St Charles Newsletter
7th February 2025
Message To Parents From Our Head Of School
Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope this newsletter finds you and your family well.
There was a PFA meeting after school today to recruit more volunteers to help to organise events for the School. There are a number of events planned for the rest of the year and your help would be invaluable. Don’t worry if you were unable to attend the meeting. Just let the Office know that you are interested and we will contact you. A big thank you for our existing PFA who work so hard in the school’s name. The PFA hope to organise a coffee/tea station in the Dining Room during both Parents Evenings next week. Pease call in for a cuppa and a chat.
Parents using the KS2 playground to collect their children after School may have noticed some work taking place outside 4H’s classroom. This is our new sensory garden which we hope will be finished next week. Children are not allowed into this area without the supervision of a member of the school staff. Please ensure that your child/ren do not use this area as a playground whilst waiting for siblings. As you can guess, this equipment is incredibly expensive!
Please take the time to read the rest of this newsletter. I am sure you will find it very interesting and informative.
Have a great weekend.
Tony Lynch
Head of school
New diary dates will continue to be included weekly
Catholic Life Of The School
Please pray for our year 3 and 4 children who are making their First Holy Communion in May. They meet once a month for a lesson after school and are celebrating a special mass this Sunday in St Pius X at 11am. Thank you.
Prayer Bear
Each week, a child in Nursery will be selected to bring home Polly, our Nursery Prayer Bear.
Polly is helping Nursery to show their love to God through prayer and caring deeds.
Prayer bear enjoyed going home with Mia Manuela last weekend, and they went for a walk in East London and said prayers with all of her family.
We look forward to seeing where her adventures take her this weekend!
RE Home Learning
Gospel: Jesus calls Simon Peter (Luke 5:1-11)
Using the Wednesday Word link below, read this Sunday’s Gospel
and reflect on the questions below with your family.
You will have an opportunity to discuss them again next week in School during the Gospel/Well done Assembly.
- What did Jesus tell Peter to go back to sea?
- Why happened when Peter pulled in his net?
- What did Peter do after he caught the fish?
- Peter thought going back to sea was a waste of time but he did it anyway. Why do you think he did this?
- What did Jesus mean when he said to Peter that he would now catch men/women?
- Peter and his friends left everything behind and followed Jesus. Could you have done this? Why was it a difficult thing to do?
Our whole school attendance is currently at 93.3%
We are working towards achieving 96% attendance this academic year. Please help us to achieve this by ensuring that your child attends school each day and by not booking any holiday during term time. Please be aware that holiday leave in term time cannot be authorised.
In line with the Department for Education guidelines, where pupils miss school without a good reason (including a holiday), the Local Authority and schools can intervene, and you may be issued a fine.
There is strong correlation between good attendance and good progress. So together, let’s give our children the best possible chance of reaching their potential.
PARENTS’ CONSULTATION EVENINGS – Monday 10th February and Thursday 13th February 2025.
Royal College Of Music
Please see the attached below from the Royal College Of Music where you can join for FREE family-friendly courses this Spring providing a fun and inspiring introduction to musical learning.
Children's Mental Health Week
Look What We Have Been Doing! -Key Stage 2
3/4 H
Year 4 are working so hard on their times tables in preparation for their Multiplication Tables Check. We’re working hard on making sure we answer the questions in the 6 seconds time limit.
Year 5 and 6
Year 5 and 6 were lucky enough to attend a performance of Ballet Shoes at the National Theatre this week. We really enjoyed the show and even did some sightseeing along the way!
Gratitude and Learning Hero's
Congratulations to the following children who were recognised for making good choices during the week beginning 3rd February.
Term Dates 2024-25
First Half Term
Staff Training – Monday 6th January – School Closed
First Day of School – Tuesday 7th January
Last Day of School – Friday 14th February
Half Term – Monday 17th – Friday 21st February
Second Half Term
First Day of School – Monday 24th February
Last Day of School – Friday 4th April - School Closes at 1.45pm
Easter Holiday – Monday 7th April – Monday 21st April
Summer Term – 2025
First Half Term
Staff Training – Tuesday 22nd April – School Closed
First Day of School – Wednesday 23rd April
Bank Holiday – Monday 5th May
Last Day of School – Friday 23rd May
Half Term – Monday 26th – Friday 30th May
Second Half Term
First Day of School – Monday 2nd June
Staff Training – Monday 30th June – School Closed
Last Day of School – Tuesday 22nd July - School Closes at 1.45pm
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St Charles Catholic Primary School
Email: info@st-charles.rbkc.sch.uk
Website: www.st-charles.rbkc.sch.uk
Location: St Charles Square, London W10 6EB, UK
Phone: 020 8969 5566