Irvington Weekly Newsletter
September 27, 2024
Wow, what a day of running and community building! Thank you to those who made it out to volunteer and cheer on the students: the Fun Run was a big success! You still have two weeks to collect donation pledges to support field trips for all students. Please make sure all paper pledge forms with cash/checks (labeled and securely attached) have been turned into the office or teacher, and/or online pledges have been finalized at https://pledgestar.com/irvington/ by October 10.
The Fall Festival...It's One Week Away!
Join other Irvington families - past and present - next Friday for carnival games, bounce house, face painting, hot dogs, prizes, and more! The whole family is welcome to come and enjoy this free community event, Friday, October 4, 3-6pm.
Volunteers: It takes a village to make this one happen: MANY volunteers are needed to decorate, set up and clean up, run the games, hand out prizes and more - there's a role for everyone. Shifts are short but numerous, so CLICK HERE to see where you can be helpful to make this event possible and fun for all!
Candy and prize donations needed: Have you met Hungry Harvey? He is hungry hungry hungry for unopened, individually wrapped candy and small prizes to be used at the Fall Festival! He'll be out at drop off every morning next week waiting for your student to feed him! Pro tip: this is a great way to regift good condition party favors and prizes. Donations can also be brought to the school office prior to the festival date.
Families of Students of Color Meeting
Families of Students of Color (FOSOC) is a social group for families to get together, share a meal, and get to know one another. We also take on different projects, depending on the year. Our first dinner/get together will be Wednesday, October 9, 5:30-7:00pm. All are welcome, and we hope to see you there!
Tea with Mr. G.
Please join me for Tea with Mr. G. after arrival (8am) on Friday, October 4, in room 108A. The focus will be on literacy instruction: how we teach students how to read and how we intervene when they have not mastered grade-level skills.
Yearly Verification Form
Lockdown Drill on September 30 <REPEAT>
Our semi-annual lockdown drill will be Monday, September 30, at 8:30am. This is our opportunity to teach students, in an age-appropriate way, how to stay safe when an unknown adult is in the building. For K-2 students specifically, our counselor Ms Blum leads students through lessons ahead of time so they know what to expect. The goal is never to scare students, but rather to teach them skills. Please reach out to your child's teacher with questions.
Neurodiversity Caregiver Group <REPEAT>
This is a group for parents and caregivers of students who experience neurodiversity. We meet about once per month to network with other parents and caregivers and discuss such things as the different ways our students’ school experiences take shape, or how to navigate the IEP process. Our interpretation of neurodiversity is comprehensive and includes (but is not limited to) anxiety, autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. The first meeting of the year is scheduled for Tuesday, October 1, after drop off (around 8am) in the PTA room 109. (Please note the date change!) If you have questions or would like to know more about this group, email Amy Dachtler at amydachtler@gmail.com.
October Lunch Sign Ups <REPEAT>
Thank you to everyone who has been able to help serve lunch in the cafeteria so far this school year! October sign ups are now open - CLICK HERE to sign up! Interested in helping out? Start by becoming a PPS-approved volunteer here.
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 30: Lockdown drill, 8:30am
Tuesday, October 1: Neurodiversity caregiver group, 8am
Friday, October 4: Tea with Mr. G., 8am
Friday, October 4: Fall Festival, 3-6pm
Monday, October 7: Popcorn Monday, 2:30pm
Wednesday, October 9: Walk + Roll to School Day
Wednesday, October 9: Por Que No restaurant night, 11am-10pm
Wednesday, October 9: Families of Students of Color dinner/gathering, 5:30-7:00pm
Friday, October 11: No school
See it all at a glance here: https://www.irvingtonschool.com/