Whaling News
Message from Principal Hernandez
October 2024
Dear Lido School Families,
As we enter the month of October, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your ongoing support and partnership in making Lido School a wonderful place for our students to grow. A special thank you goes out to our incredible PTA and all the families who participated in and helped organize our Color Run event! It was an amazing success, filled with joy, energy, and community spirit. Your contributions truly made the day memorable for our students.
In addition to celebrating this event, I’d like to share a few important reminders:
Street Safety: Please take time to review safe crossing procedures with your children. We ask that all students use designated crosswalks and follow directions from crossing guards to ensure their safety.
Parking Lot Etiquette: For those driving to school, kindly follow the parking lot rules. Please park in designated spots and avoid double parking, as it creates unsafe conditions. Your patience and attentiveness make a big difference in keeping our school community safe.
Thank you again for all that you do to support our students and staff. Together, we can continue to create a positive and safe environment for everyone.
Warm regards,
Dr. Ivelisse Hernandez
Principal, Lido School
We are Lido Strong and Lido Proud!!
Family Information
Family Handbook
After reviewing the Lido Family Handbook with child(ren), please complete the acknowledgment form using the link below.
Only ONE form needs to be completed per family.
Family Handbook Acknowledgement FormOctober Calendar
Visit lbeach.org for our monthly calendars.
Lido Safe Zone
In order to ensure the safety of all students and maintain a smooth flow of traffic, please review the following procedures:
Bus & Fire Lanes (areas with cones):
Do not park in the fire or bus lane areas.
Do not remove cones to park in the fire lane areas.
Handicap Spots:
Handicapped parking is only for vehicles with proper stickers.
Do not park in the handicap parking area without a proper sticker.
Use the crosswalks for the safety of all pedestrians.
Walk with the crossing guard when using Lido Blvd.
Walker Zone:
All parents of walkers must meet their child(ren) at the “Walker Zone”. Parents are asked to park their cars in the parking lot when dropping off or picking up their walkers/car riders.
Children will NOT be dismissed from the walker zone to the parking lot by ANY Lido staff member. This is for the safety of all students, staff and parents.
If you have a child(ren) in multiple grades please pick up your youngest child first.
Bike Riders:
Use the designated bike racks to park bikes.
Walk your bike during arrival and dismissal times for safety.
Remember to wear a helmet and follow all bike safety rules.
Drop Off Lane:
When you come to the drop off lane, be sure to let your child/children exit your car on the curb side (right side). You cannot park and leave your car in the drop off lane. Please do not double park or create two drop lanes, near the drop off lane for the safety of students and staff. If you would like to walk your child/children to school please park your car in the parking lot.
As a friendly reminder, please be sure to stand in the walker zone during dismissal. Students will not be allowed to walk to the parking lot area without an adult. We also ask that students are not taken off their line without notifying their teacher first for the safety of all students.
Visiting Lido:
Whether you are visiting our school, heading to the nurses office, or need to do an early pick-up, please be sure to go to our security in our main entrances and bring photo ID.
With the safety and well-being of our school community as our top priority, we have security guards onsite to ensure that all members of our community are kept safe. It is crucial that we all follow their directions and guidance in a respectful manner. Your support and cooperation in following these procedures are greatly appreciated. Together, we can create a safe and secure environment for our students, staff, and families.
Thank you for your dedication to the safety of our school community.
Rosh Hashanah October 3rd & 4th - School Closed
Learning Waves
Dr. Hernandez Favorite Books
One of my favorite things to do is read. Here are a few of my new favorite read aloud books. Enjoy!
What? No More Halloween? A Witch's Fight to Save the Letters by K.M. Messina Interactive Read Aloud
When the mayor of Halloween wants to change the town’s name, it’s up to a little witch to save the day! As the mayor orders the letters to be taken down from the town sign, the witch swoops in to defend them one by one. Will she be able to save them all? Or will Halloween be gone forever?
This cleverly-written, poetic tale will introduce children to the letters that spell Halloween. As an added ounce of fun, readers of all ages will enjoy finding Kitty the black cat hiding in the scenes!
This book would make a wonderful non-candy treat for a young Halloween lover.
Click below for the read aloud!
What? No More Halloween? A Witch's Fight to Save the Letters
I am We: A Book of Community (Read by Dr. Hernandez)
part of a world-wide community,
diverse and magnificent, kind and accepting, supportive and present.
All of us important, none of us alone.
Sometimes we may wonder, how does caring for ourselves help anyone else? But then we realize that the better we feel inside, the more we can be there for others—our friends, families, and communities. We are part of something bigger than ourselves, and when we each turn our goodness and compassion outward, we can create, learn, and love.
From the New York Times bestselling team behind the I Am series comes a celebration of caring for ourselves AND others with open hearts and minds. Whether it’s listening to a friend, welcoming newcomers with open arms, or standing up against injustice, I Am We shows us what true community looks like—and the amazing things that can happen when we come together.
Click here for a peek of the book!
Spirit Day
Wear your Lido Gear on Friday, October 11th & November 1st
Lido Spirit Days
Lido Elementary Spiritwear
Purchase your custom school spirit wear apparel and Spiritwear Direct will ship the products right to your door.
Dias Del Espiritu
New Spirit Wear
Nuevo Ropa de Espiritu
Monday, October 14th Columbus Day/Indigenous People Day - School Closed
Picture Day Friday, October 18th
Fifth Grade Parent Committee
Fifth Grade Parent Committee Letter
Carta del Comité de Padres de Quinto Grado
Trunk or Treat is on Saturday, October 26th at 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Trunk or Treat - Fall Festival
Trompa o Tratar - Festival de Otono
Candy Collection
Colccion de Dulces
International Dot Day
International Dot Day
Lido PTA
Lido PTA News
PTA Membership Form
PTA Membership Form (Spanish)
Red Ribbon Week: October 28th to November 1st
Red Ribbon Week
Semana del Lazo Rojo
Red Ribbon Wellness Challenge
Semana del Lazo Rojo Bienestar Semanal
Character Parade is on Thursday, October 31st @ 2:45PM
Contact Us
Website: www.lbeach.org
Location: Lido Elementary School,
237 Lido Boulevard, Lido Beach, NY, USA
Phone: (516) 897-2141
Twitter: @LbnyLido