The Hive Happenings
January 19, 2025
Buzz, Woody, and Beyond: Character Journeys in Toy Story
Who says testing can’t be fun? Students in Mrs. Chandler’s 6th and 7th grade reading class stepped into “Andy’s room” for a Toy Story transformation, in which they took apart their Mock STAAR test, and broke it down with Toy Story themed games, taking their engagement to Infinity and Beyond.
Yellow Jacket Pride in Action!
by: A. Spivey
This week, we witnessed Yellow Jacket Pride in action! Abigail was spotted in the cafeteria cleaning off a table that had been left with trash. Without being asked, she stepped up and went above and beyond to keep our school clean and welcoming. Her actions show what it truly means to take pride in our school.
Thank you, Abigail, for setting such a great example for your peers! Let’s all follow her lead and show our Yellow Jacket Pride every day.
Senior Photos Behind The Scenes
**Note: Senior Spotlights will feature 2-3 Seniors per week in the newsletters. Students will be put in the newsletter in the order they are received.**
Senior Spotlight
Makayla Ford
Makayla Ford is the daughter of Melissa Meyers and Jason Ford. Makayla attended Cranfills Gap High School from Pre-K then Transferring to Meridian High School her senior year. Makayla has 4 siblings, 2 brothers, Micheal Ford, Justin Ford and 2 sisters, Jennifer Ford, and Charlotte Ford.
Makayla Ford has been involved in Tennis, Track, UIL, OAP, and FFA. Makayla's plans after high school is to attend Mclennan Community College, get her Associates degree in Business along with transferring to a University to obtain her Bachelors.
Makayla’s biggest influence in her life is her mother.
Makayla’s favorite memories are managing Cranfills Gap High School Girls Basketball team.
A message Makayla would give underclassmen: “A negative mind will NEVER give you a positive life.”
Makayls hobbies include messing around with her nieces and nephews, being with her partner Alex, and being around her show animal, Biscuit the Steer.
Makayla’s favorite subject would be Algebra 1.
Makaylas goal is that she plans to accomplish as a senior is to complete her credit recovery, and maintain all A’s for her entire senior year.
Makaylas' reflection from her senior year was that everything will eventually work out although it might take longer than what you wanted.
Makayla’s advice to incoming freshmen would be to have fun, enjoy high school, its not as bad as people say it is.
MaKayla's old math teacher Mr. Doty has had the biggest impact on her along with her business teacher Mr. Harmsen.
MaKayla's peers who have had the biggest impact on her would be her best friend Kara Gafford, and of course her partner Alex Rodriguez.
Makayla's biggest pride and joy she has with herself would be joining FFA at Meridian ISD and showing a lamb and steer.
Bradley Kihnel
Bradley Kihnel is a Senior at Meridian high school. His parents are Melanie Kihnel & Ryne Dashner. Bradley has played Varsity football and baseball all four years of high school. For extracurricular activities, he participates in AG Mech.
Bradley's future plan after high school is to attend college at Texas A&M Kingsville to further his education in Welding/Engineering. He plans to get his degree in Industrial Management Applied Engineering.
His number one influential person who has pushed him through high school is his mother. His favorite coaches through his High School years are Coach Brister or Coach Spivey. These coaches always continue to push him to do his best.
Bradley's message to the younger classmen: Enjoy your time in High School while you can, time flies. It seems like a long road left after becoming a freshman but the next four years of your life will be the best. Spend time and make memories with your friends, you will
look back on them forever.
His hobbies include Welding, Video games, Baseball and Golf. His favorite class in high school is Ag.
His proudest moment in high school is playing baseball.
Kaitlyn Turner
Kaitlyn Grace Turner will be a 2025 graduate of Meridian High School and is the daughter of Jim and Christen Kerbow. She is the oldest sibling in her family with a younger brother, Kyler, and little sister Kynzie. Kaitlyn’s favorite activities are going to sporting events, spending time with her family, and being outdoors.
Kaitlyn is one of Meridian’s biggest sports fans and cheers on her classmates! She was previously a cheerleader for the Tyler Twisters and is currently playing softball for the Miracle League of Parker County on the Royals. Kaitlyn enjoys traveling and would spend all of her time at the beach if she could.
One of the most memorable high school memories was Homecoming week. She was recognized in the Homecoming Court and participated in a week of fun activities, pep rallies, and riding in the firetruck for the parade; along with Homecoming Night recognition and double overtime win for the Jackets! She was also excited to participate in the Kinder-Senior Walk where she was able to gift her little sister with a school spirit bell.
Kaitlyn really enjoys art class and going to PE. She loves hands-on activities and experiences. Kaitlyn is very close with her family, but also loves so many people she comes across in her day. There are several coaches at MHS that are like a second family to her and she loves all of her teachers at MHS. Kaitlyn’s bubbly personality radiates the meaning behind, “Be different. Be You!” If you ask others that know her, they describe her as energetic, joyful, and a beautiful soul. She shares smiles and laughter with all of her friends and uplifts spirits of those around her.
Powerlifting: Rosebud-Lott Meet
Meridian Powerlifting had a great first meet at Rosebud-Lott. Everyone did a tremendous job. (Not shown, but included, Hannah Beaudin.)
Juniors - ASVAB Testing
January 29th
Yearbook Orders
We have yearbooks available from previous years, as well. Here are the years we have available.
2021-2022 https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/my/Meridian22
2022-2023 https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/my/Meridian23
2023-2024 https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/my/Meridian24
2024-2025 https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/my/Meridian2025
Upcoming High School Events
- 01/16 - JH Boys @ Rio Vista - JH Girls @ Home
- 01/18 - Powerlifting @ Rose Bud - Lott
- 1/21 - Senior Presentation of Caps & Gowns with Herff Jones
- 01/21 - JV/V Girls and Boys @ Bosqueville @ 4 P.M.
- 01/23 - JH Girls vs Valley Mills - JH Boys @ Valley Mills
- 01/24 - JV/V Girls and Boys vs Crawford @ 4 P.M.
- 01/27 - Junior / Senior College Application & Scholarship Night
- 1/28 - Caps and Gown Purchases @ 8:30 a.m. (parents are welcome, but not required)
- 01/28 - JV/V Girls and Boys @ Itasca @ 4:00 P.M
- 01/31 - V Girls and Boys @ Waco - Meyers
Lizette Paceley, MHS Principal
Darrell Hogan, Assistant Principal
Dana Davis, Superintendent
Email: lpaceley@meridianisd.org
Website: www.meridianisd.org
Phone: (254) 435-2723
500 Yellow Jacket Drive
Meridian, Tx 76665