Gator Bites
September 19, 2024
Principal's Corner
Did you love that huge harvest moon this week? I love the change of seasons, cold mornings, and warm afternoons. It’s easy to lose our sweatshirts and jackets this time of year so make sure you have your name on your outerwear and check the lost and found if you lose something.
Our BIG fall fundraiser has started! Information about our Fun Run on October 8th went home with students today. LASA raises money to support our teachers and school community activities. We are raising money as an entire Gator Nation this year, so everyone do your part to reach our goals! If every student submitted $109.65 we would make our goal of $50,000. Share our giving link with everyone you know and check to see if your employer does a match!! Thank you for supporting our students and staff and plan on coming to volunteer at or watch the run on the 8th.
Our student leaders have organized a school-wide spirit week October 7-10. This is a fun way to celebrate together as a school at the end of first quarter. Students can dress each day in the theme of the day or they can choose to wear their uniform. Keep reading this newsletter to see the themes for each day!
Parent teacher conferences are coming September 30-October 4. Elementary teachers will set up their own conferences that week and Middle School teachers hold “arena style” conferences in the multipurpose room on September 30 and October 2 from 4-6 pm. We will have student testing data results for parents during conferences as well.
Upcoming Events
How Fun Is Your Run Kickoff Event!
During lunch recess today LASA set up an obstacle course with the help of Mr. H for students to practice running through! The more donations LASA receives the more fun your child's run will be!
All School Spirit Week!
Siblings Spots for Kindergarten 2025-2026
The following families are on our priority list for entering Kindergarten fall 2025:
If you are a current family and have an upcoming Kindergarten sibling and are not on the list, please let Mrs. Childers know in the office by phone or email at kchilders@lps.k12.co.us.