Conquistador News for Families
Monday, February 24 to Saturday, March 1
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Week 26 of 37 weeks
We are a short 5 days away from Intersession (tutoring for 3 days) and Spring Break. This week brings nine weeks tests as we conclude the 3rd nine weeks! Can you believe after Friday, we only have 9 weeks left of school.
I want to thank all of our families for choosing Del Valle Middle School for your teen's education. We love our students and want each of them to thrive! Let's make this a great week. I know our teens can make it through these final 5 days before break.
With all of our families support, we can win the February attendance banner! Let's beat out Eastwood and get back on top- why? because our teens are great!!
One Family, One Destiny (OFOD)
Big Bad Blue!
Order your yearbook today!
On sale now for $32.00.
Breakfast in the Cafeteria
Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria from 7:40 a.m. to 8:25 a.m.
Breakfast will not be served past 8:25 a.m.
All breakfast will be consumed in the cafeteria.
Student Attendance
Help us win the February Banner! We are so close!
Happening this Week at Del Valle Middle
SEL: Responsibility
Library: Make Friends with a Book
Read Across America Week
- SEL Check In
- Honor Guitar Concert @ YISD 6:00 p.m.
- ASSESSMENT: TELPAS Listening and Speaking
- MS Orchestra Contest 3:30 p.m. Montwood High School
- DVMS eSports vs Ysleta MS Mario Cart 8
- MS Choir Concert 12:30 p.m.
- Spring Concert Band 5:30 p.m. DVMS Gym
- ASSESSMENT: SS Checkpoints
- RCC Meeting 7:50 a.m.
- MS Orchestra Contest 1:00 p.m.
- DVMS eSports vs Ysleta MS Mario Cart 8
- Volunteer Meeting 1:30
- Swim Meet @ Eastside 4:30
- End of 3rd 9 Weeks
- Food Trucks
Saturday, March 1
- Sun City Dance Competition
- MS Band Entry due
- Basketball 6th Grade Intramurals @ Hanks Middle
- VEX Regional State Competition- all 3 teams are in!
- Track @ Del Valle Middle School
We have sent out letters to our families whose students are to attend intersession.
Why does my teen need to attend intersession?
- Your teen needs growth in reading or math
- Your teen needs growth in science or social studies
- Your teen has excessive absences
Intersession information is as follows:
When? Monday, March 3, Tuesday, March 4 and Wednesday, March 5
Time? 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Breakfast: 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
Lunch: will be provided
Dismissal: 3:00 p.m.
Transportation will be provided.
Students may wear free dress to intersession.
Thank you for supporting your teens growth!
March 6th to March 17th
Students return to school on Tuesday, March 18
What is my student learning this week?
Reading Language Arts
7th Grade: Unit 9 Data Representations (February 7- 26, 2025)
8th Grade/7th ADV: Unit 9: Transformational Geometry (February 11-26 and March 18-24, 2025)
Here’s what’s happening in 6-8 Science:
Grade 6 Science Quarter 3:
- Unit 7: Resource Management (February 3-21, 2025)
Grade 7 Science Quarter 3:
- Unit 9: Matter and Energy in Ecosystems (February 3-21, 2025)
Grade 8 Science Quarter 3:
- Unit 10: Cell Structures (February 3-21, 2025)
Social Studies
Unit 7 Sub-Saharan February 13-26
Unit 8 South Asia March 18-31
Unit 9 East and Southeast Asia April 28-May 9
Unit 9 Modernizng Texas February 17-28
Unit 10 Texas during the Great Depression and WW2 March 24-April 4
Era 9 Sectionalism/Civil War February 17-28
Reconstruction March 24-April 2
Athletic Events
Track and Swimming
Swim District Meet–Eastside Natatorium
Thursday, February 27
Division 1 Track Meet–Del Valle MS
March 1
Upcoming Intramural Dates
Basketball–March 1 Site: Hanks HS and Hanks MS
Football–May 17 Site Tentative Parkland HS
MS DEC Meetings (virtual)–Current calendar invites will be updated.
Mar 21, 2025 9:15 AM
May 16, 2025 9:15 AM
Our 2 Words of the week are: ONE THING
Fine Arts
Flag Corps
- Tuesdays @ MVES Gym 4:30 p.m.
- Wednesdays @ DVMS Cafeteria 4:30 p.m.
- Thursday's 4:30 p.m.
- Flag Competition @ Eastlake February 22
Percussion Rehearsal Schedule
Percussion students rehearsals- please check google classroom, remind, and band app for your mandatory rehearsal dates after school
- Tuesday 4:30 p.m. Ephemera
- Wednesday 4:30 p.m. Sophapilla
- Thursday 4:30 p.m. Ephemera
Symphonic and Wind Ensamble:
Symphonic and Wind Ensamble - polease check google classroom and remind for your assigned morning or afternoon mandatory rehearsal. Parent letters will be sent home.
Symphonic Band Sectional Schedule
Mondays-Low Brass (Trombone, Baritone, Tuba) 4:10pm-4:50 pm
Tuesdays-Clarinet 4:10pm-4:50 pm
Wednesdays-Flute, Oboe, Trumpets 4:10pm-4:50 pm
Thursdays- Alto & Tenor Sax 7:45 am-8:25 am. Horn 4:10pm-4:50 pm
Fridays-Low Reeds (Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, Bari Sax) 4:10pm-4:50 pm
Wind Ensemble Sectional Schedule 7:30-8:15 am
Tuesdays-Euphoniums, Trombones, & Tenor
Wednesdays-Tubas, Bassoon, Bass Clarinet, Bari Sax
Fridays-Flute & Oboe
Spring Concert @ DVMS 5:30 p.m. February 26
February 24: YISD Middle & High School Honor Guitar, YISD Central Office
February 25/26: UIL Middle School Choir Contest, Eastlake High School
February 24- JV Rehearsal 4:00 p.m. @ DVMS F4
February 25-27: UIL Middle School Orchestra Contest, Montwood High School
February 27-March 1: Sun City Classic Dance Contest, EP County Coliseum
- March 1 - all 3 teams are in!
- UIL Sosa February 26
- UIL Mendoza February 25
- February 26 4:00 p.m.
- February 25 Esports vs YMS Mario Cart 8
- February 27 Esports vs YMS Super Smash Bros
Watch the video for how to access the Home Access Center
Progress Report 6 now available!
Del Valle Middle School Expectations
24-25 Dress Code Policy
- Solid Navy blue polo or t-shirt with a round neck (with or without DVMS logo)
- Solid Gray polo or t-shirt with a round neck (with or without DVMS logo)
- DVMS/DVHS Spirit Shirts
- Navy blue uniform pants/shorts/skorts (no athletic joggers, sweatpants or pajama pants).
- Khaki uniform pants/shorts/skorts (no athletic joggers, sweatpants or pajama pants).
- Blue jeans: Jeans must be a solid color of blue. Patterns on jeans are not acceptable.
NEW- blue jeans with tears are not allowed for 24-25.
Clarification on hoodies/jackets/sweaters
Reminder that hoodies, jackets and sweaters must be school colors: navy blue and gray, if your child wishes to wear inside the building.
Small logos such as a Nike Swish are acceptable. Please make sure that logos are not large and across the hoodie, jacket, or sweater.
Arrival in the A.M.
Students should arrive to school no later than 8:15 a.m. in order to begin to head to their morning locations.
Students will be allowed into the building through the Conquest Plaza doors (where you entered on Open House) at 7:40 a.m. Students will report to their first period. 1st period rosters will be on the wall.
The first bell to transition to first period will be at 8:20 a.m.
Tardy Bell 8:30 a.m.:
- The tardy bell for middle school students is at 8:30 a.m..
- Students need to be INSIDE their classroom at this time. Ready to learn.
Student Deliveries
Due to keeping the instructional time period focused and to reduce students being removed from the classroom. We do not accept the following deliveries:
- snack deliveries
- food deliveries
- money deliveries
- cell phone deliveries
All students do receive free breakfast and free lunch. If they forget their cell phone- we are more than happy to have them use the school phone to call you after school. Always plan a designated spot for pick up.
Thank you for your assistance.
Parking Lot Safety
Families, we ask you to please
- do not park in the parking lot unless you are coming into the building for an appointment or assistance.
- Please be sure to have your teen be prepared to exit your vehicle.
- Please watch for our teacher who are parking and traveling into the building- we need our teachers! Please be mindful of pedestrians.
- Help us in keeping the flow of traffic smooth.
- Also, please be kind to each other. Our teens are watching our driving skills.
Important Del Valle Middle School Phone Numbers:
Main Office: 915-434-3300
Principal Veronica Frias: 915-434-3301
DVMS Secretary Rocio Vasquez: 915-434-3305
Del Valle Middle School Nurse Macias: 915-434-3311
Attendance by Alpha:
A-L for 6th, 7th and 8th
Priscilla Tovar: 915-435-3315
M-Z for 6th, 7th, 8th
Athena Marquez: 915-434-3323
6th Grade Counselor Stacy Beals: 915-434-3315
6th Grade Assistant Principal Luciano Alcala: 915-434-3303
7th Grade Counselor Janet Ortiz-Mascorro: 915-434-3316
7th Grade Assistant Principal Rose Cereceres: 915-434-3309
8th Grade Counselor Jose Rivera: 915-434-3304
8th Grade Assistant Principal Sara Ramirez: 915-434-3302
School Librarian Christina Moncayo: 915-434-3350
Instructional Technology Coach Whaley Berry: 915-434-3355
Communites in Schools Irene Arzola: 915- 435-3378
Communities in Schools Idalia Suarez: 915-434-3377
Ms. Veronica Frias
Del Valle Middle School
Email: vfrias@yisd.net
Location: 8674 North Loop Drive, El Paso, TX, USA
Phone: 9154343301
Twitter: @vronicasworld