Slater Nation News - High School
The Official FHUMHS Newsletter - March 8, 2024
Note from the Principal
Happy Friday Slater Nation!
GO SLATER GIRLS! We are super excited to see our Slater Girls Varsity Basketball team head off to Barre for the championship game tomorrow (game time is 3:45 pm). We hope to see a huge fan section to cheer on our team! Please check out some of the pictures below from today's PEP Rally.
You should have received emails from your child(ren)'s teachers in regards to our upcoming Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences (March 13th and 14th). This is a great opportunity to check in on your student's progress. Please reach out if you have any issues signing up for a meeting time.
Have a great weekend!
Ben Worthing
Students made Bolivian Tawa-Tawas using honey from our Horticulture class's beehives.
Outdoor Pursuits
OP Students met and interviewed a professional
Wall of Awesome
Several high school science classes continue to contribute to the "Wall of Awesome!"
PEP Rally
Raise the hammer!
PEP Rally
A message from Coach Wilson.
PEP Rally
Two free throws equals a pie in the face!!😄
Upcoming Dates and Events...
Parent/Teacher Conferences
We will be holding our Spring Parent/Teacher conferences on March 13th and 14th. Teachers will be sending out signup information by late next week.
March 20th (Save the Date) - FHUMHS Theater Performance
Save the date for an upcoming Spring theater performance of Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest." Come enjoy a fantastic show put on by our amazing actors and actresses!
About Us
Email: bworthing@svuvt.org
Website: https://www.slatevalleyunified.org/
Location: 33 Mechanic Street, Fair Haven, VT, USA
Phone: (802)265-4966
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FHUMHS/