Bordeaux Elementary School
January 12, 2025
Dear Families,
This has been one of the smoothest starts to a New Year that I can remember (knock on wood). Students have come in ready to learn and eager to get back into school mode. It’s been wonderful to see all their wonderful little faces again. I’ve had the opportunity to get into all 23 classrooms this last week and am encouraged by the excitement and participation that I’ve witnessed.
As we move forward with the remainder of the year, we are asking that all sports balls and equipment be kept at home. We will no longer be allowing these items out on the playground. Our wonderful PTSO provides us money to purchase equipment and we have funds through our PBIS program. We have enough sports balls on the playground for students to enjoy. This will help prevent lost and misplaced items and alleviate any confusion between school equipment and home equipment. As we move towards baseball and soccer seasons, if students need to bring equipment because of after school practices, etc. please communicate directly with the teacher if necessary when the time comes.
Basketball permission slips went out for 1st through 4th grade last week. These forms
will be accepted through January 17th. Each grade level will have a capacity of 25 athletes. Students will be selected using the Wheel of Names. Basketball will be on Mondays for 1st grade, Tuesday for 2nd grade, Thursday for 3rd grade, and Friday for 4th grade. The season will run January 27th through March 6th.
This Wednesday, January 15th is our next PTSO meeting from 5:00 - 6:00 PM in the Bordeaux Library. The PTSO is an excellent opportunity to get involved and participate in all the wonderful things happening here at Bordeaux.
This Wednesday is also an early release Wednesday where students will be dismissed at 2:00.
Please remember to not double park and block in cars at parent pick-up, especially if you are planning on getting out of your car. The system we have is reliant on all adults working together in order to keep things running smoothly. Double parking might make it more convenient for one, but is creating a negative impact on others and making our parking lot more congested, and therefore slowing down the system. Please be mindful that there are many adults and children needing to get on with their days, and if we all work together our parking lot can be clear by 3:45.
One week down for 2025 and as we move into our second one - as always, it’s a great week to be a Bordeaux Bulldog!