The Hive
January 26th
Happy Friday!
I would like to apologize for not sending out a newsletter last week! After the snow days, I didn't have much to write so I thought I would wait a week. Looking back, I should have sent one home. Please know that keeping you all informed and being transparent about things is very important to me. If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Every day all of your kids never fail to make us laugh. If you haven't followed us on Facebook, I encourage you take that opportunity! So far this year, we have posted something every day and it's a fantastic way for you to see what we are doing on campus.
Enjoy your weekend!
With kindness,
Report Cards
Students and families will be able to access their grades via Skyward Family Access on Friday, February 2nd. We will also be mailing a report card home to families as well.
Semester 2 Schedules
Your student should have received their Semester 2 schedule on Thursday during 7th period. If your student wasn't at school on Thursday, you should be able to access their schedule on Skyward Family Access. We will also have schedules available for students on Monday morning in the front office. We will be outside, ready to help all students get their schedules.
If I could gently let everyone know that scheduling is a complex and detailed system. It has taken close to a hundred hours preparing these schedules for students. It is not as easy as swapping one class for another class, especially because we have a small school and some classes are only offered one period a day. For example, if you have a student who has band that student has to to have band at a specific time. If that student also is in spanish, their schedule becomes even more complicated. If you add another fixed class to that schedule, it becomes more complex. With that said, we are committed to keeping core content area teachers the same. Please know that these schedules are final. If you feel a scheduling error was made, please let us know.
Attendance: Every Day Matters
I wanted to take a moment to talk about attendance, because we have a goal to consistently improve our attendance and meet a goal that we've set for ourselves. One way to reach a goal is to talk about it and post about it every day, which is why if you walk up to our front doors, you will see a sandwich board with our attendance statistics for the previous day.
We are not only looking at how many students are here every day, but how many students are on-time for 1st period. If a student is late to first period by 10 minutes for 5 days, that means that student has missed around the equivalent of one period of instruction. We are hoping to continually build on our attendance practices. Please know that I am also aware that the orthodontist is sometimes only open from 8:00-3:00pm. 😉
Semester Awards
VEX Robotics Club is starting!
The VEX Robotics club will meet Wednesdays in Room 117, 230-430pm, starting February 7th. Come learn to design, construct, and program robots. Robot competitions are a possibility in the future. Spaces are limited to 24 total students school-wide, so turn in your ASB club form to the office window as soon as possible if you are interested in participating.
PWT Spirit Night
Big Al’s Bowling. Open to ALL Hockinson families and friends.
TO ENTER: Lanes are limited so act fast to enter your team!
Use the link below to reserve your lane and secure your time.
Your donation includes shoe rentals!
Organized by the HHES PWT Fifth Grade Committee.
For more information, contact us at Hockinsonclassof2031@gmail.com
Space is limited! Link to sign up:
Chromebook Information
This is a friendly reminder that it is important for students to keep the protective cases on their school issued Chromebooks to protect them from accidental damage. If you opted into the Hockinson Assurance Program at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year, and your student's Chromebook is damaged while any part of the case is off, the cost of repair will not be covered by your assurance as is stated in the exclusions section of the assurance form.
Here is the Hockinson Assurance Program form if you would like to take a closer look at what it offers, including coverage and exclusions. If you opted out of the assurance program at the beginning of the year and would like to have assurance coverage, you can opt-in at any time after your student's Chromebook has been inspected for damage. A paper form can be sent home with your student, or you can make an online payment through InTouch, the HSD payment portal.
Take Note: Important Dates!
February 2024
2/1-2/9 Carnation Sales
2/2-2/3 North County Honor Band
2/2 Report Cards Available on Skyward/Mailed Home
2/5-2/9 School Counselor Week
2/5 Band Photos
2/9 Academic Awards
2/12-2/16 Spirit Week
2/15 Hockinson PWT Blazer Night
2/16-2/17 Junior All State Band
2/19 No School: President's Day
2/27 8th Grade Forecasting Night at HHS
Hockinson Middle School
We teach, guide, and support students and our community by creating a safe environment where we learn and grow together.
*Students may be dropped of at 8:00am
Wednesdays: 1 Hour Early Release
Office Hours: 8:00am - 3:45am
Email: bess.colpron@hocksd.org
Website: https://hms.hocksd.org/
Location: 15916 NE 182nd Ave, Brush Prairie, WA, USA
Phone: 360-448-6440
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonMS/