Learners Exceeding Standards
October 13, 2024
From Your Principal- Dr. T. Barkley
Welcome to October!
We are excited to dive into a new month full of learning opportunities and fun events. Thank you for your ongoing partnership and dedication to supporting your child's education. Please stay tuned for upcoming announcements and important dates this month. As always, we are here to work together for the success of our students!
In Partnership,
Dr. T. Barkley
LES Teacher Of The Year
Henry County Schools recognized all teachers who received this elite teacher of the year distinction. We are honored to have Ms. Jefferson represent Luella Elementary.
Superintendent Dr. Pace Visit to Luella Elementary
Student Ambassadors😊
We are proud to share that our LES Student Ambassadors had the honor of greeting our new superintendent during his visit to Luella Elementary. They gave him a personal tour of our school and proudly shared the story of our vibrant school community. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to showcase all the amazing things happening at Luella!
Counselor Corner
Attendance Reminders
August Student of the Month
September Student of the Month
Instructional Resources
One of our core beliefs is that family and community involvement is critical to student success! In an effort to bring classroom resources to your living room, we have developed the HenryConnects Family View. This a one-stop shop developed to strengthen the partnership between home and school. It connects families to school information, tools, and instructional resources specifically tailored to your child's courses.
An Infinite Campus Parent Portal account is required to access HenryConnects Family View. Don’t have a Parent Portal account? Click HERE to get started.
Click HERE to watch a short HenryConnects Tutorial Video
Click HERE to view the HenryConnects Parent How-to-Guide
PBIS Behavior Matrix (K-5)
PBIS Noise Level Chart (K-5)
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
Family Connection
(REMINDER:All events will be subject to the HCS Clear Bag Policy)
- Luella Cluster Spirit Week-Luella High School Homecoming Week of Oct. 14th
- LES Annual Fall Festival- October 25th
Fall Festival Information
Fall Festival Vendor Information
LES Spirit Wear
Luella Elementary Parent and Student Handbook
- Save the Date! LES Fall Festival-October 25th
- The PTO needs you. Joining a parent teacher organization (PTO) gives parents and teachers the opportunity to work together and enrich the educational experience.
3 Ways you can join:
-Email Ms. Annemarie Moore: @annemarie.moore@henry.k12.ga.us
-Complete a membership form located in the front office.
-Send form and money back in with your child(ren).
Nutrition /Cafeteria
We are noticing that students with high meal balances are receiving alternate meals. Please complete the meal application to see if you qualify for free or reduced meals.
Thank you.
Parents may use the LINQ Connect mobile app or log on to linqconnect.com ( https://linqconnect.com/main ) to see what their child(ren) balance is. The best practice is to check weekly, as meals can accrue quickly after one week of eating breakfast and lunch.
- LINQ Connect Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.henry.k12.ga.us/Page/157011
Lunch Applications and Information
Important Dates
October 2024
10/11-STEM Day-students will participate in STEM activities during Specials
10/14-10/18-Luella Cluster Spirit Week; LHS Homecoming 10/18
10/14-10/18- National School Lunch Week
10/17- Grades Available in Infinite Campus for Parents; School Council Mtg.
10/17- Jr. Beta Induction (a letter has been sent to students participating in this induction)
10/18-Student Achievement PBIS Roar Rally/PBIS Town Hall Mtg.
10/18-LES Chorus will be performing the National Anthem at LHS Football Game @7:30 PM. (Mr. Todd has sent out parent letters to those students who will be participating).
10/21-10/25-National Bus Safety Week
10/23-Luella Cluster Community Conversations -9am @LHS-5th Grade Chorus will perform. (This event allows our cluster to highlight schools, safety measures, and academic goals within our Luella Cluster).
10/25- Accelerated Reader Celebration
10/25-LES Fall Festival 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
10/28-11/1- Red Ribbon Week
Ice Cream
Please send the exact change for ice cream. Thanks.
Luella Cluster Spirit Week for LHS Homecoming
October 14-18
Please look at the daily events/attire for students and staff.
Luella Cluster Community Conversations
October 23rd @ 9:00 AM
Location: Luella High School.
Luella ES 5th Chorus will perform
Bus Reminders
Click on the link to find your child’s bus number and bus route for the 2024-2025 school year: https://www.henry.k12.ga.us/Page/161
Students in grades K-3rd will be returned to the school if there is not an adult at the assigned bus stop. Students will be picked-up and dropped off at his/her HCS assigned bus stop.
Download Here Comes The Bus App to track your child’s bus- https://www.henry.k12.ga.us/cms/lib/GA01000549/Centricity/Domain/1/HCTB%20Flyer%202022-2023%20No%20Code.pdf
LES Spirit Wear-You Can Order Anytime-Order Today!
Please Order Yours Today!
Chromebooks and Chargers-Please Return
Important LES Reminders: Dress Code; Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
- Please stay in your cars, please follow the directions of the staff outdoors to expediate the arrival process.
- Instruction begins at 7:35 AM.
- Breakfast ends at 7:30 AM.
- No student drop off in the parking lot or in the bus loading/unloading zone. This is unsafe.
- Office hours are 7:45 AM to 2:00 PM. to allow us to monitor children arriving in the morning and dismissing each day. All staff are engaged in this process for students safety and security.
- Late arrivals must be signed in after 7:35 AM. Parents must walk students into the building to check-in your students if you arrive after 7:33 AM. Please do not drop off students when staff enters the building and the door closes. You will have park and walk students in to sign students in the front office.
- Parents must arrive by 2:40 PM to pick up students for afternoon dismissal.
Dress Code for Students
Student Lunch Reminders
Please adhere to our car rider procedures to ensure the safety for all staff and students. Thanks.
LES Social Media
Website: https://www.henry.k12.ga.us/le
Location: 575 Walker Drive Locust Grove, GA 30248