Conroe High School Tiger Tracks
August 11, 2024
Message from Dr. Smith and Mr. Meyer
Hello Conroe Tiger Families,
Can you believe that the first day of school is here!!! We look forward to welcoming our Tigers on Wednesday August 14th! All Freshmen will report to CHS9 on the first two days of school! Our shuttles do not begin until, Friday August 16th. Here are some important updates and reminders!
1st Day of School
All students will report to Homeroom the first day of school. Homerooms will be posted all throughout the building and there will be staff to let your student know where they need to report to homeroom.
Schedule Pick-Up
Students may pick-up their schedules on Monday, August 12th during the times below. If your student is not able to come during the scheduled time, they will be able to see a draft of their schedule in Student Access on Monday, August 12th. All students will have the opportunity to walk their schedule during their scheduled pick-up time. You will have an opportunity to meet your students’ teachers at Parent Information Night which will be on a later date.
Schedule Pick-Up Times
12th grade 2:30-3:30
11th grade 4:00-5:00
10th grade 5:30-7:00
9th grade 4:00 - 6:00
All students grades 9-12, will report to homeroom on the first day of school. Homerooms are assigned by last name and we will have signs posted to direct the students to their room. Students will receive a printed copy of their official schedule during homeroom.
Request for an adjustment will only be done if a core class is missing, requesting a level change in a core class, or your student has a class in which they have already earned credit. If your student has a request for any of the mentioned reasons, they may pick a request for schedule adjustment form during lunch beginning Tuesday, August 20, 2024. Forms must have a parent/guardian signature. Students can return their forms during lunch the next school day in order to obtain a parent/guardian signature.
All forms are due by Friday, August 23, 2024 and will not be accepted after this date.
Requests for electives are not being accepted.
Student Handbook
Please be sure to review the CHS Student Handbook with your student.
CHS Student Handbook 2024-2025
Student IDs
Conroe ISD requires that all students grades 9 - 12 wear a school issued student IDs. All students will receive a new ID on the first week of school. Student IDs must be worn on their person (not attached to a bag). They must be worn at chest level or above with a lanyard or an ID clip. Students who do not have their ID will be required to purchase a temporary ID for $1. If a student loses their ID they must purchase a replacement ID for $5.
Cell Phones
Cell phones and their use is not allowed during instructional time. Instructional time is the time in which a student is in class. This means that if a student leaves class to go to the restroom, see the nurse, or report to the AP/Counselor office (for example) they may not take their phone from class. All teachers will have a designated storage spot in their classrooms where students are to put their phones. Cell phone use is only allowed before school, after school, during class transitions, and at lunch. Cell phones and smartwatches should not be used to capture video, audio, or images at school or on the bus unless given permission by campus staff.
Get Involved
Parents and Guardians, you have the opportunity to get involved at the Campus Level as well as the District Level! PTO information is below. The District-Level Planning & Decision Making Committee is currently looking for a Parent Representative for the Conroe High School Feeder. The deadline to apply is on Thursday, August 15th. CLICK HERE to learn more!
Student Drop-Off
Conroe High School - If your child is a car rider, the drop-off and pick-up is off of Longmire and Wilson Rd. Please be sure to see the Car Rider Map below!
CHS9 - If your child is a car rider, be sure to see the map below. All car riders will enter through the athletic entrance. Those students who wish to eat breakfast will be able to go to the cafeteria to eat. Students who are not eating will sit in the gym until it is time to go to class.
Parent Portal
In an effort to help our parents, we are moving to a Parent Portal for parents to access information about their child. You will login similar to the way your child does for school (similar to the SSO) to access school information. All parents/guardians will need to enroll to create an account. You will need the email address that is in your child’s record. Once you enter the email, you will be prompted to create a password. Please make sure to use this tool throughout the year to check your student’s grades, schedule, attendance and more. Teachers send notifications about grades through this portal as well.
Click Parent Portal Directions to for instructions or go to Conroe ISD Webpage then Parents/Students to access the link to the Parent Portal.
Schedule Pick-Up
Students may pick-up their schedules on Monday, August 12th during the times below. If your student is not able to come during the scheduled time, they will be able to see a draft of their schedule in Student Access on Monday, August 12th. All students will have the opportunity to walk their schedule during their scheduled pick-up time. You will have an opportunity to meet your students’ teachers at Parent Information Night which will be on a later date.
Schedule Pick-Up Times
12th grade 2:30-3:30
11th grade 4:00-5:00
10th grade 5:30-7:00
9th grade 4:00 - 6:00
All students grades 9-12, will report to homeroom on the first day of school. Homerooms are assigned by last name and we will have signs posted to direct the students to their room. Students will receive a printed copy of their official schedule during homeroom.
Request for an adjustment will only be done if a core class is missing, requesting a level change in a core class, or your student has a class in which they have already earned credit. If your student has a request for any of the mentioned reasons, they may pick a request for schedule adjustment form during lunch beginning Tuesday, August 20, 2024. Forms must have a parent/guardian signature. Students can return their forms during lunch the next school day in order to obtain a parent/guardian signature.
All forms are due by Friday, August 23, 2024 and will not be accepted after this date.
Requests for electives are not being accepted.
Parent Information Nights
Please mark your calendars to attend grade level meeting nights this Fall. You will have a chance to have a grade level overview and a meet and greet with the academic teachers. It is not a time for a parent conference, but an opportunity to hear about class expectations for grades, assignments, projects, etc.
Seniors - August 26, 2024
Freshmen- September 9, 2024
Juniors- September 16, 2024
Sophomores September 23, 2024
Lunch Charges
Child Nutrition offers meal service for breakfast and lunch to the children of Conroe ISD from EC – 12th grade on a daily basis during the school year. Per CISD Board of Trustees Policy CO (Local), students are allowed 15 days (breakfast and lunch) to charge their meals. This time period is allowing for families to navigate any financial challenges or apply for the school lunch program (free/reduced meals). Once the 15-day charges have expired, the policy dictates that administrative procedures be developed to address students that exhaust the 15-day limit on insufficient balances. Please see this document for more information.
Spirit Nights and Fundraisers
Please help our Conroe High Clubs and Organizations by attending a CHS Spirit Night Fundraiser or supporting a fundraiser
On Friday, 23rd, DECA is having a fundraiser at Canes. See the details below!
We have included the Alpha Breakdown for our Assistant Principals and Counselors. Click Here to view it as well!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us:
Conroe High School: 936-709-5700 or contactchs@conroeisd.net.
Conroe High School 9th Grade Campus: 936-709-4000 or contactchs9@conroeisd.net
We greatly appreciate your continued support!
Sic ‘em Tigers,
Tasha Smith
Principal, Conroe High School
Kevin Meyer
Principal, Conroe High School 9th Grade Campus
MISSION - Conroe High School is a safe and supportive environment that promotes diverse programs with rigorous expectations by instilling Tiger PRIDE!
VISION - All Tigers Achieve
CHS School Calendar and Other Events
Conroe High School PTO
Please join our CHS PTO!!! Joining is easy, please click the link below to join! To stay current on all things PTO, please join the CHS PTO Facebook Group. If you have any questions, please contact our PTO President Lisa Neal: ptoconroehighschool@gmail.com
Important Information for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Car Riders - Parents please be sure to look at the Student Drop-Off Map! Please plan for delays with the car rider line. Our doors will open at 6:45 and First Period begins at 7:15.
Parking Passes - Parking passes are only available for Juniors and Seniors who are eligible. If your child is driving to school please be sure they take care of everything they need to in order to purchase a parking pass. For information about parking passes, please click on the Parking Pass Info. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to Debra Gray-Baca: dlgraybaca@conroeisd.net
Important Information For Freshmen
CHS9 Car Riders:
If you bring your student to school by vehicle, then please remember that the traffic loop in front of the Ninth Grade Campus contains two lanes. Vehicles can utilize the inside lane (left lane) to help alleviate traffic. When our duty personnel see students getting out of the vehicle from the left lane, we will stop traffic in the right lane allowing your student to cross safely. Please remind your student to check traffic before getting out of the vehicle. Parents, please continue to drive slowly and safely in the student drop-off area. We appreciate your attention to safety and patience every day.
Ninth Grade Students with Classes at CHS:
My first block class is at CHS what do I do? Beginning August 16th
If you are a freshman and your FIRST and/or SECOND period class is at CHS, you are to report to the Conroe High School in the morning. If you have questions about your bus route from home to the CHS, then please contact CISD transportation at 936-709-7940 or CHS9 at 936-709-4000. You will ride a shuttle bus from CHS to CHS9 at the end of FIRST and/or SECOND period.
My last block class is at CHS, what do I do?
If you are a freshman and your SEVENTH and/or EIGTH period class is at CHS, then you will ride a shuttle bus to CHS at the end of fifth/sixth period. Your day will end at CHS. You will need to go home from the CHS campus by car or by bus. If you have questions about your bus route from the CHS to home, then please contact CISD transportation at 936-709-7940 or CHS9 at 936-709-4000.
CHS9 Car Rider Map
Mobile App
Stay in touch with CISD by downloading our new mobile app!
Download the app on your mobile device today and select ‘yes’ to receive push notifications with the latest news and updates from the District.
Key Features:
• Push Notifications - Select ‘yes’ when you download the app to receive the latest push notifications from the District.
• Calendar Events - Add events to the calendar on your personal mobile device directly from the calendar section on the app.
• News - Check out the latest District-wide and school news all in one place!
Conroe High School
Email: resmith@conroeisd.net
Website: chs.conroeisd.net
Phone: 936.709.5700
Twitter: @ConroeHigh