QOHS Weekly Newsletter
Weekly updates & information for Students, Staff & Families
May 5, 2024
Dear Quince Orchard Students, Staff, and Families,
Last week, we welcomed the month of May. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who reached out to me on May 1st for National's Principal's Day. Your support and appreciation mean the world to me, and it's a true honor to serve as the principal of QOHS.
This week, we will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week. I encourage each of you to take a moment to express gratitude to our exceptional teachers. They go above and beyond every day, shaping the minds and hearts of our students both inside and outside the classroom. Let's celebrate their dedication and hard work throughout this week!
We are also continuing to celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month and Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. It's essential that we recognize and celebrate the strength and beauty of our diverse school community. We will have presentations in Cougars Connect, informative morning announcements, and other cultural events throughout the month.
As we celebrate, we also begin our College Board AP testing. I am extremely proud of our students' hard work and I wish them success as they take their AP exams this week. If you have any questions about testing, please reach out to your child’s grade level administrator. We will continue to share testing dates and locations through email communications.
Lastly, as many of us are counting down the days until the May 31st Graduation, let's encourage our seniors to finish strong by actively attending and engaging in daily instructional activities.
Despite the busy May schedule, let's take a moment to enjoy the warm weather and all the great things happening at QOHS.
Thank you for being a wonderful community and always remember…We can’t hide our Cougar Pride!
All the Best,
Elizabeth L. Thomas
Teacher Appreciation Week: May 6-10, 2024
Please help us celebrate our teachers for all the work they do to support students every day! Simply fill out the Google form, and your messages will be delivered to teachers throughout the week. Thank you for your support! https://forms.gle/RGfCZev1Fe2w6bCn7
¡Ayúdenos a celebrar a nuestros maestros por todo el trabajo que hacen para apoyar a los estudiantes todos los días! Simplemente complete el formulario de Google y sus mensajes se entregarán a los maestros durante toda la semana. ¡Gracias por su apoyo! https://forms.gle/RGfCZev1Fe2w6bCn7
Spring Testing Updates - New Weekly Testing Calendar
Week 3 of MCAP Testing & Week 1 of AP Testing
We are on heading into our third week of MCAP Testing. This week students will take MCAP Government and there will be make ups for MCAP LS MISA/Biology. Students participating in MCAP Government will receive their room location via Remind & Canvas Announcement on Tuesday Afternoon.
Students who need to make-up any section of Biology will receive emails with their make-up date & location from Ms. Ashman.
***Students who take the AP Government Exam on Monday will NOT take the MCAP Government Assessment on Wednesday/Thursday
***Students who need to make-up any section of MCAP ELA should plan to test on May 16th and 17th.
Spring Testing Schedule Week by Week
Please review the link below to see the Spring Testing Schedule (including labeled Exam/Assessment Days): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dHeT8Q0soirdcpDhl_YQyu3G_OMy_mCrqK1Mv24qLk4/edit
LS MISA and Government Assessments
Please review this very important information regarding LS MISA and Government Assessments. Next month, in May, students may take standardized assessments that will count for 20% of their final Semester B grades.
As a reminder, ninth grade (class of 2027) students currently enrolled in high school National, State, and Local Government (NSL) and Biology courses will take the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) assessments which will be factored into their school grades. These assessments align with the content that students have been learning in their coursework throughout this year.
The student’s final Semester B grade will be a calculation of the student’s third quarter grade (40%), fourth quarter grade (40%) and the MCAP assessment grade (20%).
Click the link below to read the full letter: https://ww2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/publicinfo/community/school-year-2023-2024/Community-message-20240411.html
Spring MCAP Assessments
Please see the table below with the Spring MCAP Assessment Dates, students will receive more specific information regarding which tests they need to participate in via email.
QO Receives PLTW Distinguished Scholar Recognition
We’re proud to announce Quince Orchard High School has been named a @PLTWorg 2023-24 Distinguished School for their commitment to increasing student access, engagement, and achievement in their PLTW Engineering programs. #PLTW #STEM #STEMeducation
QOHS offers six PLTW courses - Introduction to Engineering Design (IED), Principles of Engineering (POE), Digital Electronics (DE), Aerospace Engineering (AE), Environmental Sustainability (ES), and Engineering Design and Development (EDD). Through these courses students explore a variety of areas of Engineering through project based learning at the college level. All of the courses are designed to challenge and engage students while exposing them to college and real-world programs and techniques. Three of the courses, IED, POE, and DE also allow students to earn college transcript credit from Rochester Institute of Technology. For more information about any of these courses or the program, please check out our PLTW webpages (https://sites.google.com/mcpsmd.net/qohs-facts/tech/project-lead-the-way-pltw) within the FACTS Department website (https://sites.google.com/mcpsmd.net/qohs-facts/home).
Maryland Special Education Parent Involvement Survey
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) is conducting a survey, Maryland Special Education Parent Involvement Survey (MSEPIS), for all parents/caregivers of children receiving special education and related services. There are preschool and school-age versions of the survey. Parents/caregivers have the option of returning the survey in the MSDE pre-paid postage envelope or responding to the survey online.
Take the survey here: https://www.mdparentsurvey.com/
MoCo CAP Program
Hello! I'm Coleen Djouha and I'm the Career Advising Coach for Quince Orchard High School. The Montgomery County Career Advising Program (MoCo CAP) is designed to help students with career exploration. I'm here to: 1) have conversations with students to help them identify their strengths, interests and values and have them connect them to their career goals; 2) connect students with MCPS programs based on their strengths, interests and values; and 3) create career experiences with students to help expose them to their career options (field trips, meet a pro events, career days etc.). I'm located in the Counseling Office. I'm excited to work with your students. Please feel free to contact me at (240) 283-1504 or email me at cdjouha@worksourcemontgomery.com with any questions or concerns!
Senior Info & Updates
Graduation Informaiton
The Class of 2024 is graduating on Friday, May 31st at UMBC and it is time to get information and details about Graduation, tickets, seating, and more in the slides from our presentation (Spanish Slides) and in the video recording from Tuesday, April 9th.
- Extra Ticket Request Form - Requests are due by Friday, April 26th, each graduate receives 7 tickets automatically and the graduate does NOT need a ticket.
- Request Form for Handicapped Seating Vouchers or Deaf/Hard of Hearing Seating (for American Sign Language services) - Requests are due by Tuesday, May 21st. Vouchers are NOT tickets, they are used in addition to tickets to receive special seating.
Please see this website for all graduation information: https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/qohs/homepage/graduation/
Any senior dues that have not been paid yet, have become an obligation. These must be paid through the financial specialist, Ms. Ayers (jessica_l_ayers@mcpsmd.org)
If you have any questions, contact the Senior Class Sponsors, Ms. Samantha Carter (Samantha_M_Carter@mcpsmd.org) or Ms. Lisa Barksdale (Lisa_F_Barksdale@mcpsmd.org)
Heat to Air Conditioning Conversion
It is springtime and schools will have their heating systems converted to air conditioning starting in mid-April. The majority of our mechanical systems provide both heating and cooling to MCPS school buildings. Therefore, twice a year, that system must be shut down for the seasonal changeover. See the flyer below for more information regarding that process.
College and Career Center Updates
2024 College Visits
Spring College Visits are happening now! Students - register for the following college visits on Naviance. Visits are open to juniors and seniors. Please stop by the College and Career Center if you have any questions.
- Click the link below to view upcoming college visits: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1scndfuG1BKl-yD1VYV4B07NijAr-q2q2NZN1u7JNNMQ/edit?usp=sharing
Find QOHS College & Career Updates on Social Media
Follow our X (formerly known as Twitter) & Instagram page for information/resources about College and Career readiness from the College and Career Center at Quince Orchard High School!
- X: qohs_ccic
- Instagram: qohs_ccic
- We are also on Remind! Add our class code 38hbcae
May SSL Opportunities & Updates
QOHS In-School Opportunities
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Slide Project (Earn Up to 10 Hours!)
Jewish American Heritage Month Slide Project (Earn Up to 10 Hours!)
Mr. Sontz always can use help in room 133 during lunch! Stop by one day to help. derek_s_sontz@mcpsmd.org
Come to Mrs. Miller’s room 340 any day at lunch to make cards for cancer patients, or write letters to veterans.
Have Questions? Contact: kelly_p_miller@mcpsmd.org
Click here for May SSL opportunities: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16WQXyLL-Z_nQrOSYa2zriscSWPu8LbPVduqjjWQ_rqE/edit?usp=sharing
Out of School Opportunites
Additional MAY SSL Opportunities
Special Education Parent Community Resource Fair on Saturday, May 11, 2024, at Montgomery Blair High School. We are looking for student volunteers to support staff with set-up, support during the resource fair, and clean-up. The resource fair will take place from 10:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m. Students can sign up to volunteer using this google form. Earn up to 4 hours.
SSL Opportunities with 2024 ELO Summer Programs
The Division of Title 1 is excited to announce the return of student volunteers for the 2024 ELO Summer Programs.
The program runs from July 8 to August 2, Monday through Friday, for 4.5 hours per day.
Student volunteers are welcome to utilize MCPS bus transportation provided to program participants within each school’s normal catchment area, and volunteers will be provided breakfast and lunch daily, free of charge.
The window to register as a volunteer will be open from April 8 to May 17. Registration will take place on a first come, first served basis.
Student volunteers may only register for one location and must be available for at least 15 of the 20 days of the program.
All student volunteer opportunities will be posted on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center website, available at this link starting on April 8.
KEEN Prom (Kids Enjoy Exercise Now)! On Friday May 17, KEEN is hosting a Prom for their teen and young adult athletes from 6-8 pm at the Potomac Community Recreation Center. At the Prom, they pair their athletes one-to-one with volunteer buddies for a fun night of social dancing, friendship, and fun.
TLC – The Treatment and Learning Centers offers a summer program for children with speech-language and occupational therapy needs. We have opportunities for SSL hours for students aged 16+ interested in working with children and learning more about the fields of speech-language, occupational therapy, psychology, social work or special education. Our rewarding summer programs offer hands-on experiences and resume builders for students.
- https://montgomerycountymd.galaxydigital.com/need/detail/?need_id=909775
The Gaithersburg Student Union needs volunteers at their “Be Your Best Fest” on Saturday, May 4th from 11:30-4:00. See Mrs. Miller in Room 340 for more details.
Student-to-Student Extracurricular Series - 10 SSL hours – MCPS is seeking students interested in developing a video presentation with either a leadership moment or extracurricular skill to inspire, teach, and share with their MCPS peers and the greater MCPS community. Students may earn 10 SSL hours for successful submission of all items identified in the Student-To-Student Extracurricular Series Form.
International Food Festival - Looking to give back to the community this spring? Want SSL hours? Volunteer at the International Food Festival (355 Linthicum St, Rockville, MD 20851) on Saturday, May 18th from 3-7 PM (parking lot of Rockville United Church).
- Set up and take down tables and chairs, communicate with food trucks about location, engage in friendly conversation with festival goers to let them know about SGAP Leaders/Melanoma Research Alliance, aid anyone at the festival requesting help, and more! In addition, you will earn up to 4 SSL hours for your service!! Sign up at https://forms.gle/pmjbDqVbvFXGFU8m6 today!
Order your 2024 yearbook while copies remain!!
Don't miss out on a chance to buy your 2024 yearbook! A limited number of yearbooks are still available for purchase at Jostens.com. Buy yours today!
QO Athletics Information
Schedule for the Week of 5/6/24
5/6/2024 5:15 PM Varsity Softball Blake Home
5/6 to 5/9 Boys and Girls Tennis County Championships at Various Locations
5/8 and 5/9 County Track and Field Championships at Seneca Valley HS
5/11 County Track and Field B Meet at Einstein HS 10am
Boys Lacrosse and Girls Lacrosse MPSSAA Playoff draws are on Monday 5/6
Baseball and Softball MPSSAA Playoff draws are on Tuesday 5/7
Check www.mpssaa.org and www.qoathletics.com for 1st round game information for all teams!
Athletic Website Domain Change
Our athletic website address has changed to www.qoathletics.com . Please bookmark this on your computer to see schedules, information and updates on QO Athletics all year!
MCPS Things to Know
May 2, 2024
English / español / 中文 / français / Português / 한국어 / tiếng Việt / አማርኛ
Gaithersburg High School Educator Wins MCPS Teacher of the Year
Melissa Porter Parks, English Language Development resource teacher at Gaithersburg High School, was named the 2024–2025 MCPS Teacher of the Year during a celebration on May 1. She will now compete for Maryland Teacher of the Year. Also during the annual Champions for Children event, Bruno Smith, building service manager at Mill Creek Towne Elementary School, was named Supporting Services Employee of the Year. Read more.
May 6–10 is Teacher Appreciation Week!
MCPS wants to honor the amazing educators who have made an incredible impact on our students' lives. The role of a teacher is one of the most important and challenging jobs out there, and their hard work and dedication should be recognized. Join us next week as we say “Thank You” to our teachers. Watch this video to learn more about this year’s Teacher of the Year winner.
2024 Graduation Schedule Available Online
High school commencement ceremonies will be held between Wednesday, May 29, and Wednesday, June 12. Graduation ceremonies will take place on individual high school campuses, at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C., and on the campuses of Mount St. Mary’s University and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Click here for graduation dates, locations and times for every high school.
Join Us At The Special Education Resource Fair
Don’t miss this year’s Special Education Family Resource Fair on Saturday, May 11 at Montgomery Blair High School. The free event will be held from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m., and is open to MCPS parents, staff and community members. The fair will include valuable resources from a variety of community resources and vendors, and fun children’s activities, including moon bounces, music, arts and crafts, and balloon artists.
Montgomery Blair is located at 51 University Blvd. East in Silver Spring.
Special Education Family Resource Fair, 2024
Free Out-of-School Time Coed Football Clinic on May 14
Students in grades 1-8 are invited to a free coed football clinic from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14 when they are off from school. The clinic will be hosted by the 480 Club, in partnership with the MCPS Out-of-School-Time program at Laytonia Turf Field in Gaithersburg. The event will also feature food trucks, a DJ, special guests, autograph sessions and a photo booth.
Sessions by grade level:
Grades 1-5: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Grades 6-8: 1:30- 3:30 p.m.
RSVP here for elementary school students.
RSVP here for middle school students.
Laytonia Turf Field is located at 7300 Airpark Road in Gaithersburg.
Free Summer Coding Camp Available For Middle School Students
Montgomery Can Code’s summer camp is a free, weeklong camp open to MCPS rising 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. Participants in the camp will learn to code with Swift, Apple’s easy-to-understand programming language used by professional developers to create world-class apps.
Register here or students can contact their school counselor.
School Nutrition Employee Appreciation Week
During School Nutrition Employee Appreciation week on April 29–May 3, MCPS is recognizing and saying thank you to the more than 800 Division of Food and Nutrition Services (DFNS) staff members who provide more than 90,000 meals daily in 211 schools. Learn more.
Getting Students College and Career Ready
Albert Einstein High School held its second annual Career Day earlier this spring. It is one of the many ways students can engage and learn from working professionals to become college and career ready. These opportunities not only support the MCPS strategic plan, but also the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future legislation. Visit the Blueprint For Maryland’s website to learn more.
Spring Parent Academy Schedule Available
Families can stay engaged throughout the school year with Parent Academy TO GO. Parent Academy is designed to inform and empower families as advocates and partners in their children's education. Read more.
Upcoming Topics: Active Parenting Now! (Series); Positive Discipline; What’s Narcan? and more.
Visit the Parent Academy website for dates.
Registration is available here.
Safety Day To Offer Family Fun and Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Information
All families are invited to Safety Day on Saturday, May 11 in the Carver Educational Services Center (CESC) parking lot at 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. Safety Day will bring the community together to learn more about traffic safety in a fun and festive environment. Read more.
Don’t Miss the Gaithersburg Book Festival on May 18
The Gaithersburg Book Festival, a celebration of books, writers and literary excellence, will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, at Bohrer Park, 506 S. Frederick Avenue in Gaithersburg. This year's author lineup includes Watkins Mill High School educator Sara Goodman Confino. Read more.
MCPS French Immersion Program Turns 50
The MCPS French Immersion program celebrated 50 years during an event on April 27 at Walt Whitman High School. The French Immersion program began at the former Four Corners Elementary School, and since then, has grown. There are now two schools in MCPS that have programs at the elementary level—Maryvale and Sligo Creek, and two that have programs at the middle school level—Gaithersburg and Silver Spring International. The MCPS program serves as a model and inspiration for immersion programs across the country. Check out the photo gallery.
Dates to Remember
- May 9 Board of Education business meeting
- May 11 Special Education Resource Fair and Safety Day
- May 14 Primary Election Day—School and offices closed
- May 18 Gaithersburg Book Festival
- May 23 Board of Education business meeting
- May 24 Early release day for students (INNOVATIVE CALENDAR SCHOOLS ONLY)
- May 27 Memorial Day—Schools and offices closed
- June 13 Last day of school for students; early release day for students
- June 14* Grading and Planning for the end of term
- June 19 Systemwide Closure—Schools and offices closed
Open Registrations
- Prekindergarten and Head Start Registration Open for Income-Eligible Families
- Kindergarten Registration Open for 2024-2025 School Year
More From MCPS
- School calendar
- Parent Academy spring virtual workshops
- Parent resource page
- School menus
- News and Information page /(Noticias en Español)
- Latest photo galleries
- MCPS TV videos
- MCPS TV español
Email us: ASKMCPS@mcpsmd.org
©1995–2024 Montgomery County Public Schools
Booster, NAACP Parent Council & PTSA Info & Updates
Congratulations Act-So participants and winners
This year the local Act-So competition had 3 students representing Quince Orchard HS: Julian Pollard, Enid Will and Jasmine Woodfork. We are so proud of them. We want to highlight Julian Pollard, who won the Bronze for Long Essay and Jasmine Woodfork, who won the Gold for Poetry Written. Jasmine will be going to Las Vegas this summer to participate in the National ACT-So competition. Congratulations!
Consider joining the QOHS PTSA for the 2024-2025 school year! Volunteer positions are available.
Cluster Coordinators Needed!
It is that time of Year, QOHS Community! We need nominees for Cluster Coordinators for the Clarksburg, Northwest, Quince Orchard or Seneca Valley! There can be up to 3 Cluster Coordinators per cluster. We also need nominees for West Area VP. All you have to be is a member of a PTA. That’s it!
Position Details: Each coordinator does what they can in this position. It doesn’t have to a lot, or it can be. It depends on you. Is there something really important you want to champion, fix or add to your schools? Being a Cluster Coordinator means you get to meet with the Area Associate Superintendent and the Principals. You also get a guaranteed slot to testify in front of the Board Of Education.
Greg's Driving School/QOHS PTSA Fundraiser
Support QOHS PTSA when you sign your emergent driver up for drivers education classes. Greg’s Driving School has two methods to credit the QOHS PTSA. Use this link: www.gregsdrivingschool.net/QO or enter the "QO" fundraiser code when signing up for class.
"After School Special" at Laperaux
All local students, faculty, and staff are invited to Laperaux French Bistro (18056 Mateny Rd, Germantown, MD 20874) to take advantage of the "After School Special" every Tuesday through Friday from 3 pm-5 pm (available for takeout only). The "After School Special" includes Peppered Steak Frites Skewer, Three-Quarters of a pound of Famous Duck Fat Fries, Steak Sauce, and Iced Tea, all for $10.00 plus tax. Call (240)912-3100 to place your pick-up order or go to https://www.laperaux.com/.
QOHS PTSA Facebook page invitation
Connect with the Quince Orchard High School PTSA on Facebook:
Membership, Volunteer & Donation Info.
Our PTSA, NAACPPC, and Boosters Organizations are key to our success. This year our amazing organizations are offering a joint membership option that allows for a 20% discount. Membership forms can be found below or at qohsboosters.com and at https://qohsptsa.memberhub.com/store. I urge you to support these worthy organizations which do so much to support our school and help us provide the best education possible to our students. You will find your involvement with one of our parent groups will help increase your student’s sense of belonging and pride in Quince Orchard High School, as well as bring families together!
Important Reminders
Reminder - Parking Permits MUST be Displayed
Parking permits must be displayed in the vehicle on the rear-view mirror with the number facing out. Permits are non-transferable and will be revoked if used by vehicles other than the registered student.
Permit holders are expected to follow the following regulations, which will be strictly enforced. Activities listed below are prohibited.
1. Exceeding reasonable speeds or otherwise driving recklessly.
2. Leaving school grounds without permission and not signing out/in with the attendance office.
3. Unauthorized transporting other students off school grounds during the school day.
4. Parking in spaces designated for staff, visitors, marked as reserved, or the bus lane.
5. Parking a vehicle without a current parking tag properly displayed.
6. Accessing a parked vehicle without permission from an administrator.
7. Parking in a designated handicapped parking spot without an official handicap permit.
8. Littering.
9. Parking anywhere on school grounds not designated as a student parking space.
10. Violations of the school discipline policy.
In addition, student vehicles will be issued "violation stickers" starting on Tuesday, January 16th along with additional consequences for violating the aforementioned regulations. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Mr. Yarborough or Ms. Eberhart-Bliss in the main office at (240) 740-3600.
REMINDER - Visitors Must Have ID
All visitors must present their actual state issued ID when entering our school building. Our security system will not scan new electronic ID's. Thank you for your continued support in ensuring the safety and security of our students.
Mental Health Resource Guide
Lunch Process and Norms
Quince Orchard High School's lunch policy varies according to a student’s grade level:
Students in Grades 9 and 10 must remain on QO property for lunch. They cannot leave QO property unless they are signed out by a parent/guardian/caregiver via the attendance office.
Students in Grades 11 and 12 may leave QO property for lunch. They must have a student ID card that reflects their 11th and 12th-grade level status. If an 11th or 12th grader wants to leave campus during lunch, they MUST show their current year school ID card to school staff. No exceptions.
All students must follow lunch procedures as outlined below:
1. Students have the option to purchase lunch in our cafeteria or bring food from home.
2. Students may sit in the following areas to enjoy their lunch:
- Cafeteria
- On the designated side of most hallways
- In a classroom with a staff member, if given permission and supervised
- Outside near the main entrance, tennis courts, basketball courts, or backfield area
Students may NOT eat in their cars, auditorium, gymnasiums, the Cougar Dome, or stairwells.
3. Students are reminded that when they leave campus and enter the surrounding community, they must follow the MCPS Student Code of Conduct. Open lunch is a privilege. Permission to leave campus during lunch can be revoked.
4. For 11th or 12th graders allowed to leave campus for open lunch, students must:
show their current year school ID card to check out with staff at the designated exit
Students may ONLY exit campus at the bus loop/QO library exit along Quince Orchard Rd. (NOTE: this is a change from the 22-23 school year)
not leave campus or attempt to leave campus anywhere except the designated exit
not access vehicles and/or leave campus in a vehicle without staff authorization
Students with abbreviated schedules must show staff their schedule to leave campus in a vehicle
Students who have been signed out in the attendance office must show documentation to staff to leave in a vehicle
return to the building and arrive to class on time
use the crosswalk and sidewalks only
follow staff directions when crossing the street
behave courteously and respectfully to staff, to other students, to the public, and to the business locations in our community
5. Students who attempt to use another person's ID card for open lunch privilege will result in the revocation for both students and/or other consequences as determined by the MCPS Code of Conduct.
6. Visitors are not allowed in the lunchroom or other areas throughout the school without permission. All visitors must sign in at the welcome center and wear an issued visitor badge sticker.
7. Students are not allowed to have off-campus food delivered to the school. Any food delivered will be kept by the welcome center and available for pick up at the end of the school day.
The full 2023-24 lunch policy is linked here and is available in the student handbook. Each family should thoroughly review and become familiar with the lunch procedures and policies.
Testing Accommodations for the College Board Tests (AP, SAT, PSAT) and ACT
In order to receive accommodations on these tests, a student must request the accommodations by submitting a Student Eligibility Form. The form must be completed by both parents and school officials and then mailed to the College Board at least seven weeks in advance of the student taking the first test.
Please review the criteria established by the College Board for requesting testing accommodations:
Please follow the link below to identify the process for submitting a request for ACT Test Accommodations and English Learner Supports:
**Please note that students who have an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan are not guaranteed that College Board or ACT will provide accommodations. The College Board requires current neuropsychological testing (within the past three years) which documents the specific need for each requested accommodation.
All IEP students should work with Ms. Samantha Carter to complete the accommodation request(s) and students with a 504 Plan should work with Ms. Rossini or Ms. Jessica Conter.
Please contact Ms. Jessica Conter, Resource Counselor in the Counseling Office (240-740-3620) if you have any further questions about this process.
Important Links:
Stay connected throughout the school year with these important links:
Elizabeth L. Thomas
Email: Elizabeth_L_Thomas@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/qohs/
Location: 15800 Quince Orchard Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20878, USA
Phone: 240-740-3600
Twitter: @QOHSPrin_Thomas