Weekly Update
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Week 13
- I hope everyone had an opportunity to spend time with friends and family, as well as finding even small moments to rest, relax, and recharge over this mini-break.
- If your student is in need of cold weather gear please contact Principal James Bergeron or our School Social Workers. (Jessica Valentin & Jessica Bethoney Drennen)
- As we enter the colder months, please be mindful of vehicle idling laws on school grounds when lining up for family pickup.
- IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please DO NOT stop in the front of the building to drop off students until after 9:05. Cars stopping before 9:05 causes a large safety issue for our students, families, and staff. Thank you
- If you were unable to schedule a parent conference, please contact Principal James Bergeron directly to set up a good time.
Lost & Found Video
Anything remaining at the end of the day, this Friday, December 1 will be donated.
From King Social Workers
Kindergarten Pre-registration Open
Dates to Remember
Please check this calendar each week as new dates may be added.
Thursday, 30th
- Picture Retake
Thursday, 7th
- Early Release
Monday, 25th - Monday, (January) 1st
- No School: Winter Recess
Winter Concert December 20th!
Coming Soon! CarpooltoSchool powered by Go Together
From the KING PTO
Family Hiking Club
Our next Family Hiking Club event will be the week after the Thanksgiving holiday -- on Friday, December 1st at 4:30pm. No need to sign-up; just show up! More details to come about location!
PTO Looking for Tech Help
The PTO is still looking for a tech-savvy parent/guardian volunteer who could help us with the backend of our website. If interested in this lighter lift volunteer opportunity, please reach out to us at ptokingrecordingsecretary@gmail.com. Thank you!
Family Pickup & Drop-off Reminders
- Reminder: If you are dropping your child at school prior to 9:05, please be sure to go around the building and drop at door 18 (in the back). Please do not drop in the front of the school unless you are after 9:05. This is a safety issue due to the many cars and busses coming in/out of the property. Thank you!
- IMPORTANT REMINDER: If you are making any changes to your child's daily dismissal plan, please call our main office at (508) 782-7201. You may also email Yenitza Vargas, Office Manager at yvargas@framingham.k12.ma.us or Erika Leite-Amaral, Assistant Office Manager at eleiteamaral@framingham.k12.ma.us . If you email a dismissal change to your student's classroom teacher, please be sure to CC the office staff as well. We ask that all dismissal changes are communicated to us by 2:20 PM to ensure consistent, efficient, and safe dismissal procedures for all students, staff, and families. Thank you!
- Choose CC (will underline in red)
- Click settings (the gear)
- Click by "Subtitles/CC"
- Choose auto-translate and the language you want
Information Regarding transportation for the 23-24 School Year
Tour the school with ROARY!
Important Information SMORE
School hours
Doors open: 8:50am
Breakfast: 8:50am - 9:05am
School begins: 9:05am
School dismissal: 3:20pm
*Early release dismissal: 12:55pm (lunch is served)
*Half day dismissal: 12:20pm (lunch is not served)
Office: 508-782-7201
Attendance Line: 508-782-7201
Fax: 508-788-0792
James Bergeron - jbergeron@framingham.k12.ma.us
Julie Gelardi - jgelardi@framingham.k12.ma.us
King Elementary School
Email: jbergeron@framingham.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.framingham.k12.ma.us/king
Phone: (508) 782-7201