Pinon Pawprint
August 5 - 9
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Hello Pinon Parents!
A warm welcome to you all!
We are getting closer and closer to the beginning of the 24-25 school year, and all the exciting changes it will bring. Below is all the information you need to get the year kicked off on solid footing. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or our dedicated administrative team. We are here to support you and your child every step of the way.
Onward we go!
Ivanna Austell, Principal
Class Lists and Meet the Teacher
Tuesday August 6th
We will have our Meet the Teacher/Supply Drop-Off on Tuesday, August 6th!
Class lists will be posted on the front doors at 2:20pm. The classrooms doors will open at 2:30 for students/families to meet their teachers and drop off their supplies. This is meant to be a casual opportunity to introduce your child to their teacher and for them to see their room. We will have an open house at a later date for families to learn more about the curriculum and classroom procedures.
Meet the Teacher will promptly end at 3:30 to give teachers and staff enough time to prepare for the first day of school!
New Family Orientation
First Week for Students
School starts on Wednesday, August 7th for ALL students, preschool-6th grade. This week are all full school days from 8:10-2:40.
Students should come to school with all their supplies in a labelled backpack, a morning snack, a water bottle, and lunch (unless getting hot lunch).
Monday August 5th
- No School for students
Tuesday August 6th
- Class Lists Posted and Meet the Teacher Begins 2:30
Wednesday August 7th
- Breakfast will be served starting at 7:55 in the gym
- No Early Bird Club
- New Family Orientation 8:15am in the Lobby
- Lunch will be outside, weather permitting
Thursday August 8th
- Breakfast will be served starting at 7:55 in the gym
- No Early Bird Club
- Welcome Back Assembly for students at 9:15
- Lunch will be outside, weather permitting
Friday August 9th
- Breakfast will be served starting at 7:55 in the gym
- No 3Y preschool today
- No Early Bird Club
- Lunch will be outside, weather permitting
School Hours
Piñon Daily Schedule
Office Hours 7:45-3:45
Phone: 663-2680
24 hour Piñon Absence Line 663-2681
Bell Schedule
7:30-7:55 Before School Activities and Early Bird Club start Mon. August 12th
7:55 Breakfast Service Starts & Playground Supervision Begins
8:05 First bell - students report to class
8:10 School begins
9:30-9:45 Primary Recess
10:00-10:15 Middle/Upper Recess
11:15-12:00 PK-3rd Grade Lunch & Recess
11:30-12:15 4th-6th Lunch Lunch & Recess
1:30-1:40 K-3 Recess; 4-6 Run-Walk
2:40 Dismissal PK-6th grade
NM 4Y PreKindergarten
8:10 - 2:40 Everyday
NM 3Y Program (Times are still TBD)
AM Session 8:00 - 11:00 (Mon-Thurs)
PM Session 11:50 - 2:50 (Mon-Thurs)
Arrival and Dismissal
Though Pinon's current campus appears to be an "open campus" - it is not. We respectfully ask that parents and family do not enter campus to drop off or pick up students at classrooms. Please make sure anyone coming to pick up your student(s) understands this and the following procedures.
Parent Transport: If you drive your student to school, enter the parking lot only from the east side of campus. The first section along the curb is for bus parking only. Do not drop off or pick up students from behind the bus parking area. Continue to the front of the school, following the direction signs and cones, and move into the car lane near the curb:
- Pull forward as far as possible and parallel to the curb
- Stay in your vehicle while your student(s) exits on the right side of your car
- To exit, continue forward up the lane, as each car pulls through, curving left to the exit on the west side of the parking lot
- Do not use the carline if you are in a hurry. This is for quick drops/pick ups ONLY.
Walkers: Parents and families who walk to school (and/or pick up from school) should plan to say goodbye to students (or pick up students) at the bicycle racks on either side of the parking lot. We do not allow parents to walk students to their classrooms. Preschool parents may walk students to meet teachers near the front of the school.
School Bus: Student who qualify for school bus transportation will be dropped off at Pinon by 7:55am. There is a bus lane specifically for bus parking - please do not park your car or drop students off in that lane.
Bicycles: Students may ride bikes to school and park/lock them up in the bicycle racks on either side of the parking lot. It is the parents' responsibility to ensure that students understand the rules of the road and can manage their own transportation responsibly and safely.
Green Zone Drop Off: If you need to assist your child to exit the vehicle and/or unload items from the trunk, use the west side of the parking lot where you see the green curb. You may stop there temporarily but do not park for an extended time.
Parking Lot: Due to construction we have very limited parking. You may, however, park your vehicle and carefully walk them to the orange-coned waiting area in front of the crosswalk. It has been newly painted with yellow stripes. Say goodbye there and duty staff will cross your children onto campus. The handicapped spot is just behind it and a handicapped crosswalk was added.
Chartwells Meal Service
Free Breakfast and Lunch
You can view menus online at https://laschools.nutrislice.com/menu in order to make the best choices for your student(s). And of course you always have the option of packing your child's lunch.
Free & Reduced Meal Program
Even though all students can participate in the breakfast and lunch program we encourage all
families to complete the free and reduced meal program application. These applications are
used for other important funding opportunities which support the district and our students.
Also, students become eligible for reduced fees at school sites based on these applications.
Please use the online option at www.schoolcafe.com.
If you are unable to complete the online option please download a copy of the Free and
Reduced Meal Program Application. Instructions for this application can be found
at USDA Application Instructions.
Email the completed form to the Assistant Superintendent for Operations and Safety at m.johnson@laschools.net.
Each student that meets the requirements to ride the school bus must complete a 2024-2025 Student Bus Card. LAPS provides bus service for all Los Alamos County elementary students who live at least 1 mile from the school. Check out LAPS Transportation website for more information and to review BUS ROUTES
If you have any specific transportation questions, please reach out to our Director of Transportation, Keith Rosenbaum: k.rosenbaum@laschools.net
Parents of 3Y preschool students should contact the Student Services Department at (505) 663-2208 regarding transportation. Please complete the Special Ed Bus Card if your student's IEP team has determined that your student is eligible for transportation as a related service.
Early Bird Club
Starting Monday August 12th
School begins promptly at 8:10am. While district policy allows for children to be on campus 15 minutes prior to the start of the school day (7:55am), we know that the start time may create logistical issues for some families.
Piñon offers a Before School Activity program for students from 7:30AM - 7:55AM. This is a free service. If your student needs to participate in the Piñon Early Bird Club, please download the permission slip and turn it at the Pinon office.
At 7:55, the first bell will ring. At this time, Early Bird clubbers can choose to go to the gym for breakfast, or go outside for recess. If students arrive between 7:55 and 8:10, they will also have those two options.
Pinon Family Handbooks
Our Pinon Family Handbooks have been updated and should answer many of the questions you may have regarding our various policies and procedures.
Please read through it as a family to ensure your understanding.
Supply Lists on our Website
Click on your child's grade level
You will be able to find them at https://pinon.laschools.net/families.
Please be aware that the rest of the website is still being updated and may contain information from last year. If you have any questions about anything, please contact the school office at: 663-2680.
Official Back-to-School Sale
The official Pinon spirit wear store has launched a back-to-school sale! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments, all with home delivery!
We are offering a limited-time savings of 30% sitewide! In addition, all orders over $75 will receive free shipping. Shop Now!
PTO Corner
Hello Everyone,
We need your support more than ever! Our school is getting bigger and our PTO is getting smaller. We need more membership to help organize, plan, and /or work at the many special events we want to host for our students.
Follow our Facebook page for important info and updates: https://www.facebook.com/pinonPTO.
Stay in touch via https://pinonpto.org/ and pinonpto@gmail.com.
Thank you!!
Board Officers:
Whitney Pack, President
Haley Gayner, Vice Presidents
Alexis Rodriguez, Secretary
Monica Avery and Megan Hesselink as Co-Treasurers”
Smiths Community Rewards
To all of our Smith's shoppers! If you would consider connecting your card to Piñon PTO while you have a child here, that would make a huge impact. So many things happen with the money we receive from Smith's. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!
You can easily connect your card to Pinon at:
Construction at Pinon
Construction is in full swing on our new school building, which we hope to move into in March 2025. I will be sending updates and photos home during the year and there will be a ribbon ceremony when we open the new school
Last year we had several people come onto campus during the school day to look at the construction. We understand how fascinating and exciting it is to see the construction site firsthand but we ask that you please do not do this without checking in at the office. You will need to be escorted and we may not always have someone available.
Post Class Lists & Meet the Teacher
Tuesday August 6th
2:30 in Classrooms
First Day of School
Wednesday August 7th
New Family Meeting - GYM
Wednesday August 7th
Pinon Lobby 8:15
Welcome Back Assembly in the gym
Thursday August 8th
Pinon Gym 9:15
BOY Istation Assessment (K-5)
Mon, August 12-16
6th Grade Band and 5th/6th Grade Orchestra Begin
7:30-8:15 Tues, August 13
Beginning Band & Orchestra Demos
8:15-9:00 Tues, August 13
BOY iMSSA (3-8)
Mon, Aug 19-23
Beginning Orchestra and Band Starts
Tue, August 20
Music Rm & Gym
Open House
Wed, August 28
5:30-7:30 PM
Piñon's Guiding Principles
Piñon’s Vision Statement
All Piñon students will be Kind and Learn.
Piñon’s Mission Statement
Piñon Elementary provides the skills and values for student success now and in their future.
Piñon’s Core Values:
- Character: Piñon Elementary School teaches, models, and practices kindness, integrity, and resiliency.
- Community: Piñon Elementary School fosters a mindset of safety and respect in school and home communities.
- Commitment to Learning: Piñon Elementary School utilizes learning strategies that promote academic rigor and students' passion to learn.
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Principal Email: Ivanna Austell, iv.austell@laschools.net
Asst. Principal Email: Jennifer Kieltyka, j.kieltyka@laschools.net
Website: https://pinon.laschools.net/
Location: 90 Grand Canyon Drive, White Rock, NM, USA
Phone: 505-663-2680
PTO Website: https://pinonpto.org/