Renner Middle School eNews
October 2, 2020
Free & Reduced Meals - IMPORTANT UPDATE
Families who wish to continue or apply for the free and reduced meal program need to complete an application every school year. All students approved for free or reduced meals last year will remain on that status for the first 30 operating days of school or until a new application has been processed.
All PISD students are currently receiving free breakfast and lunch due to a waiver from the USDA. This waiver will be in place until December 31, 2020, or until funds run out.
Please be sure to complete the application process if you depend on free or reduced meals for your child(ren) so that the support is in place when free meals for all come to an end.
Completed and submitted applications can take up to 10 school days to process, so please fill out the application now in order to avoid any gaps in services.
We encourage families to apply online for faster processing. https://www.schoolcafe.com/pisd
-Frequently Asked Questions (in English/Spanish) About Free and Reduced-Price School Meals - https://www.pisd.edu/cms/lib/TX02215173/Centricity/domain/2593/FR Application/FR Application Parent Letter.pdf
-Online Application - preferred method - https://www.pisd.edu/Page/3840
-Paper Application - available at campus site (We encourage everyone to apply online to expedite the processing of your student's application.)
Additional Information:
-Current Income Eligibility Guidelines https://www.fns.usda.gov/cn/income-eligibility-guidelines
-Unpaid Meal Charge Guideline - https://www.pisd.edu/Page/4454
Contact Meal Programs:
-6600 Alma Dr., Suite B, Plano, TX 75023 -TEL (469) 752-5790
-Email to mealprograms@pisd.edu for any inquiry.
Thank you so much!
Hi Mustang Parents,
As we approach the end of this nine weeks, you may be interested in changing your child’s learning environment for the second nine weeks. This option will be available September 28th - October 2nd in Parent Portal. THE DEADLINE TO MAKE A CHANGE IS TODAY.
In order to make changes, please see the information & instructions here (videos in English & Spanish linked in document): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_W5vfr8rKOi_d1BiVyA9Z6nxA3VEmiunNfcTlIuN9ME/edit?usp=sharing
Please note:
Every parent should log into Parent Portal to confirm that their child’s learning environment is currently listed correctly.
Action is required ONLY if you want to change your child’s learning environment for the 2nd 9 Weeks.
Changes will be in effect beginning October 13th and will last through the rest of the semester (December 18, 2020).
Some staff may need to shift to align with new learning environment choices. Therefore, even students who do not change learning environments could experience a change to their teacher(s), course availability, or class schedule as teachers are assigned based on the numbers of students and course requests in each environment. Every effort will be made to minimize teacher changes for those who did not make a learning environment change; however, we cannot guarantee that in every case.
We will be on a very tight timeline as we rework the master schedule and student schedules; schedule changes will be final, and we will not be able to discuss changes in advance of learning environment selection or prior to re-releasing schedules online (date TBD).
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s grade level counselor.
6th Grade: Brad Allcorn (brad.allcorn@pisd.edu)
7th Grade: Lori Groves (lori.groves@pisd.edu)
8th Grade: Kelly Newman (kelly.newman@pisd.edu)
2019-2020 Renner Yearbooks Still Available for Purchase!
Renner parents—a few 2019-2020 yearbooks are still available and are being sold on a “first come, first serve” basis. Click here to claim one of the few remaining: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0D45A4AE2AA7F85-yearbooks.
The yearbook cost is $45, exact cash only. We will not be able to make change or accept checks. Please use the parent name to sign up and bring an ID that matches that name for pick up on Wednesday, 10/7, from 4-5 pm at Renner MS. Parents will be met at the front door as visitors cannot enter the building.
Will October 13 be your first day on campus? Here's what you need to know!
6th Grade Video
Parents - Carpool flow start of video
6th grade front entrance no breakfast 6:41
Bus rider breakfast/ instrument drop off 9:29
Bus rider entrance 11:31
Tour 6th grade hallways 14:04
Elective tour 22:24
Lunch 27:35
7th Grade Video
Parents - Carpool flow start of video
Bus Drop Off - 2:55
Breakfast - 4:53
7th Grade Tour - 7:18
Elective Tour - 11:43
Lunch - 14:36
7th Grade Morning Arrival - 19:00
8th Grade Video
Parents - Carpool flow start of video
Bus drop off - 2:55
Breakfast & before school - 4:528th Grade Tour - 7:21
Lunch - 9:43
Please read if you are moving from School@Home to Face-To-Face on October 13
Return To School Plan: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WoSCOeJYRdaOnjNGujZnzqkZkH0RLoIYhOADP4ROeFE/edit?usp=sharing
- Linked above are videos for each grade level. These videos include the carpool pattern for parents, what students should do when they arrive, our protocols for breakfast & lunch, and a tour of the building which points out teacher classrooms, restrooms, the nurse's clinic, and other important areas of the building.
- Carpool arrival time - ideally 8:15 or after - 1st period starts at 8:25. Students should not arrive on campus before 7:50 am.
- QR codes are everywhere, but my child doesn't have a cell phone? No worries! Staff is ready to assist!
- Please print your schedule or take a picture so your child knows their room numbers.
- Renner floor plan map (with room numbers) is linked & pictured below.
- Renner Traffic Map is linked & pictured below.
- Learning Schedule for September 14 and beyond (bell schedule will remain the same): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nWiOF9QHUD_K0fMwG-kEDQLyvyGpsjQlkwWDV-caqWg/edit?usp=sharing
- For the Bell Schedule that corresponds with the learning schedule periods, please click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n8XrfDc1O5GzZYFsvRu8yaZbYVa7kUy1Z21rVeqv1sk/edit?usp=sharing
Items to Bring Daily:
- Backpack
- Class schedule
- Chromebook
- Chromebook charger
- Earbuds/headphones that can connect to Chromebook (if student has them)
- Cell Phone (if student has one - QR codes will be utilized throughout the building for contact free passes, creating lunch seating charts, etc.)
- Refillable water bottle labeled with student name (water fountains unavailable for students without a water bottle)
Picture Re-Takes on October 19
Within 2-3 weeks, proofs of your child's picture will be available online. You can access the proofs by scanning the QR code on the slip of paper your child may have brought home after their photo was taken. If that slip of paper did not make it into your hands, there is another way to view the proofs.
Please go to shop.legacystudios.com and the scroll to the bottom of the page to request your child's code. (Photo category will be "Underclass")
Since my 17 year old didn't bring home her slip of paper after Senior pictures, I completed this process and received my code within 2 days. The email went to my clutter folder, so you may need to go searching for it.
Third Annual Plano Families First Event - October 17
Presented by United Healthcare, the third-annual Plano Families First Event provides a number of free health and human resources services in an effort, this year, to alleviate the hardships thousands of Plano families have experienced during the pandemic. The event will be held Saturday, October 17, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Plano Event Center located at 2000 E. Spring Creek Parkway.
Services: Free services will include flu shots (available on a first-come, first-served basis), blood pressure screenings, dental screenings and fluoride varnishes (for children only) along with community and educational information and resources. Plano ISD students will receive free school supply packets (available on a first-come, first-served basis). In addition, the Plano Public Library will be offering free books. Supplies and flu shots are limited.
Job Fair and Free LinkedIn Photo: The job fair, presented by the Plano Chamber of Commerce, is virtual this year and features a multitude of jobs including several open positions with Plano ISD. View the online listings at Plano Families First job fair webpage from October 17 through December 15, 2020. Event attendees can get a free LinkedIn photo by a professional photographer.
Event Details:
· Photo ID and proof of residency are required to attend. Plano residents and Plano ISD families are welcome.
· A completed school supply form is required to receive supplies. The form is available in English and Spanish.
· Social distancing and masks are required for ages 3 and up.
· Some items and services will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sponsors: In addition to presenting sponsor United Healthcare, other sponsors are Bank of America; Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Plano; City of Plano; FedEx Office; Liberty Mutual; North Texas Food Bank; NTT Data; Plano Chamber of Commerce; Plano ISD; Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano; and TXU.
Tercer Evento Anual Familias de Plano Primero - 17 de octubre
Presentada por United Healthcare, la tercera Feria Salud y Bienestar para las Familias de Plano, que se celebra cada año, ofrece una serie de servicios gratuitos de salud y recursos humanos en un esfuerzo de mitigar las dificultades que miles de familias de Plano y del distrito escolar de Plano han vivido durante la pandemia. El evento se llevará a cabo el sábado 17 de octubre de 8:30 del mediodía en el Centro de Eventos de Plano ubicado en 2000 E. Spring Creek Parkway.
Servicios: Los servicios gratuitos incluirán vacunas contra la flu (disponibles por orden de llegada), exámenes de la presión de la sangre, exámenes dentales y barnices de flúor (sólo para niños), junto con información y recursos comunitarios y educativos. Los alumnos del distrito escolar de Plano recibirán paquetes de útiles escolares gratuitos (disponibles por orden de llegada). Además, la Biblioteca Pública de Plano ofrecerá libros gratuitos. Los suministros y las vacunas contra la flu son limitados.
Feria de trabajo y foto gratuita para usar en LinkedIn: La feria de empleo, presentada por la Cámara de Comercio de Plano, es virtual, este año y presenta una multitud de empleos, incluyendo varios puestos vacantes en el distrito escolar de Plano. Vea los trabajos en línea en el sitio web de Plano Families First desde el 17 de octubre hasta el 15 de diciembre de 2020. Los asistentes al evento pueden obtener una foto LinkedIn gratis de un fotógrafo profesional.
Detalles del evento:
· Se requiere una identificación con foto y prueba de residencia para asistir. Los residentes de Plano y las familias del distrito escolar de Plano son bienvenidos.
· Se requiere un formulario completo de útiles escolares del distrito escolar de Plano para los útiles. Se puede encontrar el formulario aquí.
· El distanciamiento social y las máscaras son obligatorios para las edades de 3 años en adelante.
· Algunos artículos y servicios estarán disponibles por orden de llegada.
Patrocinadores:Además del patrocinador principal United Healthcare, otros patrocinadores son Bank of America; Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Plano; Ciudad de Plano; Oficina de FedEx; Liberty Mutual; Banco de Alimentos del Norte de Texas; NTT Data; Cámara de Comercio de Plano; ISD de Plano; Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano; y TXU.
MAP Testing Continues Next Week - Science
This upcoming week, all students will join their Science class at the normal class time for teachers to take attendance and to receive instructions before starting their test.
MAP Testing Windows:
Math - September 21 - 23
Reading - September 28 - 30
Science - October 5 - 7
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Renner Middle School 2020-20201 Athletic Event Information
Please read the following information carefully if you or your student(s) plan to attend athletic events. Remember that rides home for student spectators should be arranged in advance and should be timely in their arrival to pick up students when the game is over.
- Tickets will be sold on a week-by-week basis
- Ticket sales will open up to the General Public on Monday at 8:00am for all games occurring for the current week
- Tickets are required for school-age children kindergarten through 12th grade
- Ticket prices: Adult-$4, Student $2
- A maximum of 2 tickets can be purchased per transaction
- All ticket sales will be online
○ If available, tickets can be purchased on a mobile device by using the QR code at the gate
- You will purchase your tickets on the home team event site
- There will be no passes accepted at the gate
Tickets can be purchased at https://www.pisd.edu/Page/23044
- All spectators must wear a face covering in order to enter.
- All spectators must complete the COVID-10 self-screening
The PISD bag policy will be in place.
- Social distancing is expected in all areas of the stadium including the student section
- Congregating in the concourse area or walkways will not be allowed.
- At the conclusion of the B-Team game, spectators and participants will be asked to exit out of the designated doors. The A-Team spectators will then be released to enter the gym.
- Tickets are available online only
- Rides should be arranged in advance for transportation home in a timely manner
Game Schedules & Ticket Information
Free Meals for all Plano ISD Students
Due to a waiver issued from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), all Plano ISD students (whether enrolled in face-to-face instruction or School@Home) will receive free breakfast and lunch meals through December 31, 2020, or while USDA funds last.
Weekly meal bundles for PISD School@Home learners may be picked up each Tuesday from 9:30 am to 10:30 am or 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm at Clark HS, Shepton HS or Williams HS. Bundles consist of 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches. Anyone picking up meals for students without the student present, must bring appropriate documentation in the form of a school issued ID, report card, parent portal attendance summary form, or birth certificate. More info: https://www.pisd.edu/grabandgo
Comidas Gratis Para Todos Los Estudiantes de Plano ISD
Los paquetes de comida semanal para los estudiantes de PISD School@Home pueden ser recogidos cada martes de 9:30-10:30 AM o de 4:45-6 PM en Clark HS, Shepton HS o Williams HS. Los paquetes, consisten de 5 desayunos y 5 almuerzos. Cualquier persona que recoja las comidas para los estudiantes sin que el estudiante esté presente, debe traer la documentación apropiada en forma de una identificación emitida por la escuela, tarjeta de informe, formulario de resumen de asistencia del portal de padres, o certificado de nacimiento. Más información: https://www.pisd.edu/grabandgo
A Note from our NEW Communities in Schools Site Coordinator
Renner's Social-Emotional Learning Calendar for 1st 9 Weeks
Update Emergency Contacts
Please login to the Parent Portal (https://parentviewer.pisd.edu/Login.aspx) to review and update emergency contacts. This is vital (this year more than ever before) as it will be important to be able to contact parents in a timely manner in the event of an emergency. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.
Family Hot Spot Internet Access
If your family is experiencing difficulty with home internet access, please contact our Campus Technology Assistant, Jonathan Loveday, at jonathan.loveday@pisd.edu.
The SMU Center for Family Counseling at Plano ISD is now offering telehealth counseling services provided free of charge. Services are provided by SMU Counseling Program students during their Practicum and Internship experiences and will be supervised by SMU full-time and adjunct faculty. Services are for adults, children (play therapy), adolescents (activity therapy), couples, and families for a variety of presenting concerns including anxiety, depression, behavior difficulties (e.g., opposition, defiance, aggression), grief and loss, peer relationships, stress, trauma, career transition, and parenting.
Additionally, clients are being accepted for five new support groups: Adult Mindfulness Group, LGBTQ+ Parenting/Caregiver Support Group, Adolescent Support Group, LGBTQ+ Adolescent Support Group, and LGBTQ+ Adult Support Group.
Service hours and contact information is as follows:
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 3:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Appointments are available - please call to schedule (469) 752-3098.
A FAQ for Telehealth Counseling services may be found HERE.
Renner PTA Website: https://rennerpta.membershiptoolkit.com/
Tom Muehlenbeck Rec Center Update
Masks are required to be worn at all times in the facility except when participating in certain activities where 6 ft social distance can be safely maintained.
Activities or spaces NOT available currently.
1. Lobby furniture has been removed. No waiting or congregating in the lobby is allowed.
2. No Game room activities are available.
3. No basketball court activities, or access to the basketball court is available.
4. No Leisure swimming is available.
5. No day passes are available to enter the facility, only members may gain entry. Memberships are available.
Activities that ARE available to youth members.
1. Lap Swimming. 1 person per lane, continuously moving. Masks must be worn to and from the pool.
2. Walking/Running track. Children under 11 must be supervised by an adult. Mask Required at all times.
3. Open play table tennis or badminton. If they bring their own equipment, and obey all open play rules. Open play schedule here: https://www.plano.gov/DocumentCenter/View/16510/Weekly-Recreational-Activities
Additional details about our status and changes can be found here: https://www.plano.gov/Facilities/Facility/Details/14
Renner Middle School
Website: www.pisd.edu/renner
Location: 5701 W Parker Rd, Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 469-752-5800