Principal Update to Families
October 2, 2024
Message From the Principal
Dear Hubbard Husky Families,
Can you believe October is here? The year is off to a great start. Thank you to all of the families who came out to open house. It was so great to see all of you and I look forward to the next parent engagement activity! For those who were unable to make it, the information that I presented is below. This is a lot of information, but very important for you to know. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school at 614-365-5564.
-Mrs. McGaughy
Building Principal
Vision: Each student at Hubbard Elementary will show a year's worth of growth or more in reading and math as measured by the district and/or state assessment by the end of each school year.
Mission: Hubbard Elementary exists to build a community where every student belongs in our PACK. Everyone is valued, celebrated and nurtured with high expectations for learning, involvement and showing Husky PRIDE!
Title I School:
As a parent of a student attending a school receiving Federal Title I dollars you have the right to ask:
Whether the teacher has met state qualifications and certification requirements for the grade level and subject he/she is teaching,
Whether the teacher received an emergency or conditional certificate through which state qualifications were waived
What undergraduate or graduate degrees the teacher holds, including graduate certificates and additional degrees, and the major(s) or area(s) of concentration.
You have the right to request:
Information on policies regarding student participation in assessments and procedures for opting out
Information on required assessments that include:
o subject matter tested
o purpose of the test
o source of the requirement (if applicable)
o amount of time it takes students to complete the test
o time and format of disseminating results
RIMP(Reading Improvement Monitoring Plan)
These scores determine if your child is given a RIMP. The OST ELA promotion score for 2024-25 is 700. The scaled score for promotion is 50. 3rd grade students will be placed on a RIMP with OST Fall scores below 700 AND 50. The third graders will be taking the Reading Ohio State Test(OST) October 24-25. They will take the test again in the spring.
Intermediate RIMP
Fourth Grade
All students, including students with disabilities, who are promoted will require a RIMP if the student:
Had a RIMP in grade 3 and did not score proficient (700 or higher) on Ohio’s State Test for grade 3 ELA
Did not meet the promotion score on Ohio’s State Test for grade 3 ELA but the student’s parent or guardian requested the student be promoted to grade 4. These same students must receive 90 minutes of daily reading instruction that includes intensive intervention
Fifth Grade
Any student, including students with disabilities, that had a RIMP in grade 4 and scored below 700 on Ohio’s state test for grade 4 English language arts must continue to have a RIMP.
***You can access the following link for more information about the Ohio State Test and access practice test items that your student can access from home for practice.
Attendance HB 410
State law defines excessive absence and truancy as:
Excessive absence: a student misses 38 or more hours of school in a single month (about 6 days), or 65 or more hours in one school year, with or without a legitimate excuse (about 11 days).
Truancy: a student is absent from school without legitimate excuse for 30 or more consecutive hours (5 days), 42 or more hours in one school month (7 days), or 72 or more hours in a school year (12 days).
Did you miss the school survey? Please access it here! Thank you if you have already completed this survey. Your feedback is important and appreciated.
📆 Upcoming Events
October 2024
October 3 PTA meeting 6-7
October 7 Picture Day(Information sent home this week)
October 18 No School (Professional Development)
October 17 Quarter Party
October 22 End of Quarter 1
October 22 Trick or Treat Drive Thru (Details to come)
October 24-25 3rd Grade Ohio State Test (Reading)
Flu Clinic
Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024, 10:00 AM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
🙋🏽 Important Reminders
School hours:
Our school hours are 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM.
Doors open at 8:30amArrival & Dismissal:
- Transportation is still making adjustments to the routes so that students can get to school and home on time. You have been or will be informed should a change be made to your pick up or drop off time. While I am in constant communication with transportation regarding concerns with drop off and arrival times the school does not make decisions regarding the bus or the schedules. Please contact transportation with any concerns at 614-365-5074. Thank you for your continued patience with this challenge!
Dismissal begins at approximately 3:25 PM. Please have clear communication with your child’s teacher and your child about how they are getting home. In the unlikely event that you need to make changes to your child’s dismissal method, contact the school office prior to 2:30 PM. Please do not email dismissal changes, and do not leave them on the school’s voicemail. In other words: No Call, No Note, NO CHANGE. If everyone follows procedures, we can fully dismiss in approximately 15 minutes (even if it seems the car line is long).
Walkers: Walkers will enter and exit through the gym/cafeteria entrance on Hubbard. Walkers are all dismissed at the same time. Any parents seen picking up their child in a car from the walker side will be removed from the walker list and have to pick up their child on Wilbur.
Car Rider Drop-Off & Pick-Up: Please use the provided car tags with your child(rens) name(s). If you send someone else to pick up, please provide them with a car tag. This helps teachers keep all kids safe and identify if a driver has parent consent to pick up. If you need extra tags, please let us know! Thank you.
Contact Info
Hubbard Elementary School
Principal: Mrs. Kendra McGaughyMain Office: Ms. Lin Heineman
Website: https://www.ccsoh.us/HubbardElementary
Location: 104 W Hubbard Ave, Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 614-365-5564
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HubbardElementarySchool/