Blevins Bulletin
December 8th , 2023

August 2024 Principal's Message
Hello Blevins Families,
Welcome to the '24-'25 school year! We are thrilled to have your students back, or here for the first time, at Blevins Middle School. It's another exciting year ahead with plenty of opportunities for your child to feel welcomed and successful as a Bruin. You may have questions as you prepare for the year. Please look through the following newsletter for important dates and information. You are also welcome to reach out to us anytime.
I'd like to acknowledge that some of us in the west Fort Collins community may be feeling the impact of the Alexander Mountain fire. If you are in need of support, please see the section below with available resources. We are with you in solidarity through this challenging time.
Joe Zappa, Principal
Important Dates
Tuesday, August 6th: WEB Leader Training 12:00-4:00
Wednesday, August 7th: WEB Leader Training 12:00-4:00
Thursday, August 8th: Football Pre-Season Camp (7th, 8th Grade) 9:00-10:00 (Information Below)
Friday, August 9th: Student Schedules available on ParentVue (guide for using ParentVue)
- Football Pre-Season Camp (7th, 8th Grade) 9:00-10:00 (Information Below)
Monday, August 12th: Football Practice 9:00-11:00 (Information Below)
⭐Tuesday, August 13th: Football Practice 9:00-11:00 (Information Below)
- GT Parent Meeting 5:00-5:30 (Blevins Library)
- Back to School Night 5:30-7:00 (Additional Information Below)
⭐ Wednesday, August 14th: 6th Grade Starts 7:30-2:25
- Football Practice 2:45-5:00 (Information Below)
- Girls Volleyball Camp 3:00-6:00 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
⭐Thursday, August 15th: ALL Grades in Session 7:30-2:25
- Cross Country Pre-Season Practice 2:45-4:00 (6th, 7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
- Girls Volleyball Camp 3:00-6:00 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
- Tennis Practice Starts 3:00 (6th, 7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
Friday, August 16th:
- Girls Volleyball Camp 3:00 6:00 (7th, 8th Grade) 3:00-6:00 (Information Below)
Monday, August 19th:
- Girls Volleyball Tryouts 3:00-5:30 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
Tuesday, August 20th:
- Girls Volleyball Tryouts 3:00-5:30 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
- Football Parent Meeting 5:10 (Gym 101)
Wednesday, August 21st:
- Girls Volleyball Tryouts 3:00-5:30 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
Thursday, August 22nd:
- Girls Volleyball Tryouts 3:00-5:30 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
- Cross Country Parent Meeting 5:00-5:45 (Auditeria)
Friday, August 23rd:
- Girls Volleyball Tryouts 3:00-5:30 (7th, 8th Grade) (Information Below)
⭐Tuesday, August 27th: Picture Day (Watch for More Information)
Monday, September 2nd: NO SCHOOL/Labor Day
Alexander Mountain Fire Community Resources and Support
PSD has staff, students, and families living in the mandatory and voluntary evacuation areas of the Alexander Mountain Fire. We want you to know that your school and district community will support you in any way we can.
Below are some links to resources, support, and information:
Alexander Fire Information
- Visit Nocoalert.org or text LCEVAC to 888777 for fire updates and maps.
- Visit www.larimer.gov/alexander-mountain-fire for information about evacuation orders, evacuation sites, road closures, and other updates. Any additional resources that may be created will be posted or linked here.
- Find incident information and updates at https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-information/coarf-alexander-mountain-fire.
- A Joint Information Center is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Call 970-980-2500 for information about evacuations, road closures, and community resources.
Air Quality Information
- Visit www.larimer.gov/health/environmental-health/air-quality and scroll down for smoke-related air quality advice and information.
- Find air quality maps and information at airnow.gov and www.colorado.gov/airquality/default.aspx.
- CHSAA offers guidance for outdoor athletic activities during smoke or high pollution events on its website (link here).
Mental Health Support
- Crisis resources for staff, including Employee Assistance Services, are listed on the PSD staff mental health web page (link here).
- Resources for students are posted on the PSD student mental health web page (link here).
More than 250 people from multiple agencies are working on this incident. We would like to thank them for their bravery and dedication to community safety.
Save the Date: Back to School Night
Tuesday , August 13th 5:30pm-7:00pm
Please visit with us on this date. You will have the opportunity to connect with teachers, hear from school leadership, and explore the building. Student schedules will be available to pick up.
- Lockers will be available upon request after school begins.
- No need to bring supplies to Back to School Night
- Student schedules will also be accessible on ParentVue beginning on Friday, Aug. 9th. Here is a guide for using ParentVue.
6th & 7th (N-Z) Grade Counselor: Kirsten Bovbjerg, kbovbjerg@psdschools.org
7th (A-M) & 8th Grade Counselor: Anna Burris, annab@psdschools.org
Academic Dean: Erin McCain, emccain@psdschools.org
On this evening, our team will also be available to support families with the following:
Athletic paperwork and athletic fees - Questions? nicolew@psdschools.org
Immunization records and student meds - Questions? nicolew@psdschools.org
2024-2025 Blevins School Supply Lists
Daily Schedule, Silver & Burgundy Calendar, PSD Calendar
Blevins Football (7th & 8th Grade)
2024-2025 Blevins Football Information
- Coach Ben Rees brees@psdschools.org
Pre-Season Camp:
- August 8th and 9th 9:00-10:00am @ Blevins' Football Field
- Equipment Needed for Camp: Cleats, Water, Medical Necessities (Inhaler/Epi-Pen/etc)
- NO FEE or SILVER CARD Required for Camp
Regular Season Practice: (SILVER CARDS and FEE REQUIRED)
- August 12th 9:00-11:00: Meet at West Entrance Doors
- August 13th 9:00-11:00: Meet at West Entrance Doors
- August 14th 2:45-5:00 (Equipment Handout 8th Grade 2:45, 7th Grade 3:15)
- August 15th-remainder of season 2:45-5:00
- Equipment Needed: Cleats, Water, Medical Necessities, Mouthpiece
Parent/Coaches Meeting
- August 20th 5:10 in Gym 101
Blevins Cross Country (6th, 7th, 8th Grade)
Altitude Running (2531 S Shields #2N) will offer Blevins runners 15% off on running shoes and other merch on August 20th and August 24th
Blevins Girls Volleyball (7th, 8th Grade)
Blevins Girls Volleyball (7th, 8th Grade)
RMHS Volleyball Pre-Tryout Camp
Blevins Tennis (6th, 7th, 8th Grade)
- Boys Tennis Coach: Andrew Kiser akiser@psdschools.org
- Girls Tennis Coach: TBD
- 1st Regular Season Practice August 15th at 3:00 (SILVER CARDS and FEE REQUIRED)
Transportation Change for Athletic Competition Events
"Starting with the 2024-25 school year, student transportation for all athletic events will be one-way only, meaning district busses will only be taking athletes to the competition sites. Parents/families will be responsible for ensuring that their athletes are picked up from the competition sites. Please contact Athletic Director Scott Schreiner with any questions or concerns."
Silver Cards are required to participate in all sports. To obtain a Silver Card, students will need to complete the following 3 steps:
- Students must have a hard copy of the Physicians Certification form on file in the Front Office.
- Students must have paid the athletic fee. Payment can be made through Schoolpay at https://psdschools.schoolpay.com or cash and check payments can be made in the Front Office. If it is a cut sport then you would pay to tryout then be refunded if your student doesn't make the team.
- Students must have completed the online registration at https://www.psdathletics.org/msreg or complete and return registration packet to the Front Office.
Bus Requests for 2024-2025
PSD aims to transport as many students as possible to and from school. To ensure families needing transportation receive this service, riders must apply for busing each year, even if they’ve had busing before.
The Center- Parent & Grandparent Summit
Dear PSD Community:
You’re invited to the Parent, Grandparent, Kin Caregiver Summit, a free educational event designed to empower caregivers with the knowledge and tools they need to support their children's development. The Summit will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 3, 2024, at Rocky Mountain High School, 1300 W. Swallow Road in Fort Collins. Visit https://bit.ly/PGKSummit24 to register.
The summit will feature expert-led workshops on trauma-informed care, understanding the iGen generation, managing social media influence, and addressing school avoidance. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with other caregivers and gain valuable insights to enhance their parenting and grandparenting skills.
The Parent, Grandparent, Kin Caregiver Summit is organized by the Center for Family Outreach in partnership with PSD, UC Health, Larimer County Behavioral Health Services, Embark Behavioral Health, Within, the Alliance for Suicide Prevention, and TAC 212. Contact (970) 495-0084 or Lauriek@tcffo.org for more information.
Support Blevins
Who To Contact
Joe Zappa, Principal
Dusti Sanger, Assistant Principal
Scott Schreiner, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Michele Trujillo, Office Manager
Kirsten Bovbjerg, 6th/7th Grade Counselor
Anna Burris, 7th/8th Grade Counselor
Erin McCain, Academic Dean* & School Counselor
*Guidance for academic supports for Blevins students