Erieview News
August 23, 2024
Welcome Erieview families,
We have completed our first week of school! We become a complete school family with kindergarten joining us on Thursday. Please note the opportunities below. We have a wonderful PTA team. Please consider joining.
Enjoy the nice weather this weekend. Please let us know if you have any questions about the start of the school year.
Melissa Isaly-Johns
First day of kindergarten! Welcome to Erieview!
First PTA meeting - Tuesday Sept 10th at 9:30am in the Erieview Cafeteria.
Click here to become a member: https://erieview.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true&category=Memberships
Spirit wear order forms came home with your students this week. As a reminder, please return your order form by September 6th and your gear will be ready by Homecoming! Please note, this is not a fundraising event for the PTA.
Upcoming events:
9/2- Labor Day-~no school
9/9-picture day
9/10-PTA 1st meeting @ 9:30 am cafeteria
9/12-Marco’s Pizza night
9/20-Homecoming football game
9/21-Homecoming parade 10:30 am
9/23-Kids in the Community
9/25-early release (noon)
10/9-conferences 4:00-8:00 pm
10/10-conferences all day 8:00-3:00 pm
10/11- NEOEA~no school
10/14-18-ELA 3rd grade (OST -state testing)
10/25-end Q1
“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So get on your way!”
— Dr. Seuss