Cyclone Central Newsletter
November 10, 2023
TEAM Center Families,
We are spreading kindness and gratitude at Center Elementary School this month!
On behalf of the entire Cyclone Community, we would like to honor and thank all of our veterans. We appreciate your commitment to our country, and all of the sacrifices made to protect, support, and help others. A special shout out goes to Mr. Myers, Center's PE Teacher, for your service. As a show of gratitude, members of Center's PEAK Team have created a gratitude wall to honor veterans throughout our Center family. Thank you to all of our students and families who helped to fill our wall with notes of gratitude.
Looking ahead to next week:
- CSA Cookie Dough sales continue through November 15th. Funds from this sale will help to pay for our winter craft fair, holiday parties, and other CSA-sponsored special events throughout the year. Please help us reach our goal of raising $5,000.
- Monday, Nov. 13th, is World Kindness Day - Students and staff are asked to wear the color yellow to help us celebrate the importance of spreading kindness throughout our world.
- On Wednesday, Nov. 15th, thanks to a generous donation from CSA, our students will enjoy an assembly through a partnership with the Great Lakes Science Center. During this engaging Math in Space program, students will explore the stages of human flight outside of the Earth's orbit and the mathematics that makes this possible.
- On Wednesday, November 17th, we start a district-wide collection for Olivia's Dream. Please consider donating a new, unwrapped toy to this drive as we honor a very special girl who dreamt of helping those in need.
Thank you for partnering with us to spread kindness and gratitude,
Kate Rateno
Principal, Center Elementary School
Monday, November 13th
Students and staff should wear the color YELLOW.
Olivia's Dream Toy Drive Starts November 17th
Olivia's Dream Toy Drive Starts November 17th
Boxes will be placed in the Center School lobby for donations. All donated toys must be new and unwrapped.
CSA Skate Night - Save the Date
Save the Date: Wednesday November 29th, 6-8:30pm Skating party @ United Skates of America
Cookie Dough Sale
Don’t forget to place your cookie dough order! We need to sell 350 frozen items to not pay a fee to the company-stock up on cookie dough and desserts for the holiday season!
- Register TODAY at
- Share custom support links with family & friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email, Text and more.
- Student Goal: 5 Online Supporters.
Thank you for registering, purchasing and sharing our sale-it really does help to make this fundraiser a success! Together we can reach our goal! If you have any questions please email
Students go out for recess unless the temperature is below 20 degrees or the wind chill is below 10 degrees. Students may only stay in for recess with a doctor’s note. Have your child bring a coat, hat, gloves, boots, and snow pants each day (when appropriate). All items should be labeled with your child’s name.
November Lunch Menu
Mayfield Is Hiring
Sub Teachers & Paraparos
Cafeteria Workers
One way that we like to acknowledge students and staff members for positive acts of kindness is through our Center Shout Outs. Please use the link below to share any Shout Outs with us:
A Message From the School Nurse
To help prevent the spread of communicable disease in our school, please read the attached information provided by our school nurse on when to keep your child home when they are not feeling well.
Arrival/Dismissal Times
Right At School Program
Nov. 10 - Staff PD, NO CLASSES
Nov. 22-24 - Thanksgiving Break, NO CLASSES
Nov. 29 - CSA Skate Night @ United Skates
Nov. 30 - Picture Retake Day
Dec. 7 - Kdg Field Trip to Cleveland Children's Museum🚌
Dec. 15 - Craft Fair
Dec. 21 - Holiday Parties
Jan. 11 - CSA Mtg @ 6:00pm/Media Center
Jan. 15 - MLK Day, NO SCHOOL
Jan. 16 - Teacher WD, NO CLASSES
Feb. 6 - CSA Mtg @ 6:00pm/Media Center
Feb. 14 - Valentine Parties
Feb. 19 - President's Day, NO SCHOOL
Feb. 20 - Staff PD, NO CLASSES
Mar. 7 - CSA Mtg @ 6:00pm/Media Center
Mar. 22 - Teacher WD, NO CLASSES
Mar. 25-APR 1 - SPRING BREAK🌸🌸
Apr. 8 - Staff PD, NO CLASSES
Apr. 9 - CSA Mtg @ 6:00pm/Media Center
May 9 - CSA Mtg @ 6:00pm/Media Center
May 27 - Memorial Day, NO SCHOOL
June 5 - 5th Grade Graduation @ the Grove
June 6 - Last Day for Students
Stay Connected with Us!
Web Page
Kate Rateno, Principal -
Jeff Schiller, Assistant Principal -
Brittany German, School Psychologist -