Pirate Choir Newsletter
Week of August 19th
Choir Fees and Forms
- Click HERE to pay your choir fee and complete your online form! This is required by all students by August 26th! To set up a payment plan for the choir fee, please contact Mrs. Capshaw at grace.capshaw@wylieisd.net and we'd be happy to work with your family to complete this payment.
Click the button below to view the choir handbook to find out more about grading, events, point system, and more!
See the link below to access the 24-25 choir calendar. The choir calendar is always linked at the bottom of the newsletter each week as well as live at wyliechoir.com
Come get extra help on the first round of the District Music during the first half of lunch Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Officers and upper classmen will sing with you and help you!
Region Auditions
If your singer is interested in auditioning for the Texas All-State Choir, the first round is called "Region Phase 1/District" and is coming up soon on September 14th. He/she is hopefully practicing already, but it is not too late to decide to audition!
There is a cost associated with the Region Phase 1 Audition, and it is $25. This audition is completely optional for students who are not enrolled in A Cappella Choir. You can pay the $25 fee online here.
To practice at home, all of the music and tracks are on our website. The password is ahmo.
In order to attend the first round of auditions, students must pass the Mock Audition on their Region music on Monday-Tuesday, August 26th-27th. Students will be provided the Mock Audition cuts/tracks on Friday afternoon.
Please do NOT sign up for the SAT on November 2nd if you plan to participate in the All Region Audition Process, as the All Region Clinic and Concert is November 2nd.
Swash Information
Thank you to all our fabulous singers who auditioned for Swash this week! The list will be posted this coming Monday or Tuesday afternoon, in the choir room and on the Band App!
What else should I know?
For those who make it in to the group, there is a mandatory parent meeting in the choir room on August 29th at 6:15 PM. This meeting is to help parents learn more about the group and the required performances and time commitment.
New District Communication
Pirate Choir Families,
Hopefully you have seen emails from the district regarding our new streamlined communication website/app. This should help you see all of your student's classroom updates in the same place, instead of Google Classroom/Skyward/etc.
Important updates each of your child's teachers will appear in ParentSquare similar to a Facebook feed, and you can add your phone number to get text notifications when a new update is posted. You can access this website on your desktop, but the most convenient place is the Wylie ISD Connect App for IOS and Android. (Sorry, I know you probably don't want another app.) Wylie ISD has heard your complaints about drowning in information and this is the solution they have found to try to fix the problem.
NOTE: Wylie ISD Connect is the district's app integrated with ParentSquare. Posts, messages, etc. sent in ParentSquare will show up in the app. You can also go to parentsquare.com on your desktop to see the EXACT SAME information.
To read more about this change and for help accessing your account, see this link: https://www.wylieisd.net/our-families/parentsquare-help
Presto Info
Wylie ISD is transitioning it's fine arts programs to a new platform called Presto that the choir will be using to streamline online payments, finances, inventory, forms, and uniform distribution. In the next few weeks, choir parents will be receiving a welcome email through Presto to their email addresses and we ask that you verify their email when prompted so we can get your account set up in Presto. This tool will help us to stay even more organized in our program details and information distribution, and we appreciate you verifying your account information when you receive an email from Presto.
Voice Lesson Scholarships
Voice Scholarship applications are live and available for families of students in voice lessons who might need some financial assistance. Please apply via the link below by August 31st to be considered for a vocal scholarship. You will notified via the Wylie Choir Booster if your student has been selected to receive a scholarship. Voice scholarship students are expected to help volunteer in the WHS Choir Concession Stand once in the fall and once in the spring.
Tempo Info
Click Here for Tempo dates and ad info!
Dates specific to Tempo are on this webpage.
Be sure you are also keeping up with the full Choir Calendar!
Ad Deadlines:
$200 by November 22
$200 by February 28
Chamber Singers Info
Click Here for Chamber Singers dates and info!
Dates specific to Chamber Singers are on this webpage.
Be sure you are also keeping up with the full Choir Calendar!
$80 Chamber Singers fee is due September 27
Monday, August 26 - Fees and Forms Due
Monday, August 26-Mod Pizza Spirit Day
Monday, August 26- Region Mock Auditions, during class
Tuesday, August 27 - Region Mock Auditions, during class
Thursday, September 5 - Uniform Night, 4:00pm - 7:30pm, Choir Room
Friday, September 13 - Future Pirate Night, 5:30-7:00 PM
Saturday, September 14 - District Auditions for Region Choir, all day, WHS
Saturday, September 21 - Grab your Booty Party at Breckenridge Part, Lot C, 12-3 pm
Monday, September 23 - HOCO parade, Tempo
Thursday, September 26 - FALL CONCERT, 7PM, The Cross Church *required event
Thursday, September 26-Booster General Meeting, 6:15 PM, The Cross Church
Thursday, September 26-Mod Pizza Spirit Day
Calendar is Here!
Please add these dates to your family/work calendar, as we work very hard to give the dates to you as soon as possible. Major grade events are highlighted in green. Please do not schedule conflicts on major grade event days.
Spain 2025
Bobo and the fam