Weekly Update
September 9, 2022
We hope your first school week went well! 😀
Information in this Update:
- Welcome New School Counselors
- 6th-11th Grade Diagnostics
- Grade Level Updates
- Family Engagement
- Upcoming Community Enrichment
- Resources (check out the yellow buttons near the bottom of the page)
This picture shows HROA during our first year, 2017-2018. Five years ago, Mandy Betz and I were working together within HRVHS ' counseling office. That year we started with about 20 students and ended the year with close to 80. Entering year six of HROA, I am so thankful for the students and families who have helped build HROA. While the last couple of years proved to have a few curve balls, we have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't work with a virtual/blended learning format.
This year will bring more learning opportunities and we will continue to refine the program. Thank you to all of our families, from those who have been here since the beginning, and to those who are at HROA for only a short time, we appreciate you very much. Please let me know if you are interested in being part of our 2022-2023 Family Advisory meetings. You can email me directly at kelly.running@hoodriver.k12.or.us
Wishing you a wonderful start to the 2022-2023 school year!
Kelly Running
HROA's New School Counselors!
WARM WELCOME to HROA's New Kindergarten - 8th Grade School Counselor
Please welcome Cal Robertson, who will be our Kindergarten - 8th grade school counselor. Cal comes to Hood River County from the North Wasco school district where he has been working for the last 12 years.
And Also a BIG Welcome to Our New High School Counselor, Amanda
Amanda Phillips will be HROA's new high school counselor, supporting HROA students in grades 9-12. Amanda has been working in HRCSD for the last few years, and is happy to begin a new journey serving as the high school counselor for HROA students.
Important: District Diagnostic Testing Information 6th-11th Grade Students
Who: All 6th-11th grade HROA students
What: Annual STAR reading testing
Where: At the HROA building in the learning lab. This test must be supervised by an instructor.
When: September 12th, 13th, 14, & 15th. The test takes around 20 minutes to complete.
The learning lab will be open for testing from 9 am to 3:30 pm. If you cannot attend during these times please email Ms. Kohner at emily.kohner@hoodriver.k12.or.us We’ll work together to find a time and a place for you to take this required test.
Why: Hood River County School District is committed to ensuring that each child makes significant academic progress. To do this, we continuously review information that tells us how each child is progressing. We monitor each student’s achievement in math and reading with care. School teams regularly review academic, behavior, and attendance information, and use that data to decide which students are doing well with core classroom instruction, which students need supplemental instruction, and which students need intensive instruction.
Early College Information
From Mr. Mike Taphouse, CGCC Student Advisor
Welcome to the 2022-23 academic year at Columbia Gorge Community College! Thank you for your patience as we navigate through some exciting advances within our Student Services department. Our number one priority is to assist all high school students with their immediate needs with every efficiency.
We are experiencing a high volume of inquiries at this time, and we want to make sure we are as accessible as possible. For academic advising-related questions, including appointment requests, all students should choose to pursue one the following options for to begin the service process:
- On our new Advising webpage there is a "Contact us Today!" banner with a link to this form to submit a priority request for assistance. An advisor will be back in touch at our soonest ability, to address your request.
- OR call the Advising Service line at 541-506-6020. If someone is not immediately available, please leave a message and we will return your call at our soonest ability, to address your request.
As we continue to work toward the most efficient and effective accommodations for students, please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you again for your partnership and we look forward to a successful school year!
Kind regards,
Mike Taphouse
Grade Level Updates
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Monday, October 3. 2022 HROA Picture Day
If you would like to have your school pictures taken, please come to HROA between 9:00am - 12:30pm.
Online Ordering --> https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/
School Name: Hood River Options Academy
Picture Day Date: Monday, October 3
Picture Day ID: EVTP7BVQF
6th - 8th Grade
Monday, October 3. 2022 HROA Picture Day
If you would like to have your school pictures taken, please come to HROA between 9:00am - 12:30pm.
Online Ordering --> https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/
School Name: Hood River Options Academy
Picture Day Date: Monday, October 3
Picture Day ID: EVTP7BVQF
9th -12th Grade
Remember to the official day to drop classes is next Friday, September 9th. Please connect with Amanda if you want to discuss any course changes. https://calendly.com/amanda-phillips-hroa
Family Engagement
HRCSD Community Event - September 10
Kindergarten - 8th Graders:
STEM Activities for Kindergarten - 8th Grade are getting set up at HROA. We can't wait to see you all at the HROA building for these fun and educational activities. More information to come from Ms. Convery & Ms. Albrecht!
First HROA Enrichment activity of the year!
Who: 3rd-12th grade students (K-2nd students connect with Ms. Convery to discuss options)
High school students: earn PE credit by attending!
When: Sept. 16 and 23rd from 12:30-2:30
Where: @ Wylde Wind & Water (Hood River Event Site, East Dock, Portway Ave,
Hood River, OR 97031)
Maximum Capacity is 23 kids per session: sign up by texting Emily Kohner or by emailing emily.kohner@hoodriver.k12.or.us
- Water safety and water sport education with Wylde Wind & Water.
- Watersports opportunities through Swimming, Stand Up Paddling, and Teamwork.
If you are a new swimmer, please let us know so we can set you up with a 1:1 instructor: this is a great way to learn in a safe environment!
A parent will need to sign a release form: plan to do so when you drop off your student. Or print out the attached waiver and bring it with you: Wylde Wind and Water Waiver
Upcoming Enrichment Dates, Fridays 12:30PM - 2:30PM
Learn to Windsurf
Sponsored by Columbia Gorge Wind and Water Association
Friday, September 30th
3-7th Grade 12-2 pm
8-12- 2-4pm
All the details about windsurfing
What's Coming in OCTOBER...
Friday, October 7th
Put on special protective gear and get to look inside a living bee hive with expert beekeepers. Learn about flower structures and investigate and draw a bee specimen under a microscope.
All the details about beekeeping
Friday, October 14th
Improve your science skills on this fun hike to a beautiful beach. We’ll work on making observations and using words, numbers, and pictures to communicate. Practice slowing down, connecting with nature, and developing your creativity and curiosity. On the Hood River: Turn down Powerdale Road right at the start of Highway 35
Friday, October 21st
Service Learning: help out the FISH Food Bank garden Learn about cover crops and soil science from a Master Gardener. 1300 Tucker Road: Fish Food Bank
Friday, October 28th
Work with the head of the Columbia Riverkeepers to learn about water quality testing. Help out the Columbia by doing some stream restoration work. Nichols Boat Basin/Frog Beach
HROA Building Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 3:00pm