Tiger Times
Gunter ISD Online Newsletter

The best resource for activities taking place in our district is the District Calendar.
For the full school year, click here to download the 2024-25 Academic Calendar.
Keep scrolling in this newsletter to find announcements, sports updates, reminders, highlights, and much more! There is a Table of Contents to the left for quick scanning.
Important October Dates
October is Principal Recognition Month - Be sure to thank your principals for all of their hard work!
10/1 - Grandfriends Lunch @ GES - Info was sent home with each student.
10/1 - GES Family Movie Night: THE WILD ROBOT - 6:00pm
10/2 - School Custodial Workers Recognition Day
10/3-4, 6 - “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee!” Ticket Link: Click here
10/4 - GES Book Fair Ends
10/4 - GMS Book Fair Ends
10/5 - World Teachers' Day
10/7-10/11 - HOMECOMING WEEK https://tinyurl.com/GUNTERHOCO2024
10/9 - Homecoming Tailgate (6 PM) and Pep Rally (7:30 PM)
10/9 - New Facility Tours (GMS and GHS) - During Tailgate
10/11 - First Grading Period Ends
10/11 - Early Release - Homecoming (GES 12:20 PM | GMS/GHS 12:00 PM)
10/11 - Parade - 2:30 PM
10/12 - High School HOCO Dance - 8-11 PM | Ticket Link
10/14 - Columbus Day Holiday - No School
10/14 - National School Lunch Week Kickoff
10/15 - Staff Development Day (Students - No School)
10/15 - GES Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/16 - Boss's Day
10/16 - GES and GMS Cafeteria Dress Up Day - "Dress Like a Pirate"
10/18 - GES Celebration of Learning 8AM-8:30AM **Invite Only
10/19 - Middle School Fall Dance (5th-6th 5:30 - 7:00 PM) (7th-8th 7:30-9:00 PM)
10/23 - GHS HOSA Blood Drive
10/25 - GMS Picture Day
10/25 - Pep Rally - Pink Out
10/31 - Halloween
* Events can change in an instant! Be sure to use the Event Calendar for the latest updates.
Gunter ISD Board Briefs
GISD Board Briefs - 9.16.24
Visit the GISD Board of Trustees page on our website for more school board information.
* We love our school board at GISD. Please be sure to thank them for serving in these very important roles.
- Thank you to the Law Offices of Jeremy W McKey for providing blueberry kolaches at each campus. The kolaches were delicious! The blueberry kolaches were part of a contest at the Kolache Shoppe in Celina. The GHS PTO will receive a portion of the proceeds.
- Thank you to the Gunter Ladies for Tomorrow who organized a snack food drive for the GES students. Your generous donations will go a long way in ensuring our students have the snacks they need to stay fueled and focused throughout the day. Check out the flyer for more details on how you can contribute and make a difference in our community!
- Thank you to the GMS PTO and Northside Pies for feeding the staff on National Pizza Day!
- Thank you to the GHS PTO for the "Grab and Go" breakfast to celebrate the first day of Fall!
- Thank you to FBC Gunter for the breakfast burritos you sent to the GES. They were yummy and so appreciated!
- Thank you to the GMS PTO for helping us celebrate the September, October and November birthdays for the staff at the middle school. The cake and decor got us ready for hunting season :)
Thank you, Cody Paxman State Farm for spoiling our teachers with a goody bag for those teachers nominated the most times as a favorite teacher. Thank you to everyone who voted for their favorite teacher on his State Farm Facebook page.
Gunter ISD would like to thank Mr. John Dechaud and The Knights at St. Thomas Aquinas - Pilot Point Assembly for their generous $400 donation to our district. We are humbled that the group chose us to be the beneficiaries of their fundraising efforts.
We promise to put the money to good use!
Join your campus PTO
Each campus has a wonderful group of parents who work together to help bring smiles to the teachers and students. Check out their Facebook page or contact information below to join them.
- Email your name, cell number and email address gunterhighschoolpto@gmail.com.
- Click the following link to join the GHS PTO Parent Square Group - https://www.parentsquare.com/groups/join/flahz37kx2
GMS PTO - Contact through our Facebook page @guntermiddleschoolpto
GES PTO - Contact through our Facebook page | @gunterelementarypto
Text @gespto1 to 81010 to join
Message from PEIMS - Absence Notes
It is imperative that you send a note back to school when your child has been absent. In order for us to properly notate this absence in our system, we must have the following information:
Full name of the student - (Legal name in our system)
Student's grade:
Student School ID: (This will be 6 digits beginning with 00)
Date(s) of absence:
Reason for absence:
Parent Name and signature
In lieu of a handwritten note, you may copy and paste the information above into an email and send it to the PEIMS clerk on your child's campus. This email should come from the email associated with your Parent Portal Account to be valid.
There is also a sample note for you to view in the Attendance section of the Parent page on our website: https://www.gunterisd.org/page/for-parents
Homecoming 2024
October 7-11
All the info you need is in the HOCO 2024 website:
Day by day guide to a Gunter Homecoming!
"In our Sleepy Era" (Pajama Day)
Tuesday"In our Favorite Decade Era" (Decades dress up)
Wednesday" In our Alter Ego Era"(Teacher/Student swap day)
6:00-7:30 PM Tailgate Party @ Middle School Parking Lot
7:30 PM Pep Rally @ Tiger Field
"In our Change it Up Era"(Anything but a backpack)
" In our Gold Ring Era"(Gold/Championship/Blue & White, Anything to show your Tiger Pride!)
Early Release
GES will Dismiss at 12:20 | GMS/GHS will Dismiss at 12:002:30 PM Parade (See Parade Page for more info)
4:30 PM V Volleyball vs Pottsboro @ HOME
5:30 PM JV Volleyball vs Pottsboro @ HOME
7:00 PM Coronation
7:30 PM Football Kick Off vs Callisburg
New Facility Open House During Tailgate
Because of your YES vote on the school bond, we were able to make some major changes at our middle and high school campuses, and we are ready to show some of it off! You are cordially invited to tour some of the GMS and GHS new facilities during the Homecoming Tailgate on October 9th.
At the high school:
- A wing of four classrooms was added to the south side of the campus which now houses our English classrooms, and they are fabulous!
- The volleyball and basketball locker rooms have been redesigned and expanded to give the athletes the room and facilities they need to prepare for their games.
You will absolutely love the Fine Arts renovation/expansion!
- The art classroom has room for creativity to flow.
- The musical theatre area now has a larger space to give students more room to prepare for their magnificent shows, plus a nice storage area for all the costumes.
- The band hall is being expanded to allow for better instrument storage and an additional room to stretch out and perfect those notes that are so beautifully arranged for spirit, competitions and concerts.
At the middle school:
- We are making progress on the new gymnasium and storm shelter. You can’t miss it! It is the large building on the west side of the middle school. Although it is still in the construction phase, we are hoping to be able to show you some of what has been completed.
- The middle school kitchen was also redesigned over the summer. Having two lines instead of one has been a game changer for this campus. To keep the kitchen clean and germ free, this area will not be open during the tour.
Once again, these renovations would not have been possible without your support. Thank you, again, for opening your hearts and voting YES on the school bond. We are doing great things, and it’s a great year to be a Tiger!
Food Services
National School Lunch Week - October 14-18
Prepare your taste buds and grab your map. 🗺️National School Lunch Week is here! Join us on an adventure where the treasure is a healthy school lunch.
October's menu will highlight some Pirate treasures and learning activities... get ready for some fun in the cafeteria!
** October 16th - Elementary and Middle School students will have "Dress Like a Pirate" day to celebrate this week of learning, fun, and nutrition.
🍽️ #SchoolLunchPirates #NSLW24
Farm Fresh Month - October
October is Farm Fresh month, and to celebrate, our cafeterias have arranged for True Harvest Farms from Belton, Texas to come and show our students how they grow, harvest, and deliver the lettuce that we use in our menu. They are an organic, hydroponic farm that provides fresh, locally grown, pesticide free lettuce to our schools. Locally grown/raised produce, grains, and proteins will also be showcased.
Throughout the month, we will have many learning opportunities and activities planned to educate our students on where their food comes from and the nutritional benefits of school breakfast and lunch.
Their Wish - Her Command!
After reading a book in the 3rd grade classrooms, Cafeteria Manager, Mrs. Rogers received a letter from the class asking for them to add a new lunch item to the menu. Being the amazing cafeteria manager that she is, she made it happen! Students enjoyed "Spaghetti on a Bun" for lunch :)
Safety and Security
From the Desk of Chief Satre
North Texas Safety Bulletins
- September Issue - https://5il.co/2xpzc - Safe Gun Handling Information for Parents
🚧 Construction Zone - Please Respect the Fenced Areas 👷♂️
Construction Zone: Fencing has been placed between the middle and high school. Construction on the Gunter Bond 2022 projects is continuing and that area is not accessible to you. For your safety, please DO NOT enter that area.
Elementary Campus
GES Family Movie Night: THE WILD ROBOT
Some GES 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade families will be joining Mrs. Genthner for a movie night at Schulman’s Theater in Sherman on October 1st at 6:00 pm. This was planned in conjunction with the novel they have been reading during library classes this past month.
Thank you to Schulman's Theatre for blocking off a section of seats for our families to reserve for this special event.
GES Book Fair Time
The GES Book Fair runs until 10/4 .. get your shopping done now! Students can shop without cash using the Book Fair eWallet. Click the link to set up your student's e-wallet. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/gunterelementaryschool
First Quarter Celebration of Learning – October 18th at 8 AM
We are excited to announce a new event at Gunter Elementary—our First Quarter Celebration of Learning! This school-wide assembly will highlight student and staff achievements as we recognize the incredible progress made during the first quarter of the school year. While all students will be acknowledged for their hard work and growth, a select few will receive awards for their exceptional accomplishments.
Our goal is to help students find value in their own efforts and personal development, while also celebrating those who earn external recognition.
Due to spacing concerns, only parents of students receiving an award will be able to attend. Homeroom teachers will notify you in advance if your child is being publicly recognized.
Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to celebrating the hard work and dedication of our students!
#CelebrationOfLearning #StudentGrowth #GunterPride
Classroom Highlights!
- Kindergarten has been working hard in the Illustration unit in writing.They learned how to draw people using shapes, how to draw different hairstyles and how to give different facial expressions. Students practiced those skills by completing self portraits. They got to use mini mirrors to get a close up look at their facial features before drawing. They did a fabulous job!
- Kindergarten spent 2 weeks learning about apples. The lesson involved taste testing, apple investigation, a sink or float experiment, Johnny Appleseed directed draw, and examining the insides of apples. After all that hard work, they were rewarded with the best taste test of all...cinnamon apples! It was a fun unit with a lot of hands on learning.
1st Grade
Our first grade classrooms learned about the purpose an author has in mind when they write a book. One book they have read, "How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World" by Marjorie Priceman takes the students around the world to get the ingredients needed to make an apple pie. Sounds yummy, right? Well, take a look at our first graders in action making apple pies in their classrooms! The pies were so yummy!
2nd Grade
Math Counts! 2nd graders had fun making numbers in different forms in Mrs. Needum's classroom. What forms? Standard Form, Written Form, Expanded Form and Base 10 Form. Just look how organized their "Place Value Mats" look and how neat their writing is! We have some super smart 2nd graders!
3rd Grade
- In learning about properties of matter and density, Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Pelzel's students were challenged to build a boat in the classroom! In this STEM challenge students are given a specific set of supplies to build a boat. The criteria for success in this task was to see if it would hold 25 pennies and float for at least 10 seconds. Check out the concentration level on these faces!
- Third grade classes kicked off their multiplication unit with some hands on learning today. They learned about factors, products, and arrays.
- Mrs. Keel and Mrs. Foster’s classes wrapped up their first writing composition, Personal Narrative, by celebrating with a publishing party! Students had the opportunity to read each other’s writing pieces and leave positive feedback, share with the whole class in the Author’s Chair, and enjoy a sweet treat and juice! It was a great day celebrating our third grade authors!
4th Grade
4th graders learned about mixtures during their science time. We peeked into Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Rippamonti's classrooms to see the fun they had with this lesson!
Each grade level at Gunter Elementary will host a service project this year. The service projects, Tigers Helping Tigers, will give back to Gunter and the surrounding communities. Fourth grade hosted September's project which benefited the Sherman Animal Shelter. Thank you to everyone who donated to make this project a great success!
Students were excited to learn about lacrosse during PE class. Thank you, Coach Ben Coughlin from PYSA & Prosper Lacrosse, for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and teach our students how to play. They all LOVED it!
GES Traveled North to GHS for the Pep Rally
Gunter Elementary is bringing some extra energy to the pep rallies! They can be heard loud and proud cheering on our athletes from the stands. Who is your superhero? Too many to choose from? Personally, we think all of our GES Tigers are superheroes; especially when they show up in costume at the pep rally! They rocked it at the pep rally, and brought home the spirit stick!
Middle School
GMS Book Fair Coming September 30-October 4
Mark you calendar for the GMS Book Fair. It will be held September 30th - October 4th.
Every purchase benefits our school.
Use this link to sign up for notifications before the fair begins, and then use it again to go shopping when our fair opens: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/guntermiddleschool1 You can also browse some books that will be available for purchase.
Students of the Month - September
Congratulations to these students who were selected as the September Students of the Month. Just like a Tiger in the wild, these Gunter Tigers are task-focused, energetic and driven to succeed!
Kinslee Grey - 8th grade
Whitleigh Wyant - 7th grade
Karis Gortmaker - 6th grade
Zane Ralston - 5th grade
Classroom Highlights!
- Mrs. Morrison's 6th grade scientists have been comparing solids, liquids, and gases in terms of their structure, shape, volume, and kinetic energy. To bring the learning to life, they made "oobleck" in the lab to observe a non-Newtonian fluid that has some properties of a solid and a liquid. Looks like some messy, fun learning!
- What is a mixture? A solution? After performing many experiments with different substances, any of our 5th grade students can answer this question for you! Check out the metal shavings... they were easily separated from the rice with the help of a magnet.
Preston Farms Visit
What a fun way to work on social skills, keeping our hands to ourselves, staying as a group and following directions! Thank you, Preston Trail Farms for hosting Mr. Small's students and being so kind to them. They loved petting and feeding the animals!
Classroom Museum
Students in Coach Parker's history class have been creating museum exhibits. Each group was assigned a Native American group, and it was up to the group to build a replica. Once all exhibits were completed, the students displayed their work and the class "walked the museum" to learn from each other's work.
ART Sketch Books
This year in GMS art classes, students are challenged with a weekly sketchbook assignment. These assignments serve as a smooth transition into class, allowing students to explore their creativity while focusing on short, manageable projects. A portion of each class is reserved to work on these assignments, providing ample time for students to experiment and develop their ideas. On Fridays, students meet with Mrs. Ferguson one-on-one to discuss their work and receive personalized feedback, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
These weekly check-ins not only boost accountability but also foster student engagement. The results have been stellar so far and we look forward to seeing student creativity flourish more and more this year in the Tiger Lane Studio!
Middle School Fall Dance
Make plans to come to the GMS Dance on October 19th!
- 5th-6th 5:30 - 7:00 PM
- 7th-8th 7:30-9:00 PM
- $5 Entry Fee
- There will be concessions to purchase
- Hosted by GMS StuCo
High School
GHS Yearbooks and Senior Recognition Ads
- Yearbooks are on sale now through mid April. The price is $65.
- Also, senior recognition yearbook ads may be purchased. The DEADLINE to order and design these ads is November 15. Here is the link to buy a yearbook and/or senior recognition ad.
Contact Mrs. Guice at kguice@gunterisd.org if you have any questions.
Classroom Highlights!
Core Classrooms
- Mr. Eaton's Physics class worked on a graphing motion activity where they learn how to use digital sensors to detect distance and try to match their own motion to a given graph.
- Mr. Moore's students performed a lab looking at how scientists calculate average atomic mass by simulating an unknown element. Our unknown element was a little known element called “MandMium”. They got to measure pieces of candy and sort them by color treating each color as an isotope of the candy. Lots of run for the students, plus a delicious way to end a lab!
- Outdoor Ed enjoyed a hamburger cookout while learning the basics of grilling.
- Pharmacy Tech students traveled to the Department of Public Safety to be fingerprinted for the Pharmacy Technician Trainee certificates.
- Mr. Barton was a guest speaker in Mrs. Kimbrell's Horticulture class. He talked about the importance of “soft skills” like accountability, teamwork, and networking when it comes to applying for and getting job positions. They are wrapping up a Career Planning Unit, which is so important for our high schoolers!
- Mrs. Neely's Career Prep students have created a resume and are now learning how to write a cover letter that can either be used for college or a job. The students will walk through the entire process of gaining employment during this unit, from filling out applications correctly, interviewing skills, and the all important thank you note. They are busy keeping up with classwork and a job outside of school!
Student artwork is on display in the GHS Commons. It's incredible! Take a peek...
FFA / Agriculture
Hay Rings, anyone? Gunter Ag students are putting their welding skills to use to create hay rings. With winter approaching, the Gunter Ag Shop Classes are taking orders for hay rings. 3 ring hayrings are $200 and 4 ring hayrings are $245. Contact Dylan Ashlock to order yours today!
Since its beginning in 1985, the Red Ribbon has touched the lives of millions of people around the world. In response to the murder of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena, angered parents and youth in communities across the country began wearing Red Ribbons as a symbol of their commitment to raise awareness of the killing and destruction caused by drugs in America.
Enrique (Kiki) Camarena was a Drug Enforcement Administration Agent who was tortured and killed in Mexico in 1985. When he decided to join the US Drug Enforcement Administration, his mother tried to talk him out of it. "I'm only one person", he told her, "but I want to make a difference."
Join our campuses in the fight against drugs. Click below for a printable PDF of the daily themes.
Fundraisers and Mark Your Calendar
GHS Theatre Presents... “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee!”
It's Performance WEEK! If you haven't already purchased your tickets, get 'em now!
High School production of “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee!”
There is no football this week (hello, bye week!) so we hope you’ll make plans to come see us! You can catch a volleyball game before we start, too!
Performances are Oct. 3rd & 4th at 7:30pm and Oct. 6th at 3:00pm.
Ticket Link: https://gunterisd.hometownticketing.com/embed/all?single=0
(Recommended viewing age is 12+)
HOSA - Pink Out Fundraiser
Get Ready! You loved the items last year! HOSA members will set up before school on Friday mornings at the middle school and elementary school campuses during the month of October. All of our items are $1 or less!! SUCH A BARGAIN!
Mark you calendar to send a dollar or two with your GES or GMS student each Friday during the month of October. All of the proceeds we collect will be donated to a local breast cancer outreach, Women Rock.
Happy kids, Happy HOSA members, and a Happy Outreach... EVERYONE is a Winner!
Blood Drive - October 23rd
Mark your calendar early for the annual HOSA Blood Drive in the high school parking lot from 9 AM - 3 PM. Every donation saves a life!
Batter Up! Get signed up for the Softball Home Run Derby
- October 23 | 3:30 PM @ Tiger Softball Stadium
- 10 Balls, Shirt, Pizza --> All for $20
- Register before October 9th - Click Here to Register: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSfjT_rjr3cV.../viewform
- Ages 5th Grade and UP (Boys, Girls, Men & Women)
** Keep an eye on the Gunter Lady Tiger Softball Facebook page for any updates.
Chili Cookoff - Cheerleader Booster Fundraiser
Y'all are invited to a night where chili meets country music, and it’s all for a good cause! Saddle up for the “Chili Cook Off - Featuring Beerman”—Sunday November 3rd from 5-8 PM. We’ll be serving up hot chili, cold drinks, and a heap of fun with food and friends!
Grab your boots and get ready to sample some chili and kick up your heels to live country music! It’ll be a knee-slappin’, boot-scootin’ good time that’ll have you in hog heaven!
The first half of the event will be all about the chili! Sample and vote on the best chili in town! Then buckle your belt and get ready for some toe-tappin' tunes from Brian Houser, aka BEERMAN, who’s got the kind of Texas country sound that’ll have you two-steppin' into the night.
Your $50 ticket gains you access to sample and vote on the best chili in town, one bbq plate, tea and lemonade followed by live music featuring BEERMAN! Additional food, and beverages are available with donation. Must be 21+ to attend.
Chili Cook Off Entry:
Think your chili is hotter than a two-dollar pistol? For just $30, enter the cook off and we’ll provide the table, tasting cups, and tiny spoons—you just bring the heat! The chili cook-off champion will strut away with the prestigious Chili Trophy Belt—enough to make any cowboy or cowgirl proud!
And the best part? This event benefits the GHS Cheer Program, so you’ll be helping our cheerleaders stay spirited all season long!
Chili Cook Off Form:
Click the link to buy your tickets to reserve your spot and to enter the chili cook off contest!!!
Veterans Day Celebration - Veteran Info Request
We would love to honor the Veterans in our town. We will be hosting our Veterans Day Program on Friday, November 8th.
8:30 AM - Veterans Day Program in the GHS Event Center
9:30 AM - Veteran Brunch (Veteran and one guest) *RSVP included in this form
Please submit your service information in the form below. We are requesting that everyone fill out the form so that we can update our information for those planning to attend.
Thank you for your service!
Friday night lights wouldn't be the same without these student groups supporting our team. Thank you, cheerleaders and band for helping to make the night so much fun!
Photos: Marion Cole
Fall Sport Schedules
Schedules change due to a variety of factors, be sure you have the latest information by checking our Event calendar on the website for last minute changes.
Find your favorite photos from our photographer friends!
📸 Marion Cole and Renee Marler with OurGunter
Cross Country - Cross Country | Gunter ISD
Football - Football | Gunter ISD
Volleyball - Volleyball | Gunter ISD
All events are placed on the District Calendar located on our GISD website. This is the best place to look for schedule changes during the year.
Themes for Games!
Show your spirit by dressing in the theme for each game! Themes are set by the Gunter Cheerleaders and we hope to see you participating!
10/11 vs Callisburg - Homecoming "Eras of Champions" Theme details coming soon
10/18 vs Howe - Country (Away)
10/25 vs Blue Ridge - Pink Out (Home) (Youth Night)
11/1 vs S&S - Jersey Out (Away)
11/8 vs Leonard - Blackout (Home) Senior Night
Bass Fishing
9/28 @ Lake Ray Roberts - 213 Teams Competed - Team Gunter 2nd Place Overall
- Logan Hill and Colton Lee finished 2nd and received a $1000 scholarship
- Brody Bracewell and Zachary Hales finished 3rd and received a $500 scholarship
- Braeden McDaniel and Hayden Rodges also weighed in 1 fish, and helped Gunter place 2nd overall as a combined team
- Logan Hill won Big Bass and another $500 scholarship
September 7 - S&S Run
Varsity Girls- Micah Fisher 11th
Varsity Boys
- Justin Kriechbaum 28th
- Raiden Windlow 67th
- Tucker O'Daniel 76th
- Jacob Endsley 78th
- Diego Munoz 82nd
MS Girls
- Stella Fuller 38th
- Madie Endsley 122nd
- Hayden Zey 152nd
- Lily Stinson 156th
MS Boys
- Bo Martin 34th
- Nolyn Briggs 41st
- Silas Turner 46th
- Mason Dainauski 82nd
- Brayden McGowan 92nd
- Mason Acha 136th
September 13-14 - Pilot Point
Varsity Girls
- Micah Fisher (25th)
Varsity Boys
- Justin Kreichbaum (39th)
- Raiden Windlow (52nd)
- Tucker O'Daniel (98th)
- Jacob Endsley (100th)
- Diego Munoz (115th)
Junior High Girls
- Stella Fuller (56th)
- Madie Endsley (109th)
- Hayden Zey (110th)
- Lily Stinson (152nd)
Junior High Boys
- Nolyn Briggs (37th)
- Silas Turner (44th)
- Bo Martin (48th)
- Mason Acha (143rd)
September 26 - Blue Ridge
Varsity BoysJustin Kriechbaum 37th
Raiden Windlow 42nd
Tucker O'Daniel 112th
Jacob Endsley 116th
Diego Munoz 125th
Varsity Girls
Micah Fisher 14th
MS Boys
Silas Turner 32nd
Brayden McGowan 62nd
Mason Acha 208th
MS Girls
Stella Fuller 23rd
Maddie Endsley 61st
Hayden Zey 210th
Hannah Perkins 212th
Lily Stinson 216th
Photo Credit - Cross Country X Page
Photo Credit - OurGunter
- 9/6 vs Anna - 55-28 (LOSS)
- 9/13 vs Celina - 38-7 (LOSS)
- 9/20 vs Sanger 49-7 (WIN)
- 9/26 vs Bells 42-6 (WIN)
** Congrats to Bryce Biros who was honored with a story on texasfootball.com.
Click here to read the article. Photo above (OurGunter)
- 9/5 vs Anna - 43-12 (WIN)
- 9/12 vs Celina - 8-35 (LOSS)
- 9/19 vs Sanger - 32-6 (WIN)
- 9/26 vs Bells - 42-0 (WIN)
- 9/5 vs Anna - 43-0 (WIN)
- 9/12 vs Celina - 28-7 (WIN)
- 9/19 vs Sanger - 34-0 (WIN)
- 9/26 vs Wylie - 48-21 (WIN)
9/5 vs Paradise (Scrimmage)
- 7th Grade 21-0
- 8th Grade 14-0
9/19 vs Greenville
- 7th Grade 30-0 (WIN)
- 8th Grade 16-36 (LOSS)
9/26 vs Bells
- 7th Grade - 44-6 (WIN)
- 8th Grade - 34-0 (WIN)
Photos - Marion Cole
9/3 vs Whitesboro - 25-22, 25-20, 25-18 (WIN)
9/6 vs Lindsay - 25-19,25-20, 25-12 (WIN)
9/10 vs Decatur - 20-25, 18-25, 20-25 (LOSS)
9/13 vs Blue Ridge - 25-10, 25-13 25-11 (WIN)
9/17 vs Farmersville - 25-16, 25-19, 25-16 (WIN)
9/20 vs Howe - 25-11, 25-11, 25-9 (WIN)
9/24 vs S&S 25-14, 25-13 25-11 (WIN)
9/27 vs Leonard - 25-7, 25-8, 25-10 (WIN)
**Congrats to Chloe Johnson for recording her 1000th Career Kill
9/3 vs Whitesboro - 21-25, 25-19, 15-1 (WIN)
9/6 vs Lindsay - 22-25, 20-25 (LOSS)
9/10 vs Decatur - 19-24, 17-25 (LOSS)
9/13 vs Blue Ridge - 25-13, 25-17 (WIN)
9/17 vs Farmersville - 9-25, 21-25 (LOSS)
9/20 vs Howe - 25-16, 23-25, 15-11 (WIN)
9/24 vs S&S 25-16, 25-14 (WIN)
9/27 vs Leonard - 25-20, 25-10 (WIN)
9/28 Blue Ridge JV Tournament
- Beat Princeton 25-8, 25-20
- Lost to Van Alstyne: 15-25, 18-25
- Beat Tioga: 20-25, 25-12, 15-8
9/9 vs Pottsboro
- 7B: 2-0 25-18 and 25-9
- 7A: 2-0 25-22 and 25-13
- 8B: 2-0 25-12 and 25-8
- 8A: 2-0 25-9 and 25-21
9/16 vs Leonard
- 7B: 2-0 25-14 and 14-12
- 7A: 2-0 25-14 and 25-15
- 8B: 2-0 25-16 and 15-6
- 8A: 1-2
9/23 vs Bonham
- 7B 2-0: 25-20 and 18-18
- 8B 2-0: 25-21 and 17-8
- 7A 2-1: 18-25 and 25-18 and 15-9
- 8A 2-0: 25-12 and 25-7
9/30 vs Howe
- 7B: 2-0 25-14 and 25-7
- 8B: 1-1 25-17 and 17-19
- 7A: 2-1 25-12 and 22-25 and 16-14
- 8A: 2-0 28-26 and 25-22
Future Ladies Tiger Night
We had so many future lady tigers come out for Future Lady Tiger Night! Thank you so much for your participation. Everyone had a great time signing and receiving autographs and so much more.
*Photos by Kelly Guice, GHS Yearbook Advisor
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