St Thomas' Primary News
22 February 2024
St Thomas’ Primary School is part of a faith community centred on the life of Jesus, as expressed in our Motto,
‘Together in Christ’
Our Vision is to 'Educate the Whole Child' and empower learners as global citizens, to be curious, collaborative, creative and critical thinkers, inspired by Christ.
Prayer for Lent
God of generations
We thank you for those who have gone before us,
especially those who have cared for your earth.
and who inspire us to help respect your creation and contribute to its healing.
We thank you for those with whom we share our lives today.
especially those who work for justice and peace.
May we welcome the opportunity that Lent brings to walk more closely with you,
especially through fasting, almsgiving, and prayer.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
Important Dates
Friday 23 February - P & F Sundowner (parent only event)
Monday 26 February - Morning Gathering 8:45 am PP - Y6
Tuesday 27 February - Advisory Council Meeting 7pm
Wednesday 28 February - Surf Lessons Y5 & 6
Wednesday 28 February - Parish Buddy Mass Y3 & 4 @ 12:30 pm
Friday 01 March - STPS Swimming Carnival Y3 - 6
Friday 01 March - Speech Screening PP
Monday 04 March - Labour Day Public Holiday
Wednesday 06 March - Surf Lessons Y5 & 6
Wednesday 06 March - Speech Screening PP
Wednesday 06 March - Parish Buddy Mass Y6 & 2 @ 12:30 pm
Thursday 07 March - Interschool Swimming Training @ 7:30 am - 8:15 am
Friday 08 March - Interschool Swimming Training @ 7:30 am - 8:15 am
Monday 11 March - Morning Gathering 8:45 am PP - Y6
Monday 11 March - Speech Screening PP
Wednesday 13 March - P & F Meeting - 6.30pm - Online option available
Wednesday 13 March - Friday 22 March - NAPLAN - Y3 & Y5
Monday 18 March Morning Gathering 8:45 am PP - Y6
Monday 18 March - GRIP Student Leadership Y6 Leaders
Wednesday 20 March - Harmony Day Celebrations
Wednesday 20 March - Harmony Day Liturgy @ 9 am
Friday 22 March - Y6 Assembly @ 9 am
Monday 25 March - Holy Week
Monday 25 March - Morning Gathering PP - Y6
Tuesday 26 March - Parent/Teacher Meetings K, Y1, Y3 & Y4
Tuesday 26 March - Advisory Council 7 pm
Wednesday 27 March - Surf Lessons Y5 & 6
Wednesday 27 March - Parent/Teacher Meetings PP, Y2, Y5 & Y6
Thursday 28 March - Stations of the Cross 9 am
Thursday 28 March - Term One Concludes
Monday 15 April - First day of Term 2 for students
Please remember dates of events can be subject to change
(Full 2024 term dates at the end of this newsletter)
From the Principal
Vale Father Wayne
Our beloved Father Wayne was bid farewell on Wednesday afternoon with a moving funeral Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral in Perth. Father Wayne began his journey as Parish Priest of St Thomas the Apostle in mid-February 2013. Over the course of the past 11 years, he graced the lives of countless students at St Thomas’ Primary School and their families. Father Wayne will be fondly remembered for his boundless generosity, unwavering compassion, and steadfast faith. We will continue to remember Father Wayne in our prayers.
Harmony Day Celebrations
This year, Harmony Day 2024 embraces the theme 'Everyone Belongs.' Students will commemorate Harmony Day at our school on Wednesday, 20th March. The day will commence with a prayer service, followed by buddy activities centred on fostering inclusivity. Students are encouraged to wear something orange or attire representing their national heritage on this day.
Change of Date: Interschool Swimming Carnival
Please note that the date for the Interschool Swimming Carnival has been rescheduled. The carnival will now take place in the first week of Term 2 on Tuesday, 16th April.
Code of Conduct
A gentle reminder that all members of the St Thomas’ Primary School (STPS) community are expected to adhere to our STPS Code of Conduct, accessible on our school website here.
Children surrounded by adult and peer behaviours outlined in the Code are more likely to cultivate healthy relationships. We uphold the safety of our students by adhering to our Code of Conduct and by encouraging and reminding each other to do so. For parents, compliance is a condition of entry to our school premises.
Child Safe Framework
Ensuring the wellbeing and safety of all students remains the utmost priority for Catholic schools, including St Thomas’ School. Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) is dedicated to championing child safety and fostering a culture of safety across all our schools, care centres, and communities. We encourage and support all members of St Thomas’ Primary School to prioritise decisions that always uphold the best interests of the child or young person.
Parents/carers can learn more about the Child Safe Framework by visiting this link.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
In week 9, we have scheduled Parent-Teacher Interviews online, utilising the Microsoft TEAMS platform. These interviews provide an invaluable opportunity for parents to engage with your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s progress. Parents will receive notification when the online booking system opens.
P & F Sundowner
We extend a warm invitation to the P & F Sundowner this Friday, a wonderful occasion to unite as a school community. We look forward to seeing you this Friday evening from 6:30 to 9:30pm.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead
God bless.
Natalia Thomson
From the Assistant Principal
For all Year 3 and Year 5 parents, NAPLAN takes place from Tuesday 14/3, testing Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy (in that order). It is important that children are prepared but not under pressure to complete these tests. Students are receiving preparation for how to answer the varying questions that the assessments pose. Please help your child by supporting them to have a good night’s sleep, hearty breakfast and are not late to school. If you have any queries, please contact your class teacher or myself.
As some background information, each week at Monday gathering, our student leaders present merit awards awarded by class teachers and I present Weekly Focus awards, again awarded by teachers. Merit awards are class based and recognise student achievement across a range of areas of school. Weekly focus awards, recognise some students who have gone ‘above and beyond’ in displaying the focus of the week. These focus points are selected from our five school values and elements of our vision statement (found at the top of this newsletter). This week, our weekly focus is the value of Inclusivity. It has been great to challenge student to not only BE inclusive but SEEK inclusivity by building friendships with students they may not normally mix with. Parents of award recipients are invited by email on Fridays.
A reminder when your child is absent to please email with the reason to and CC your child’s class teacher. If we have not been made aware of the absence, we will contact via text message that morning to account for every child. On Friday, the school will email parents of students who have unexplained absences for parents to respond to. We are legally required to keep these records.
I encourage parents to access the Federal Government’ eSafety Commissioner’s website to access resources and information to assist teach your child skills and strategies to stay safe online. Years 3-6 students will bring home hard copy of the St Thomas' ICT User Agreement for signing by students and parents, as well as a Home Contract that parents and children can discuss outlining home rules for the use of technology devices. My number one rule is that all devices are out of the bedroom (try gaffer-taping the charger to the kitchen power point to assist this process!). If you need further support, please speak with your child’s teacher or myself.
Heath Nankivell
Assistant Principal
Project Compassion
Co-curricular Clubs have started this week
School fees were issued to parents/caregivers this week. If you have not received your account, or you have any questions regarding your account, please contact Mary Courtney on Mary is still assisting us with our finances until our new Finance Officer has been appointed.
Sports News
St Thomas’ Swimming Carnival – Friday 1 March
Information has been sent to all families and permission forms are due this FRIDAY please.
Thank you to families who have already submitted their form. Please complete the form on this link if you have not already done so.
2024 Swimming Carnival Permission Form
Here is a summary of next week’s carnival information:
· All students are to be dropped off at Claremont Pool between 8.30-8.50am. Please do not drop your child off prior to 8.30am as staff will be busy setting up for the carnival and the students will not be supervised. They may wear thongs to the pool.
· Also, students must BYO lunch from home as there will be no lunch orders provided to the children on this day. Students are the wear their faction polo with the bathers underneath their sports uniform. They may wear thongs to the pool.
· Please ensure students do not have coloured hairspray in their hair.
· Please apply coloured zinc at home.
· We have been informed that crepe paper, streamers or balloons are not permitted at Claremont Pool.
On the day, students are not able to use the canteen, even if parents are attending the carnival.
· For the parents:
o Please no posting of photos/videos unless it is your own child.
o Must remain in the parent area unless you are volunteering on the day.
o Please do not come into the faction bays or crowd the finish line as this may hinder your child’s performance.
o A fee spectator fee is payable at Claremont Pools. If staying longer than 4 hours, please get a parking permit to avoid a fine. There are 4 hour parking zones located in the bottom carpark and across from the IGA.
AFL Football – If you would like to child to participate in AFL football for Claremont Junior Football Club registrations are open and you may also contact
During the April school holidays, Claremont Football Club are running a holiday program. Please see the flyer attached and the link for booking
Sharon Seaman
Physical Education Specialist Teacher
Music Lessons 2024
Instrumental music lessons are available at St Thomas' Primary. Children can learn voice, keyboard, piano, violin, drums, guitar and flute. Please contact the school office for a music form if your child is interested in commencing music lessons in 2024.
School Community Directory
At St Thomas', we are keen to start a school community directory to support the family and friends of our school. If you have a small business that you would like to share, promote and support, please complete the form on this LINK
Term Dates for Students:
· TERM 1
Wednesday 31 Jan – Thursday 28 March
· TERM 2
Monday 15 April – Friday 28 June
· TERM 3
Tuesday 16 July – Friday 20 September
· TERM 4
Tuesday 8 October – Friday 6 December
Pupil free days:
Friday 26 April
Friday 31 May
Monday 15 July
Monday 19 August
Monday 7 October
Public Holidays
Monday 4 March (Labour Day)
Friday 29 March (Good Friday)
Thursday 25 April (ANZAC Day)
Monday 3 June (WA Day)
St Thomas' Primary School
Location: 8 Warden Street Claremont WA 6010
Phone: (08 9286 9500
Twitter: @StThomasCPS
St Thomas' Primary School Claremont