AGCS Summer Reading Resources
Incoming 1st-6th Grade
Dear Families & Caregivers,
As the school year comes to a close we want to take this opportunity to congratulate our students for working hard over the course of the 24-25 school year. They have shown tremendous growth and had a little fun along the way!
Over the summer months, it is important for students to maintain all the reading gains they’ve made this year. The best way to do this is for students to read for pleasure. We encourage you to provide opportunities for your students to read independently and with you throughout the summer.
We have provided you with a sample list of books, below. Feel free to choose books from the list or supplement them with texts your child prefers to read. In addition, we supplied a Summer Reading Bingo Boards and other resources to help make the reading experiences fun and engaging for your child.
If you are in need of locating or purchasing books for summer reading, please reach out to Mrs. Weaver for assistance.
Happy Reading!