Appleton Echo
Spring Term 1 Week 1
A word from Mr Broom
After the craziness of the final week of term, our staff and children took a well-earned rest over the Christmas break, and it's been great to see everyone back to it this week, refreshed and ready to go.
Hopefully by next week, I'm hoping to have received the draft of our Ofsted report and shortly thereafter, be able to share it with you.
Finally, thank you for your understanding with our closure on Monday. I can't believe that many rural schools remained closed for some days. Let's hope the weather improves for next week.
Have a super weekend everyone.
Safeguarding Newsletter
With this in mind, It was brought to our attention that a member of the public and York press happened to write about our school but using information from Dojo. Can I please remind you that Dojo is for parents/family of our school only and the information is not to be shared.
Our award winners from this week!
This Week in School
Reception were outside doing experiments with the cold weather
Year 1 used watercolours to create a picture
Year 2 have been following instructions to direct our robot partner around the classroom in computing.
Year 3/4 we were a bit surprised to find a Trojan horse in their classroom
Great Maths in Year 5 & 6 dividing fractions.
Reception and Year 1 were outside exploring for their Winter Sense Poem.
Whats on next week:
Thursday 16th: Club Night
Friday 17th: Celebration Assembly 2.45pm
Please could you complete the google form below if you haven't already completed it by 6th December.
Thank you
Wrap-around Care
Here is the link for Spring Term 1, any Ad-hoc can be made through admin on the day.
Extra Curricular Clubs
Here is the link for the clubs this term.
They will run on Thursday night for the next 3 weeks (16th,23rd,30th Jan)
Each week we will have a question which is designed to develop thinking and reasoning skills and to enhance self esteem with an emphasis on collaborative inquiry.
This week your children have been discussing the philosophy question below. What do you think?
Philosophy for Children
PTA meeting with be held on Tuesday 22nd January. 6.30pm in the main hall. We hope to see you there.
Outside School Activities
We are a 'Nut Free' School
A polite reminder that we have children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that you do not bring nuts on to the school site or include them in packed lunches.
Thank you for your support with this.