Graduation and Beyond Newsletter
December 2024

December 2024 - Second Edition
"Graduation is a Milestone, not a Destination" - Kevin Fleming, author of Redefining the Goal of Education
As we enter the second half of the 2024-2025 school year, a strong focus should be placed on maintaining student engagement and helping students ensure they are on track to graduate no matter if they are a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior.
A perceived lack of relevancy is cited as the main reason students disengage from their classes, quit attending school, and ultimately drop out. How are we building relevancy in the student’s courses? Is your school honoring its Career Advising Policy in order to help students see the direct pathway from a high school diploma to successful post-school outcomes?
Ohio's Graduation Requirements
Ohio has ONE diploma, earned via Course Completion, Demonstration of Competency and Demonstration of Readiness per Ohio’s Graduation Requirements. A student with a disability, via decisions made by the IEP team, may choose an alternate pathway to demonstrate competency, other than scoring proficient or higher on EOC statewide assessments or be exempt from this requirement all together, (Please see Students with IEPs and Graduation for additional information). These students WILL receive an Ohio diploma, if Course Completion and Readiness requirements are also met.
A Federal diploma does not exist. Depending upon how a student achieves their Ohio diploma determines if they are counted in both the Ohio AND the Federal Graduation Rates or only the Ohio Graduation Rate. To be counted in the Federal Graduation Rate, students must meet one of Ohio’s standard graduation pathways for Competency that all students have access to.
- Students who earn the Ohio diploma through exemptions or alternate End of Course Exams will not be included in the Federal Graduation Rate.
- Students who demonstrate Competency through traditional means (scoring at least proficient on the High School OSAs) or through one of Ohio’s alternate pathways for demonstrating competency (Industry Recognized Credentials, etc.) will be counted in the Federal Graduation Rate.
The following is taken from the document “Graduation Component Technical Documentation, 2024-2025 School Year", found on the DEW website. This further explains the criteria for being included in the Ohio and the Federal Graduation Rates: The difference lies in how they account for students with disabilities:
1. Ohio Graduation Rate: (found on the Ohio Report Card)
- a. Measures the percentage of students successfully completing high school with a regular diploma within four or five years.
- b. State-level calculation.
2. Federal Graduation Rate: (found on the Special Education Profile)
- a. Also measures the percentage of students graduating within four years.
- b. Excludes students with disabilities who did not meet course requirements due to modifications or exemptions in their Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Both rates aim to assess graduation success, but their methodologies differ slightly.
CTE & Career Readiness Update and Resource
The Office of Career Technical Education has opened the provider application system for new CTE-26 provider applications for the FY2026-2030 program period. The CTE-26 provider application authorizes schools to offer career-technical education programs in grades 7-12. Public districts, community and STEM schools may access the application for Career-Field Pathway, Career-Based Intervention, Family and Consumer Science/GRADS, Industry Credential Senior-Only, and Innovative Pathway Program applications by logging in to the OH|ID Portal. The application window for the fiscal year 2026-2030 program period closes March 1, 2025, for all new and renewal career-technical education provider applications. Please visit the CTE-26 process page for additional resources. For technical assistance while applying, schools and districts should contact their Ohio College Tech Prep Regional Centers and their Career-Technical Planning District lead.
The Northwest Ohio Tech Prep Regional Center is providing CTE-26 Application Assistance Workshops on the following dates:
CTE-26 Information Session | December 3, 2024 | 9:00 - 12:00 | Virtual
CTE-26 Submission Workshop | December 17, 2024 | 9:00 - 12:00 | Wood Co ESC, Bowling Green
CTE-26 Submission Workshop | January 10, 2025 | 9:00 - 12:00 | Apollo Career Center, Lima
CTE-26 Submission Workshop | January 31, 2025 | 9:00 - 12:00 | Four Co Career Ctr, Archbold
Clark Inclusive Scholars Program Offered at BGSU Firelands
The Clark Inclusive Scholars Program (CISP) is an individualized post-secondary certificate program for students between the ages of 18 and 26 with intellectual developmental disabilities. The program is designed to be completed in four academic semesters/two years, with students participating in college classes, student life activities, and career development. Each student and program staff develop individualized plans to guide their program of study, including college courses, career development activities, student life involvement, and community engagement. CISP is generously funded by the Clark Family Foundation. Most of CISP students’ tuition is paid by the Foundation. Download the flyer or click this link for additional information and/or to schedule a tour.
SST1 Sponsored Upcoming Related PD Opportunities
Graduation Power Hours
Dates - December 17, 2025, January 14, 2025, February 11, 2025, March 18, 2025 and April 22, 2025
Time/Location - 8:30 - 10:00 | Virtual
Audience - Intervention Specialists, General Educators, Guidance Counselors, Special Ed Directors, Community Partners
Description - Each session is a 60 minute "Power Hour" presentation followed by an optional 30 minute Q&A/peer-to-peer networking time that will allow participants to share ideas and dive deeper into the content and implementation strategies discussed during presentation.
CTE Coffee Hours
January 15, 2025 https://forms.gle/B3NMuKh7s62EcRww8
March 19, 2025 https://forms.gle/bdXkR9bU9DfDAeF79
May 14, 2025 https://forms.gle/C5sQBLYkjhsUkmaR7
June 18, 2025 https://forms.gle/gfK2uBvNmWaEc8E3A
(June session will be in-person, location to be determined)
Time/Location - 9:00 - 10:00 | Virtual
Audience - Career Tech Administrators, any school with CT courses or interested in adding CT content are encouraged to attend.
Description - This series is an opportunity for participants to get information on current CTE topics and share career tech successes and challenges. Each session will link recruitment, selection and placement, support success for students with disabilities, and share professional development opportunities to support all learners in their path to graduation and beyond.
Regional Transition Network
Dates - February 5, 2025 and April 30, 2025
Time/Location - 9:00 - 12:00 | ESC of Lake Erie West, Toledo
Register here for these dates at the ESC of Lake Erie West
Dates - February 6, 2025 and May 1, 2025
Time/Location - 9:30 - 12:00 | Vantage Career Center, Van Wert
Register here for these dates at Vantage Career Center
Audience - Intervention Specialists, General Education Teachers, Administrators, Community Partners,
Description - The sessions in this network include dissemination of regional/state updates, networking and share-outs, and guest speakers all with a focus on supporting systemic implementation of services, supports, and/or resources that support successful graduation and post-secondary outcomes in the areas of education/training, competitive integrated employment, and independent living for all students, with a focus on supporting students with disabilities.
DEW Sponsored Related Opportunities and PD
Career Readiness Leaders Meetups - These meetings are for educators who work with students on plans for their future and school leaders looking to offer students more career awareness, exploration and planning opportunities. They are held monthly on the second Tuesday of each month at 2:30. All meetings are virtual with the exception of November and March, which will be held in person. The next meeting is scheduled for December 10, 2024.
Office Hours for Graduation Requirements - Open office hours are available to help districts and schools get information and guidance about Ohio's graduation requirements. The sessions are being held bi-weekly on Fridays from 9:30 -10:30. The next session is December 13, 2024. Dates for office hours in 2025 will be announced soon.
College Credit Plus Teacher Credentialing Grants - These grants aim to increase the number of high school teachers credentialed to teach College Credit Plus coursework at their local high schools. The application submission deadline is December 20, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Lynn McKahan, Director
Meet our Graduation, Post Secondary Transition and Career Tech Team
Post Secondary Transition, Graduation Pathways, Students with Disabilities, Alternate Assessment
Career Technical Education, CTE Students with Disabilities, Post Secondary Transition, Graduation Pathways
This document/product/software was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, (Award #H027A160111, CFDA 84.027A, awarded to the Ohio Department of Education). The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, and no official endorsement by the Department should be inferred.