Ms. Nutt's Newsletter
Austin Elementary
First Grade Field Trip
I would like to thank our chaperones: Marielle Burch, Ashlyn Coenraad, Selina Hernandez, Ashlee Kelley, Kimberly Nieves and Robert Rogers for volunteering! I couldn't have done it without your excellent help.
I took many pictures and created an iCloud link:
Our Week in Review
Important Information
Check it out!
This is the last week of our school wide fundraiser! Many thanks to all who have contributed - your generosity to Austin is much appreciated!
Please consider registering your student and/or making a donation to our school by clicking the link: https://www.getmovinfundhub.com/classroom-teacher-webpage/63246ff72462b
Fun Run
Family Friday Lunch
.Please click the link to RSVP for Family Friday Lunch. The office will have you pre-checked in and have your name tag ready! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Austin_Family_Fridays
Week of October 31-November 4
We are reading...
*Our American Flag
*L Is For Liberty
*The Bald Eagle
*I Pledge Allegiance
Language Arts
*Phonics Workshop - I can read words with long vowel sounds.
*Readers Workshop - I can read words even if they do not follow a pattern.
*Writers Workshop - I can clarify my topic with an introduction and conclusion.
*Grammar Talk - I can use punctuation to end my sentences.
*Handwriting - I can write the lower case letters: p and n.
* I can use place value and an open number line to compare and order numbers to 99, using the words greater than, less than and equal.
Social Studies
Upcoming Events
Wear tennis shoes to P.E. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Library books are due on Tuesdays.
iPads need to be charged each day.
Please provide headphones for your learner.
Upcoming Dates:
*October 31 - Storybook Character Parade
*November 3 - Color Fun Run
*November 8 - Book Fair Family Night
*November 21-25 - Thanksgiving Break
Stay Connected!
Email: snutt@coppellisd.com
Location: 161 S. Moore Rd. Coppell, TX 75019
Phone: 214-496-7340
Twitter: @SharonNutt1C