Siple Scoop
February 1, 2025
A Message From the Principal
Our students and staff are excited to celebrate Valentine's Day together. Our focus on Valentine's Day at Siple is to celebrate friendship. Because of the young age of our students, we often remind them that we don't have boyfriends and girlfriends. We are just friends to everyone and do our best to be kind to all. Valentine's Day parties will take place on Friday, February 14th. A few key points to keep in mind:
- Students may bring in Valentine cards. If students bring in cards, they must give a card to each student in the classroom.
- Teachers may have already sent home information about parties and the plans for their classrooms. If not, please watch for that information to come home soon. If you plan to help with snacks/treats for the party remember that they must be prepackaged and peanut restricted. Only send in snacks or treats pre-approved and pre-arranged with the teacher.
- Teachers will reach out to volunteers if help is needed. Party helpers will be selected by random draw with priority given to parents that haven't helped with parties previously this year. All party volunteers must have completed a volunteer application and be cleared before helping in the classroom.
- The focus of our parties is on the students in the classroom. For this reason, and due to limited space, please make other arrangements for siblings including babies.
I hope you enjoy a wonderful Valentine's Day!
Christy Flowers, Principal
Intersession II
You Are Invited!
The Siple Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) would love to have you join the team. parents/guardians are very important team members. You can be involved as much as your schedule allows. Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 11th at 4:00 p.m. in the Media Center. Please join us!
Order PTO Siple STARs T-shirts Now
Our wonderful PTO hosted a t-shirt design contest. 4th grade students were invited to enter drawings of original designs for this year's Siple STAR t-shirts. The winning design was created by Gabriella Buhl in Miss Cummings' class. The shirts are now available for sale online through Hilton Screeners in Davison. You can place an order for shirts for your students or families online at this link through February 12th. Siple STARs Shirts
Join Us in Friendly February Activities
As mentioned earlier, we celebrate Valentine's Day at Siple as a celebration of friendship. Your family can celebrate along with us this month by participating in Friendly February. Daily activities are shared on the calendar below if you would like to participate.
Challenging Academic Potential
The District has already shared this information with parents, but I felt it was worth resending it in case any parents missed it.
Davison is fortunate to offer educational programming targeted to meet the needs of all learners. The Challenging Academic Potential (CAP) program is designed to challenge our academically gifted students in grades one through six.
The CAP program begins in grade one with a cluster classroom and then transitions to full gifted classrooms for grades two through six. CAP then blends into honors and Advance Placement courses during a student’s middle and high school years. The CAP program for first through fourth graders is housed at Central Elementary and Hahn Intermediate for grades five and six.
A parent or teacher can nominate a student by February 14th to be considered for the CAP program.
Nomination forms can be found here: Parent Nomination Form
It's Time for Kindergarten Round-up
Can you believe that it is already time to start thinking about next year?! We will begin taking appointments for Kindergarten Round-Up on Tuesday, February 25th, 2025. If you have a child or know someone with a child who will be in Kindergarten next year, please be sure to call the Thomson office and make an appointment at (810) 591-0911.
Kindergarten Round-Up for all Davison Elementary Buildings will take place at Thomson Elementary April 21st - 25th.
If you have younger children at home we wanted to make you aware that we are now starting the waiting list for Early-5's. Our Developmental Kindergarten program is for children that will turn 5 between June 15th and December 1st. This is an excellent program to prepare young children for kindergarten. It is a full day program that focuses on kindergarten readiness. To add your child to the waitlist please call the Thomson Elementary office at (810) 591-0911 as soon as possible.
**As a note, our current Developmental Kindergarten (DK) students do not need to make an appointment as your child(ren) are already completely enrolled as Davison students. As always, please do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions.**
Help For Parents
Anti-Bullying Presentations
In the month of February the Mrs. Liley will visit classrooms to give a presentation about anti-bullying.
The goals of these presentations are to:
Define bullying
Give ways to prevent it
List suggestions on how to handle bullying
Define an upstander and describe the impact of is individual
One of the most common mistakes students make is the definition. One mean event is not necessarily bullying.
Bullying happens when someone hurts or scares another person on purpose and the person being bullied has a hard time defending him or herself. Usually bullying happens over and over.
After the presentation students will bring home a note to parent(s)/guardian(s). This will detail definitions, prevention, how to handle the bully behavior, and define the role of an upstander. Please be sure to go over this information with your child. Your children are so precious to all of us at Siple Elementary. Thank you for being wonderful parent(s)/guardian(s)!
Cell Phones and Smart Watches
Our school day is filled from start to finish in an effort to help every student reach their highest academic potential. Cell phones and Smart watches can interfere with quality learning time and cause disruptive behavior. If you require your student to have a cell phone or Smart watch at school, please remind them it is to be turned off and packed away in their backpack while at school. I am sharing a passage from the District Parent and Student Handbook 2023-2024 below.
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices: In the elementary and middle school buildings, cell phones, smart watches, and other electronic devices are to be used for emergency purposes only and after school hours. Their use during the school day presents a disruption to the educational process.
Thank you for your help and support with this matter.
Music Notes from Mrs. Odglen
Performance Season has arrived!
2025 Musical Performances:
These events will be performed in the new Performing Arts Center at Davison High School.
*Letters were sent home from Mrs. Odglen that provided details needed for these performing groups.*
2nd Grade Musical = February 13, 2025
7:00pm in the DHS Performing Arts Center
The 2nd graders need to be dropped off to Mrs. Odglen at the PAC no later than 6:45pm.!
4th Grade Musical = March 13, 2025
7:00pm in the DHS Performing Arts Center
The 2nd graders need to be dropped off to Mrs. Odglen at the PAC no later than 6:45pm.!
3rd Grade Recorder Concerts = May 15, 2025
This will take place in our Siple Gymnasium. Times will stagger as follows:
Smith = 6:00 – 6:30pm
McKenna = 6:40 – 7:20pm
Gable = 7:40 – 8:10pm
News from Mrs. Harig in PE Class
One of the best ways to help children become more active is by seeing positive role models around them engaging in physical activity. This reminds them that they are a part of a community that supports and encourages one another to be healthy and active.
Siple’s physical education teacher, Mrs. Harig, wants to showcase as many students and teachers as possible demonstrating physical activity both in and out of school through a bulletin board right outside the gymnasium. Please send any photo(s) of your child(ren) doing something active (playing a sport, moving in or outside, playing a game, etc.) to eharig@davisonschools.org by Wednesday, February 12th. Thank you for participating in this teaching opportunity.
Important Dates to Remember
February 5 - 9: Kindness and Friendship Spirit Week: See details above.
February 6: Celebration of 100th Day of School
February 11: SMILES Dental Program for registered participants
PTO Meeting 4:00 p.m., Media Center
February 12: Count Day
Last day to order Siple T-shirts: see ordering information above
February 13: 2nd grade Concert, 7:00 p.m., DHS Performing Arts Center
February 14: Valentine's Day parties in the afternoon
February 17 - 21: No School at Siple, Intersession II for registered students
February 24: School Resumes
February 26: Early Release Day, Dismissal begins at 1:30 p.m.