Ambler October Newsletter
Learning is our Superpower!
October Calendar
For those of you who want it all on one sheet.
Ambler Spirit Rock
Parents: Don't forget! The Ambler Spirit Rock is available to rent for $10.00 to celebrate a student's birthday, milestone, etc. The renter is responsible for the painting of The Rock. Email to reserve. See attachment for more information and tips. All proceeds support our Ambler PTO!
October Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Click below to view the October breakfast and lunch menu.
Scholastic Book Fair
Our Book Fair will run the week of October 1st - 4th!
YAMS Lessons
The first YAMS practice will be on Thursday, October 3rd.
PTO Hat Day
PTO Hat Day will be on Friday, October 4th. Please bring $1 to wear your favorite hat! Thank you for supporting our PTO!
2nd Grade Testing
Our 2nd graders will take CogAT October 7th - 11th.
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is an assessment used to evaluate a student's cognitive development and problem solving skills in second grade. The test is designed to identify gifted students, but the information it provides can also help teachers improve instruction for all students.
Square 1 Art Fundraiser
You can order items with your child's artwork from October 14th - October 31st. Mrs. Alexander will send home more information closer to the date.
No School
Students will not have school on Monday, October 14th or Tuesday, October 15th.
Report Cards
1st Nine Weeks Report Cards will go home on Wednesday, October 16th.
Ambler's Cub Corner
Red Ribbon Week
We will celebrate Red Ribbon Week October 21st - 25th. See below for some dress up opportunities!
Fall Makeup Pictures
Fall makeup pictures will be taken on Wednesday, October 23rd.
All Pro Dad
Our October All Pro Dad event will be on Friday, October 25th from 6:45 a.m. - 7:10 a.m. More information will be sent home closer to the date.
Fun Friday
We will be celebrating "Life is a Movie" on Friday, October 25th with our students from 12:45 - 2:15 p.m.
Ambler's Cub Corner
PTO Halloween Candy Trail
Students will get to participate in an Ambler Candy Trail on Thursday, October 31st to celebrate Halloween. This will take place during the school day. This is just for students. Thank you!
Counselor's Corner
Check out Mrs. Long's newsletter below.
COVID Guidelines
See below for new COVID guidelines.