Aviator Air Newsletter
Maple Dale Elementary's Parent Communication
December 7, 2018
Our Flight Plan
Attendance Line: (513) 686-1726
December 12: All Pro Dad Breakfast
Week of December 10: MAP Testing for Grades 1-4
December 21: Teacher Records Day - NO SCHOOL
December 24 - January 4: Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
January 10: PTO Meeting 9:30 - 11 am
January 11: Report Cards Go Home
January 16: All Pro Dad Breakfast
January 18: Cultural Heritage Night 6 - 8 pm
January 21: MLK Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
School Happenings
PBIS Shirts
If you would like to pay $5.00 to cover the cost of your child(ren) shirts you can do so by clicking on this link: http://mdpto.3dcartstores.com/PBIS-T-Shirt-2019_p_119.html
If you would like to "pay it forward" and contribute an additional $5.00 to help cover the cost of a child's shirt who may otherwise not be able to afford it, you may do so as well at the link above.
Thank you!
Reminder to Volunteer for Maple Dale Cultural Heritage Night by December 20th !
Come celebrate the cultures represented in our school on
Friday, January 18, 2018 from 6-8 PM.
Log in to SignUp Genius by December 20, 2018 to participate in one or more of the areas listed below.
For questions and details, contact Alisha Kalb, alisha.v.kalb@gmail.com, 513.785.9475
Sign up by following the link
Food Booth
Make a dish to serve 100 bite sized samples
(~10 single servings)
Cultural Booth
Share traditions such as hands-on activities, games, language, crafts, dance, pictures and artifacts.
Fashion Show
Your child will be a star on stage in cultural attire.
Cultural Performance
Organize a group, or go solo with a song, dance, poem, or impersonation
Looking for the perfect gift?
After School Enrichment Program Info - 2019
The After School Enrichment (ASE) Committee of the MD/PTO is pleased to offer a variety of after school classes to provide fun, enriching experiences for our children. We encourage your child’s participation.
Click here for important facts that you need to know for the 2019 program.
“Day” Dads Lunch December 11
Are you a full-time, part-time, or occasional stay-at-home during the day dad? Have you ever been asked what you do all day? Are you tired of eating bonbons by yourself? Come join other men in similar situations for lunch.
Tuesday, December 11, 11:30 am at Sammy’s Craft Burgers, 4767 Creek Road. RSVP to Brian Gath (bdgath@me.com, 614-301-5064) by noon 12/10 so we can be sure to have enough room.
RSVP for the All Pro Dad Breakfast - December 12th
Please join us at the Maple Dale Elementary All Pro Dads breakfast on Wednesday December 12th from 8-9am in the school cafeteria. This free monthly breakfast is sponsored by fathers, Chick-fil-A, and the PTO.
The meeting theme is generosity. Most people live life looking to take rather than give. Being generous is an important attribute to teach and model for our children. Giving can fuel the general happiness and well-being in not only the person that we help, but also in us when we give. Generosity demonstrates that we truly value others and are willing to reach out and meet their needs.
If attending please RSVP by Sunday December 9th via the link below so the correct amount of food is ordered.
Reminders- please do not walk your child to their classroom, please park down at the district offices to free parking spaces for staff members, and be aware that a school delay or closure cancels the breakfast.
- January 10th NEW time is 6:30 PM
- February 14th NEW time is 9:30 AM
2019 Winter Maple Dale PTO Funding
At the General Meeting, some of the surplus funds raised from the Glow Walk above the will be appropriated. Other proposals submitted may be included in subsequent grant periods in the spring of this school year.
Guidelines for expenditures:
- proposals may be submitted by any member of the PTO or the children of any member of the PTO
- proposals must include all requested information
- requests are due by January 3, 2019
- innovative or experimental proposals that would directly affect a smaller subset of the school but might be expanded if successful are encouraged.
My Energy Kit Challenge Continues!
If you signed up for your FREE Energy Kit through the My Energy Kit Challenge, thank you! We reached the 100 sign-up challenge and won $250. We want to keep going! For every additional 100 sign-ups we get, we’ll win another $250. And by December 31, the three schools with the most kit sign-ups will win grand prizes of $1,000 - $2,500! Please help us out by signing up for your FREE Energy Kit and crediting our school. Go to MyEnergyKit.org or call 1-855-386-9548.
Have you already received a My Energy Kit? Do you still want to help your school receive free money? Great! Even if you have requested and received a kit before, you can request again and your request will count towards your schools goal of 100 energy efficiency kits. If they get to 100 kits they receive 250 dollars! So help your school out and request your kit today, even if you have already received one.
OGB Holiday Store - All Pro Dad Shopping Guide
We are excited to announce a joint service project between Operation Give Back and Maple Dale Elementary this holiday season. Our goal is to engage our children in collecting, packaging and providing needed items for local families right here in our community.
Operation Give Back (OGB) is a non-profit organization that provides after-school support for the growing number of economically disadvantaged children in the Sycamore Schools. They also host a Holiday Store in their Blue Ash facility which serves our local families by providing needed items during this season of giving.
Maple Dale Elementary, in conjunction with their PTO and All Pro Dad fatherhood program, is partnering with OGB this school year. We are demonstrating for our children what it means to care for others while taking action on behalf of those in need.
Please reference the shopping guide below in consideration of what you may wish to contribute towards this worthwhile initiative.
If anyone would like to make a donation you can drop it in the barrel in the office by the end of the month.
Packaged Socks
Packaged Underwear
Winter Coats (gently used is great)
Hats and Gloves
Art supplies
Baby toys
Barbies/Dolls (all ethnic groups)
Puzzles and Games
Trucks and cars
Bar Soap
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Peanut Butter/Jelly
Canned fruits
Pancake Mix/Syrup
Boxed potatoes
Canned Pasta Sauce
Canned Ravioli
Rice or Dry Pasta
Canned chicken or tuna
Paper Towels
Lysol Wipes
Bar Soap
Don't Miss Out - Order Your Yearbook Today!
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Green Team Tip of the Week
Green Team Tip of the Week: Did you know? Maple Dale students can recycle and compost lunch waste in the lunchroom. This Sycamore Community Schools green initiative diverts 400 bags of trash from the landfill EACH WEEK. If you would like to learn more, here is a short video about the sorting tables and their district-wide impact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcGoXc85GUE
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for the 2019-2020 School Year
Class of 2032
January 22, 2019 through February 15, 2019
District Office
5959 Hagewa Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Daytime and evening appointments will be available
Beginning January 7th, families must complete all online forms.
The 2019-20 school year will not open in Final Forms until January 7th, 2019. Any forms completed prior to January 7th will result in registration for the 2018-19 school year.
Instructions for completing these forms can be found on our website under the registration tab at www.sycamoreschools.org/kg
Once all forms are complete, follow the instructions to make an appointment online.
*All appointments are made electronically.
*If Final Forms is not complete, your appointment will not be accepted.
Lottery deadline for full day kindergarten is February 15th, 2019.
*Full day selection is NOT based on your appointment date.
*All students registered by the deadline will be entered in to the lottery if you choose.
A $100 deposit is required at your registration appointment
to be included in the full day lottery.
If you have questions about kindergarten curriculum, whether or not your child is ready for kindergarten or any other academic concerns,
please contact your child’s school:
Blue Ash Elementary
Maple Dale Elementary
Montgomery Elementary
Symmes Elementary
About us
Email: reinkea@sycamoreschools.org
Website: http://www.sycamoreschools.org/Domain/12
Location: 6100 Hagewa Drive, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: (513)686-1720
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mapledaleaviators/
Twitter: @MapleDaleElem