Panther Post: Welcome Back!
Panther Lake Elementary 2022-2023
Save the date...
- September 9th: First day of Kindergarten (Kindergarten families, please join Principal Ritch for a Welcome Breakfast and Info Session immediately after our morning message at 9:15am)
- September 14th: Early Release- Dismissal time 2:10pm
- September 15th: First day of ECEAP
- September 28th: Early Release- Dismissal time 2:10pm
Principal's Message
Hello wonderful Panther Lake families and community,
The start of school is right around the corner and we can’t wait to see our scholars on Tuesday (Kindergarten starts on Friday, September 9).
Every Friday, I send out our Panther Post which serves as our weekly community newsletter with highlights from the week, upcoming events, and information about school happenings. Please make sure you take a look at your spam settings in your email to ensure you don't miss important information or your scholar highlighted in the Panther Post.
Seeking Your Partnership for a Strong Start to the School Year!
Parents and families, we are very excited to welcome your child back to school. This year as we launch the year we will be focused on the following in the first days of school:
At Panther Lake, there is no place for hate.
We are safe.
We are kind.
We are responsible.
We will be using the first days and weeks of school to teach and re-teach positive behaviors and teach expectations and norms for our school community. While we anticipate a safe and positive start to the school year, our schools are safe places for all and as a result we will not tolerate words, actions or items coming to school that may cause harm to others and impact student safety.
It takes all of us working together to keep our schools safe, and I appreciate your continued partnership in this area.
Social Media:
As you are aware, social media can be a positive force, but it can also be a source of challenges. We recognize social media posts can create negativity and sometimes interfere with the creation of a safe and inclusive school environment. We will continue to work to stay aware of social media trends during the school year and promote responsible social media usage, focusing our efforts on supporting student safety. We will not tolerate the use of social media to cause harm to others or the school community. Please partner with us in ensuring social media is being used in a positive way by having conversations with your student about what they are posting and sites they belong to. When social media posts impact student safety or well-being, we will follow the Rights and Responsibilities with appropriate re-teaching and/or apply consequences when necessary.
Rights and Responsibilities:
We look forward to your partnership this year to promote a safe learning environment. As a reminder, here is a copy of our Rights and Responsibilities handbook to review with your scholar to help promote the safety and well-being of our community: The handbook is also available for download in our top 7 languages at
You can also view our Rights and Responsibilities video using this link:
School Attendance:
It is very important that your child(ren) attend school starting the first day of school. Being in school every day enables scholars to do well in school, and graduate from high school ready for work or college.
How to Support your Child:
- Develop a regular bedtime and morning routine.
- Help your child lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.
- Avoid missing school unless a child is truly sick, or is COVID-19 positive, and and seek help if chronic illness is a challenge.
- If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to teachers, school counselors, or other families for advice on how to make her feel comfortable and excited about learning.
- Reach out to a family member, a neighbor, or another parent if you are having trouble getting your student to school.
- Arrange medical appointments when school is not in session.
- Avoid extended vacations when school is in session.
As we prepare to welcome our scholars back to school, here are a few important reminders:
- Staff and scholars are not required to wear a mask, but may choose to wear a mask
- We will continue to follow all Department of Health guidance related to COVID-19.
- Students and staff that are positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate and stay at home for a minimum of five days.
School Supplies:
School supplies are provided free of charge for all scholars and will be distributed on the first day of school. All your scholar needs is their own backpack! Please visit to view provided supplies.
Bus route schedule information is available to view at Information will be also provided directly to parents from Transportation.
Bell time schedule reminder:
Breakfast (8:50-9:10)
School Starts: 9:10am
Tardy Bell: 9:15am
School Dismisses: 3:40pm
Resources to Support the Transition:
School Bell Times:
Thank you again for your continued partnership! We truly appreciate every one of our Panther Lake families!
Tabatha Ritch
253-391-7444 (Cell - Text okay)
Emily Smith
(Assistant Principal)
253-391-6251 (Cell - Text okay)First Day of School: What to Expect
Please take a moment and review our Jitter Buster newsletter, packed full of information to prepare you and your scholar for back to school and the first day at Panther Lake Elementary. Please note, we want to welcome our families into our school and we know the first day can be full of big emotions for our scholars and our families. If you want to walk your scholar to their classroom, please check-in at the office. All visitors on our campus must be checked-in for safety. You can also walk them to the commons/cafeteria doors under the LIME GREEN awning of our school. We appreciate your understanding as we prioritize all our scholars' safety.
All Panther Lake scholars enter the school building through the commons/cafeteria doors, located directly under the lime green covered area of our school.
Your scholar has a chance to earn a Panther PAW first thing in the morning! How do they earn that Panther PAW? Upon arrival, they can tell a staff member who their teacher is!
If your scholar is not on a class list, please see Mrs. Hagen in the front office to verify registration
Panther Lake Classroom Teachers
Kristie King
Samantha McCoy
*REMINDER* Kindergarten starts school September 9th
1st Grade
Terry Victor
Jessica Garbarino
2nd Grade
Carly Aguilar
Alyssa Natsiopoulos
3rd Grade
Michael Shook
Emma Davis
4th Grade
Andrew Potratz
Julianne Ha
Guest Appearance in photo by:
Carolyn Blizard- Learning Center Teacher
J'mirius Jackson- PE Teacher
5th Grade
Stephen Funtek
Glyn Jenkins
2022-2023 School Schedule
Parent Drop-Off
Breakfast is FREE for all Panther Lake Scholars
Breakfast will begin being served at 98:50 and will end at 9:10. Our last breakfast will be served at 9:05 to ensure scholars arrive to class on time. If your scholar arrives late, you will want to check your scholar in at the office to excuse the tardy prior to going to class. Scholars must have a pass from the office when arriving to class late.
Due to capacity in our common cafeteria area, scholars will be served breakfast on a first come, first serve basis. Just as we do with lunch, scholars begin cleaning their area after they have finished eating and line up with their class in the gym for our morning meeting as a school. Scholars will be asked to quietly read or use a voice level 1 or 2 and talk with their neighbors. Scholars are expected to sit with their class and remain seated for safety.
If your scholar will not be eating breakfast at school, they will go directly to the gym and line up with their class.
Scholars will go directly to class on the first day of school only.
During the Day
The first weeks of school...
In the classroom, teachers will be focusing on ensuring scholars feel safe, welcome, and comfortable at school. Scholars will be getting to know one another through social-emotional focused activities and curriculum while also adjusting to in-person learning. Our focus at Panther Lake is ensuring our scholars enjoy coming to school and each classroom is a safe space for learning and taking cognitive risks.
Remember, breakfast and lunch are free this year!
Recess and Lunch
Scholars will have two recesses with one 25 minute recess prior to lunch. Scholars will engage in community building activities at the start and finish of recess to ensure all scholars are safe, kind, and responsible.
At Panther Lake Elementary, we do not tolerate harmful or hateful words being used towards one another.
The use of racial slurs and derogatory language will result in disciplinary action.
After lunch recess, scholars will be lined up by class under the covered play area and our recess coaches will begin to transition scholars into lunch. Scholars will wash their hands or sanitize on their way into lunch. Once scholars have washed their hands, they will enter the lunch line to receive their lunch and sit at their assigned table. Scholars will need to use their lunch card with student ID to pick-up their lunch.
Once scholars are finished eating, they will begin cleaning their area. Scholars will use a spray bottle with a soapy water mixture and a paper towel to clean their area after they eat. After scholars clean up, they will sit at their seat and wait for their teacher to arrive for pickup.
Scholars will have an opportunity to apply for our school's Green Team this year.
This team ensures our school is clean and giving back by recycling and learning about wasteful habits.
Please note:
For efficiency, we ask parents to refrain from conferring with the teacher or exiting their vehicle in line. If your vehicle is left unattended in the pickup line, this can cause an unsafe traffic backup in our lot as well as the busy street in front of our school.
Please park your vehicle in the marked parking spaces if you are walking up to pickup your scholar.