stations of the Cross every Friday at morning tea in the Chapel. The Stations of the Cross reflect on the events that led to the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Champagnat Partnership Student Leader Forum 2023
Tetrina Tuiletufuga (Head Prefect) and Vincent Matini (Special Character Prefect) with Marist ākonga / student leaders from across Aotearoa New Zealand came together in prayer and action in Christchurch as part of the Champagnat Leadership forum. Tetrina and Vincent represented our school with pride and honour! “I am extremely proud to be a Marcellin Student, and to be one of the leaders of Marcellin College. I thank all of the students that were at the Camp.” Vincent Matini.
Pray Mass
Caritas Aotearoa NZ is accepting donations to help the people of south-eastern Turkey and northern Syria, seriously affected by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake and aftershocks of Monday 6 February which toppled hundreds of buildings and killed many thousands of people.
Keep the people of Turkey and Syria in your prayers as they face widespread devastation and loss of life. We're in contact with our partners on the ground as they assess the scale of the damage and critical needs at this time.
If you would like to donate, you can do so online through the Caritas Emergency Donation tab at this link: www.caritas.org.nz/donate-online (Please specify that your donation is for Turkey Earthquake)
Or donate via the Caritas bank account: 03-0518-0211216-00 (please include your first & last name and put Turkey as the code.)
Dear God,
Through dark and difficult moments, we know that You are always with us. Today we come to You in prayer to ask You to bring comfort, healing and hope to the communities that have been devastated by this disaster.
Let the people of these nations rest in the comfort of knowing that You are with them and that you will provide for their needs as You always have.
In Jesus' Name,
Caring Foundation Flood Appeal
Special Appeal & Online Prayer Service - Blue Marists: Aleppo, Syria
Celebrating Ākonga Sucess
Last week on Rāhina/Monday 20 Huitanguru/February we held our Annual Academic assembly, celebrating our scholars for 2022.
Congratulations to the following students who received a Merit/Excellence endorsement in 2022.
NCEA Level 1 Endorsed with Merit in 2022
Joziah Atoa
- Vaughn Cawis
- Jasmine Christopher
- Grace Collins
- Harry Des Forges
- Lily Ermita
- George Gray
- Lupe Halafau
- Josiah Hall
- Sesilia Havili
- Susana Havili Kaufusi
- Karyssa Iona
- Lukas Mathew
- Albert Ng Chok
- Maile Ngata
- Nesinali Pomee
- Ron Ricafrente
- Quentin Rutene-Talamaivao
- Pafuti Sefo
- Akanesiline Sili
- Xantahna Smith
- Jacinta Taufao
- Joshua Tennent
- Sylvia Tuala
- Vanessa Ugapo
NCEA Level 1 Endorsed with Excellence in 2022
- Joshua Araneta
- Isaiah Bentley
- Louise Caballes
- Joseph Chavez
- Mark Daria
- Joshua Emmerson
- Sharan Jacob
- Gabriella Mafi
- Jonathan Paea Mataele
- Tyler Oroanu
- Vika Paea
Ceciley Payne Mapa
- Angelie Perillo
- Charlene Stowers
NCEA Level 2 Endorsed with Merit in 2022
- Sean Amparo
- Leane Diezmo
- Tawhetakino Fenton-Rutene
- Angel Ierome
- Ebony Lolesio
- Allyza Lomboy
- Clarisse Osorio
- Sean Panadero
- Angela Paunga
- Krystal Samasoni
- Andrei Samson
- Thea Santos
- Lingi Tu’itupou
- Tetrina Tuiletufuga
- Alex Vea
NCEA Level 2 Endorsed with Excellence in 2022
- Alacoque Ah Wa-Viau
- Eniselini Ali
- Heshan Balasooriya
- Ronan Gray
- Max Koenig
- Alani Leahe’uhila
- Elijah Malaitai
- William Palu
- Sabella Solivio
- Jazmin Ugapo
- Azael Setu Uini-Faiva
NCEA Level 3 Endorsed with Merit in 2022
- Shivnil Achary
- Tahamaka Anderton
- Chris Buysers
- Erin Chand
- Mafumaiala Fenunuti Ioane
- Joel Jose
- Karthik Kumar
- Thessa Metai
- Adarsh Nand
- Edmon Raad
- Rickson Rakoia-Malaesilia
- Brooklyn Temu
- Alesana Timoteo
- Trinity Tuala
- Daoj Yor
NCEA Level 3 Endorsed with Excellence in 2022
- Tyler Betham-Spencer
- Nicole Daria
- Nyl Duran
- Toshiro Mendoza
- Najeer Payne Faletau
- Rita Tuitavuki
- Ana Vea
Our school website has recently been updated to include a wider range of information regarding NCEA and assessments at Marcellin. Log onto our school website (www.marcellin.school.nz) and choose Our College / Our Curriculum / NZQA from the menu to find documents relating to NCEA at the national level and specific to Marcellin College. If your child is not yet in the senior school there are links to explain what NCEA is and how it works so you can find this out now - there are links to this information in English, Sign Language, Cook Island Māori, Te Reo Māori, Niuean, Samoan, and Tongan. If your child is in the senior school there are links to the 2023 NCEA Ākonga Guidelines, as well as the extension and appeals process for this year. This information has also been emailed to your ākonga. If you have any pātai/questions related to NCEA assessment please email Alisha Hunt (Tumuaki Tuarua and Principal's Nominee) at hunta@marcellin.school.nz
International Students
It has been lovely to have International students from Japan join us this term. They have settled well with the support of our students who have shown our Family Spirit in making them feel welcomed. They also thoroughly enjoyed themselves when they visited the Auckland museum last week.
Samoan Polyfest Pōsiva
The Samoan Group held a Po Siva fundraising event in the school gym on Saturday night. It was a night of celebration through culture. We are pleased to announce that the group raised over 10 thousand dollars to assist with this years costs. A special thanks to all our whānau and to the wider community who came to support. It was particularly special to see a huge presence from our kaiako / staff members.
Fa’afetai Lava
Mr Bourke
Athletics Day - Friday 3rd March
On 3rd of March we will finally have a school athletics day after many cancellations over the last few years due to Covid. The athletics day will be held at Trusts Arena in Waitakere and all our ākonga will travel to and from the venue in buses. The buses will leave school at 8.40am so ensure your child is at school by 8.30am so they do not miss the bus. Unfortunately we won't be able to wait for any late arrivals. The drop off zone outside the school chapel will also be unavailable for the morning so please drop your child off on a side street near the school. Please encourage your child to wear whānau colours on the day and proudly represent their whānau as we look forward to an exciting event.
Training and Game times
All training's and game times could be found on Marcellin College Sports Instagram so if you haven't already then jump online and give us a follow to stay up to date with everything sports.
Marcellin College Sports, Searching for Team Managers & Coaches
Te Ahi Ora 2023 - 13th to 15th March, 6pm-8pm at Marcellin College Field
We are thrilled to announce that Te Ahi Ora will be coming to the Tāmaki Makaurau this year! We deliver free performing arts lessons to schools, followed by free evening Fire Performances and lessons for your community.
Fire Performance is an emerging community activity that is rapidly spreading across the country. This exciting discipline engages the mind, connects with the body, and is incredibly fun and stimulating.
The last few years have been rather difficult for schools, students, and families, and we aim to re-ignite the passion for learning and community in a fun and highly engaging setting.
Te Ahi Ora has 5 main goals:
Encourage students to participate in physically challenging and satisfying activities
Boost self-confidence, encourage experimentation and foster creativity
Provide opportunities for personal growth and development
Build a sense of community through shared celebration and performance
Counter the negative effects of excessive screen time and digital addiction
See you there!
Parent Portal
An email has been sent to whānau and ākonga with the username and password details for accessing the parent portal via the link below.
Social Media Links
Measles Information
With the small number of measles cases back in circulation in NZ, we are asking parents to please be vigilant with monitoring your child's symptoms and please keep them home if they are unwell.
Please note in the link it explains the overlap between measles and covid-19 symptoms and what to do if you are unsure.
Any questions or concerns around this please do not hesitate to contact the school nurse"
School Policy - Reviews
Kia ora koutou whānau,
Please visit the link below to see the school policies and the current policy under review for this term are:
Legislation and Administration Policy
- Student Attendance
- Enrolment
- Privacy
- Official Information Request
- Uniform/Dress
- Boarding House Policies
All reviewers
- Visit the website https://marcellin.schooldocs.co.nz/1893.htm
- Enter the username (marcellin) and password (seekthebest).
- Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
- Read the policy.
- Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Select the reviewer type.
- Enter your name (optional).
- Submit your ratings and comments.
Please email office@marcellin.school.nz if you would like to have a hard copy provided and posted to you.
Community News and Events
New Whānau Evening/Meet the Kaiako
SHORT and LONG TERM Homestays Families Wanted!
Kind and welcoming families are required to provide homestay accommodation for International Students.
We are expecting a number of new International Students to arrive from a range of different countries throughout the year. Inviting an overseas student into your home and family not only benefits the student, but the hosting families will also enjoy the cultural enrichment hosting brings into their home. There will be a mixture of short and long term students arriving. The International team and our Homestay Company are available to assist homestay families throughout the student's stay.
For further information re payment, please contact Ms Tiffany O’Brien (obrient@marcellin.school.nz) at Marcellin College or Motoko Sugimura, KiwiCare Guardian Services Ltd (motoko@kiwienglish.co.nz)
Mount Albert Lions Rugby League: Under 16 Boys Team
Mount Albert Lions Rugby League: Under 16 boys team are looking for players for the 2023 season
Pre season training has commenced Tuesday and Thursday nights.
6.20pm Fowlds Park
Mt Albert
For more information contact Gerald (Coach) 0220483425 or Georgie (Manager) 0276120572