The Family Resource Group Apr 2023
April 25, 2023

Spring is in the Air!
Spring is finally here, which means summer is just around the corner. Now is a good time to finalize plans for summer camps and activities- how exciting! Keep reading to find out more.
We will have one more newsletter this school year in May before taking a break during June and July. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. To be sure that you continue to receive all future updates, or information, directly to your email address, sign up on the Family Resource Group mailing list.
Tess Nasehi
Family Resource Group Editor
Table of Contents
- For Spring -
- For Summer -
- For Anytime -
*Each section contains 2-3 topics.
For Spring
April is Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) Literacy Awareness Month!
Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) affects literacy development and learning differently than other types of vision impairment. Click the link below from 'Paths to Literacy' to learn more about how CVI, how it impacts literacy development, and strategies to support literacy development for children with CVI.
Preparing for Preschool or Secondary Transition?
Check out these resources to help prepare for your child's transition between programs and environments.
Moving from preschool to elementary school or from high school to post-high school environments can be a tricky and nerve-wracking process. However, with careful planning and the right tools, transition can also be an exciting time full of new opportunities. We hope these resources can help support you and your family along the way.
Infant/Toddler Early Intervention (EI) to Preschool Transition Resource
"Supporting Families Through the Transition Process from Infant/Toddler EI to Preschool EI": This guide contains information to help you plan and learn about the process of transitioning from infant/toddler early intervention (EI) to a preschool program.
Preschool to School-Age Transition Resources
"Preschool to School-Age Transition Resources: Considerations for Children Who Are Blind/Visually Impaired": This PaTTAN publication includes planning tools, such as guiding questions and special considerations, for families and teams of students with vision impairment.
"The Transition Process from Early Intervention to School-Age Programs": This publication explains what families can expect to experience when their child approaches the transition from preschool or early intervention to a school-age program.
Secondary Transition Resources
"Secondary Transition Fact Sheet Bundle": This bundle includes 10 fact sheets about secondary transition for students with disabilities, including topics such as financial fundamentals, customized employment, post-secondary education expectations, and more.
PaTTAN's 'Secondary Transition' Initiative: This section of the PaTTAN website contains several resources to support students transitioning from high school to post-high school environments, such as supporting agencies, related webinars, and more.
For Summer
How is Extended School Year (ESY) Determined?
Every student who is eligible for special education has an IEP that describes the programs and services necessary for the student to receive FAPE. One of the issues discussed and decided upon at the IEP team meeting is whether or not the student requires Extended School Year (ESY) services as part of the student’s special education program. ESY must be considered each year for every student with a disability.
Remember - A determination for the Armstrong Target Group of students must be made by February 28.
For more information on ESY, access the Teachers' Desk Reference: Extended School Year (ESY) and Extended School Year Services in Pennsylvania.
☀️ Check Out These Summer Camps! ☀️
Registration is open for these two summer camps designed for youth with vision impairment. Although there are registration costs, they may be worth considering.
Helen L. Diller Vacation Home for Blind Children
Various Weeks from June - August, 2023 | Hosted in Avalon, NJ
This camp offers a weeklong seashore experience for youth with vision impairment and at no cost for families!
Camp Supervisor: Emily O'Donnell
Phone Number: 610-329-6133
Email: Emily@DillerBlindHome.org
Camp Abilities Pennsylvania (CAPA)
May 26-29, 2023 | Hosted by CAPA @ West Chester University (WCU)
Camp Abilities is an adaptive recreation sports camp for youth with vision impairment.
Camp Abilities PA @ WCU
Email: CampAbilitiesPA@gmail.com
311 Sturzebecker HSC, West Chester University
West Chester, PA 19383
Camp Abilities Delaware
July 30 - August 4, 2023 | Hosted by Camp Abilities Delaware
Camp Abilities Delaware is hosting a weeklong summer camp at Delaware University. It is open to youth from Pennsylvania, as well.
ConnXions Summer Camp
July 15-23, 2023 | Hosted by PA Lions Beacon Lodge
Camp ConnXions provides an 8-day camp experience for students with vision impairment.
Camp Coordinator: Libby Sarra
Phone Number: 814-542-2511, Ext. 111
Email: blcood@beaconlodge.org
For Anytime
From FamilyConnect
Are you interested in connecting with other parents and families of children who are blind or visually impaired? APH (American Printing House for the Blind) FamilyConnect and the Chicago Lighthouse have partnered together to provide a virtual support group that connects on the first Wednesday of every month from 7:30pm-8:30pm (ET). Visit the FamilyConnect website to view additional details and resources.
Do you or someone you know have a child that qualifies for special education, but doesn't know where to start? This bundle includes several different publications that provide essential, comprehendible information to families who are new to special education.
Topics include procedural safeguards, special education resources, special education evaluation and reevaluation, a glossary of special education terms, and more!
PaTTAN - Blindness/Visual Impairment Team
PaTTAN East - 333 Technology Drive Malvern, PA 19355
Jenifer Edgar - jedgar@pattan.net - Educational Consultant
Tess Nasehi - tnasehi@pattan.net - Family Consultant
PaTTAN Central - 6340 Flank Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112
Greg Gerhart - ggerhart@pattan.net - Educational Consultant
PaTTAN West - 3190 William Pitt Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Tim Knight - tknight@pattan.net - Educational Consultant
Greg Lazur - glazur@pattan.net - Educational Consultant
The mission of the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) is to support the efforts and initiatives of the Bureau of Special Education, and to build the capacity of local educational agencies to serve students who receive special education services.