Denmark Digest
July 2024
Message from Kim Oliver, Principal
Dane Families,
I hope all of our students and families are enjoying the summer! If you are a returning student, we are excited to see you back on campus in a few weeks. To all of our new families, we are proud that you will be part of Dane nation next year.
Our administration team, counselors, clerical staff, and custodians have been working hard this summer to prepare for the 2024-25 school year. The purpose of this newsletter is to highlight some of the ideas that we have been working on for 2024 - 2025 so that families can feel acclimated to Denmark before the year begins.
Each month, I will share a new edition of the Denmark Digest. This newsletter allows us to highlight the many positive events that happen on our campus and also preview upcoming events or simply provide you with information that you need to know.
We look forward to partnering with all of our Dane families and working together to demonstrate why it is always a Great Day to Be a Dane!
Go Danes!
Kim Oliver
Curriculum Nights for Denmark Community of Schools
Congratulations to our Boys State Program Participants
Congratulations to our students who attended Boys State this summer.
Pictured left to right: Tyler Smith, Connor Kazemi, Lawton Browder, Shea Liliford
PTSO is Need of Volunteers to Kickoff the School Year
Our wonderful PTSO has a strong partnership with Denmark High School. Each year, PTSO members assist administrators with back to school items.
If you would like to help us by volunteering your time before school begins, we would greatly appreciate it. Please use the QR code in the flyer below to sign up to assemble binders for new and returning teachers.
PTSO also hosts a Back to School Breakfast for all staff on the first day of preplanning: August 24th. If you can help by providing food, paper products, and drinks for the breakfast, please use the QR code in the flyer below to sign up.
Thanks so much for all the support you give to Denmark on a continual basis.
Did Your Student Miss a Final Exam in May of 2024?
Any student who missed a final exam has the opportunity to makeup that exam on Tuesday, July 30th.
An Important Note About Summer School and Schedules for Next Year
Important Notice: Summer Course Completion and Fall Course Placement
Reminder: Successful completion of a summer course does not guarantee automatic placement in the next level course for the upcoming fall semester.
Several factors contribute to the placement process, including course availability, prerequisites, and overall academic performance.
We recommend considering alternative options or backup plans in case your desired course placement is not available. This might include exploring elective options.
Summer Hours for 2024
For Your Calendar
July 31: Freshman Orientation
July 31: New Student Orientation for 10th - 12th Grade Students
July 31: Walk-About for Returning 10th - 12th Grade Students
August 1: 1st Day of School
August 22: Curriculum Night for Denmark High School
Attendance Matters
Administrative and Counseling Caseloads for 2024 - 2025
Our administrators and counselors work together with a specific part of the alphabet. This pairing allows families to work with one consistent team. Please see the graphics below for the teams for this year!
Counseling Corner
Dual Enrollment
- All fall schedules are due to counselors by August 1st.
- If you need a change to your funding application, please click HERE. Note- students are only allowed 3 schedule changes per year.
Freshman Orientation
- July 31st from 8-11:30am (see main website for details)
10th-12th Walkabout
- July 31st from 11:30am-1pm
Upcoming webinars from Applerouth: REGISTER HERE
Sometimes in the summer, students and adults may need assistance with mental health struggles. Please see the link below for resources for our families.
2024 - 2025 Student Schedule Information
- Schedules will be released on July 23rd.
- No schedule changes will be made via email or phone call.
- If your schedule needs to be corrected, please come to the school to meet with a counselor during the following walk-in times:
- July 23rd, 24th, and 25th (1-3pm)
- July 29th & 30th (9-11am)
- First Day of School (all day, counseling suite)
Students will be provided opportunities to meet with counselors before school begins for schedule corrections.
Reasons for Schedule Corrections:
- Student has already earned credit in the course
- Student has not met the course prerequisites
- Course is listed twice in a student's schedule
- Student has a period in their schedule with no assigned course or FVA/DE/GAVS/IE2 placeholder
- Senior needs a specific class to graduate
- Student needs course to complete a pathway (schedule will be changed if there is space in the requested class)
- Student is requesting for virtual/Dual enrollment/IE2 placeholder to be moved from AM to PM or PM to AM (approval will be contingent upon student's requested face to face courses)
- Student schedule says "See Counselor"
In order to keep class sizes equitable, we are unable to make changes to schedules for the following reasons, which include but are not limited to
Preference of lunch periods
Preference of teacher
Preference of class periods
Preference of electives
Parking for 2024 - 2025
Parking is available for 2024 - 2025! We are currently accepting payment through Schoolpay.com.
(If you need to pay with cash or check ($135), we will begin accepting those forms of payment on July 24th)
- If you need to create a School Pay account, please click https://schoolpay.com/login/registration
- You will need the student ID number and last name to set up an account
- The parking fee for the 2024-2025 school year is $135.
*Parking Pass Pick Up will begin on July 24th in the front office between 8:00-12:00.
Students MUST come in person (no parent or friend) and bring their driver’s license (NO LEARNERS PERMITS WILL BE ACCEPTED) and proof of payment (printed receipt or phone receipt) in order to pick up their pass.
- Students that do not pick up their pass BEFORE the first day of school are NOT allowed to drive the first day. You must have your pass in your car before driving into the school lot.
Link to application: https://forms.gle/Yrgj7cRhSHoihuLs8
Please Note:
Parking is a privilege and students are not guaranteed a spot. Extracurricular activities, grade level, and designations such as IE2, Work Based Learning, Mentorship, Out of District and Dual Enrollment DO NOT guarantee preferential parking
Mark Your Calendars!
Join The Place for an ESL Event
We are excited about the opportunities below to assist families in our community - ESL Family Literacy Series and Free Tutoring
Mentoring Opportunity for High School Students
High School Students- Here is a mentoring opportunity for the summer!
Summer News
GA State Requirement of Meningococcal (MCV4) Booster Dose
If your child will be 16 years of age prior to the start of school on August 1, 2024, they must receive this booster dose!
Don't Wait! Schedule their appointment as soon as they are eligible!
About Us
Website: https://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/dhs
Location: 645 Mullinax Road, Alpharetta, GA
Phone: 470.533.2521
Twitter: @DenmarkHS