Kaikōura Suburban School
Newsletter 7 Friday 27 May 2022
Tumuaki/Principal Pānui
Kia eke eke taumata - Climbing to new heights.
Kei te mihi tuatahi, to our amazing staff who have supported our tamariki in their journeys as Fyffe FORCE entrepreneurs. Kei te mihi tuarua to our tamariki for being such incredible innovators and entrepreneurs. Kei te mihi tuatoru to our parents and whānau for all your wonderful support, help and generosity towards our kura/school. Kei te mihi tuawha to our local business' Kaikōura Paper Plus, Kaikōura Day and Night and for your donations. Kei te mihi tuarima to Helen and Lloyd Morgan for the donation of Firewood.
Congratulations to Howard Reid who won the raffle of the firewood. There is a few tickets that have been purchased and not yet paid for though, if you could follow up with payment that would be much appreciated.
We believe we have raised $1, 500 plus for our school through the market and the firewood raffle. Although there is a bit more accounting left to do by the children to firm up the figure, this is a great outcome. Each class has a project that they will be committing their profit towards. More details to follow. The firewood raffle will go towards some initial costs for preparing for this years Whale Run.
Kei te mihi tuaono to Rachel and Saul Dale for their donation of $500 towards purchasing new sports gear, thank you.
This week we had our first hui/meeting on Wednesday evening to form a group to support the Whale Run 2022. This has been a significant event for Kaikōura Suburban School over a number of years. It attracts people from across New Zealand and abroad. Since 2020 we have had to cancel and postpone this event which has lead to the school missing out on significant fundraising for the last two years. Consequently, this has meant the BOT has covered the salary of a Teacher Aide during this time and much of that cost was covered by this fundraiser. For the Whale Run to be a success we need a vast array of help from administration and finances to marketing, officials, sponsorship and much more. Due to the expertise and planning from the previous years there is a list of the jobs needing to be done and systems implemented to support these. We just need hands on deck to activate it all. So nau mai haere mai - come along to our next hui Wednesday 8th June 2022 at 4pm at school.
Our netball team Suburban Force have been doing a great job representing our school last week we played KP Seals from Kaikōura Primary, we had a loss yet the girls played amazingly. Hannah Nee was our captain last week and she also got player of the day. Sophie Ni got umpires player of the game.
Kia pai tō wiki mutunga - Have a great weekend
Alicia Poroa
Coming Events
- Monday 30 May to Wednesday 1 June - Soccer with Toni
- Tuesday 31 May - Conservation Day Kaitiakitanga
- Thursday 2 June - NYLP 22 Toroa Class trip to Christchurch
- Friday 3 June - Piwakawaka Assembly
- Monday 6 June - Queens Birthday (School closed)
- Friday 10 June - No Assembly, Newsletter out
Birthday Celebrations
We hope you all have a fantastic day.
From The Suburban Whānau
Pink Shirt Day
Firewood Raffle
There is still some money outstanding for raffle ticket sales, could you please send it to the office or bank online, thank you.
Congratulations to the Reid Whānau, the winners of the raffle!!
L4L Entrepreneurs Market Day.
Catching up with the Toroa's...
Over the next few weeks we have some EOTC trips that we are looking forward to, such as the conservation day and going to Christchurch for National Young Leaders Day (NYLD).
Keep a look out for us in the next newsletter!