LP Brown Community Newsletter
October 2024
On Time Every Day!
School starts every day at 8:00 AM. 8:00 AM is the second bell. Students that enter the school after 8:00 AM are being marked tardy. These students are missing important community building time in their classrooms in the morning time.
Please plan to have kids at school sometime between 7:45 AM and 7:50 AM. We being our day with a morning assembly every day in the gym. If students arrive after 8:52, they are missing this important event. Thank you for your help in getting kids to school on-time.
No School and Early Release Days in October
No School, Friday, October 4th
Early Release October 2nd, 8th, 16th, 30th. Dismissal at 1:25 PM
Conference Week October 21st Through The 25th. Dismissal at 11:05 AM.
October 4th: No School
We have our one teacher inservice day this coming Friday, October 4th.
This is a non-school day for students.
No School Friday, October 4th!
Conference Week October 21st - 25th
Conference Week is early this year. October 21st though the 25th. During conference week, we run on a half day schedule Monday through Friday. Dismissal is at 11:05 AM each day that week. Conferences begin at 12:30 PM and run according to each teacher's schedule.
Skyward Family Access is what we use to schedule conferences. Conference times are available on a first come, first serve basis. Get in there early and grab your preferred time. Family access opens early for those with more than one child at LP Brown to allow conferences to be scheduled back to back.
Tuesday, October 1st: Scheduling open for families with multiple children
Thursday, October 3rd: Scheduling open for Everyone.
Friday, October 11th: Scheduling Closes at 4:00 PM
Here is a link to Skyward Family Access
If you need help, please reach out for support. If you don't remember your password, or have never logged in before, please hit the "forgot password" button and go through the process of changing your password. It is important that everyone knows how to log into Skyward. You will use this system a lot in the secondary schools.
Fall Fun Fest (Trunk or Treat!)
Here is a Sign-Up Genius that will allow you to sign up to help.
Veteran's Day Assembly November 7th
Please join us as LP Brown celebrates our armed forces veterans during for our Veteran’s Day Assembly on Thursday, November 7th at 1:15 PM. Our assembly will feature performances by our 3rd grade students.
We would like to honor LP Brown family members who have served, or are currently serving, in our armed forces. Please email the names of any veterans or service members and a digital photo of the family veteran, if possible, to bappelgate@osd.wednet.edu with the name of the LP Brown student, veteran relative’s name, branch of service and relationship to student. Veterans are also invited to attend. We hope to see you there!
Sleep Routines Are Essential
Sleep is essential for your child's growth and development. It is also important for their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Students who do not consistently get enough sleep tend to have difficulty concentrating, memory challenges, impulsivity, and higher levels of stress.
Financial Assistance Available
The Olympia School District Education Foundation provides support to families in need. With their support, we can help with:
Rent and utility bills
Clothing and shoes
Eye exams and prescription glasses for students
School supplies
School-related expenses
Internet through Xfinity and so much more...
We can also provide grocery vouchers to Ralph’s or Bayview grocery stores and gas vouchers to help with transportation.
Important Upcoming Dates
October 4th: No School-Teacher Inservice Day
October 17th: Earthquake Drill
October 21st - 25th: Conference Week. Dismissal at 11:05 AM
October 24th: Fall Fun Fest (Trunk or Treat) @ 6:00 PM
October 29th: Vision and Hearing Screening
November 7th: Veteran's Day Assembly @ 1:15 PM