Tribe Guide
Santa Fe Junior High- July 2024

January 13, 2025 Parent Newsletter
Parents and guardians,
We started the semester off with a bang! Teachers reviewed school-wide and classroom expectations with all students and students have been ON POINT! It will be a busy semester with a lot of activities and learning. Stay warm and keep your kiddos coming to school EVERY DAY. Contact us if you need us!
Thank you!
Upcoming Events!
January 13th: 8th Grade Parent Meeting- 9th grade Scheduling @ 5:30-6:30 SFJH Cafeteria
January 13th: 7th Grade Girls Basketball HOST Blocker 5:00pm/6:00pm
January 15th: Parent Advisory Group Meeting #4 @ 3:30-4:30 SFJH Library
January 16th: 8th Grade Boys Athletics to the HS 11-11:45 with permission slip
January 16th: 8th Grade Boys Basketball HOST Blocker 5:00pm/6:00pm
January 20th: Students No School - Teacher PL Work Day
January 22nd: 7th Grade Boys Basketball HOST Galveston Central 5:00pm/6:00pm
January 22nd: PTA Meeting 5:30-6:30 SFJH Library
January 22nd: NJHS Meeting
January 23rd: 7th Grade Girls Basketball HOST Galveston Central 5:00pm/6:00pm
Save the Dates!
February 4th: Middle of the Year testing- Science
February 6th: Middle of the Year testing- Social Studies
February 7th: Valentines Dance 5pm-7pm
February 11th: Middle of the Year testing- RLA
February 13th: Middle of the Year testing- Math
February 13th: Dodgeball Tournament 5-7 pm
February 13th: Theatre Performance 6-8 pm at the HS
February 27th - Father/Daughter Dance!
Attention 8th Grade Parents!
RISE Above Parent
Our RISE Above program encourages parent involvement in our school! Parents can assist in several areas: hallways, cafeteria, morning greeters, etc. Please send an email to Melissa Ward for more information! Background checks are required.
Tutorials - Tuesdays and Thursdays!
💚 We LOVE our PTA! 💚
It's Basketball Season!🏀
SFJH Core Values for 24-25!
Attendance Matters!
Increasing student attendance is one of our big goals for the year. We will have 9 week incentives, by grade level, that are going to be tied to good attendance. Please encourage your student to come to school every day!
*Students who are more than 10 minutes late to class will be counted absent.
*Make-up time will be required for those not in attendance for at least 90% of the day.
*Early release cut off is 2:40 pm
*Make-up hours will be required for those who miss over 10% of a class
Absence notes can be turned into the front office or submitted electronically using Skyward Family Access. See below for an easy "how to."
Counselor Corner
National Junior Honor Society
If your student was inducted into the NJHS at the end of the year last year, please encourage them to get involved and attend all meetings. The NJHS leader is Ms. Mia Gonzalez.
NJHS Officers
We appreciate our NJHS officers Haley Bozeman, Kaylin Cottrill, Valerie Torres, Taylor Kelly
Rise Above Bullying and Promote Kindness Club!
Yearbook Club!
6th Grade Assistant Principal- Melissa Ward
7th Grade Assistant Principal - Kristin Lawrence
8th Grade Assistant Principal - Ashley Hardage
Principal- Sara Ryan
Brittany Schulz - Counselor
Laura Dipette - Wellness Counselor
Christina Herrin- Counselor Secretary
Tabitha Powell - Principal Secretary
Megan Ott - AP Secretary
Link to give a shout-out below!
Student Recognitions!
Students will be recognized for exhibiting our core values. We will only share pictures of students FERPA approved by parents. BIG thanks to these awesome students!