The Westgate Wire
Friday, September 25, 2020
Parent/Teacher Conferences have been moved to November 19th and 20th. We will not have remote learning on October 8th and 9th in preparation for our transition to our hybrid model for Kindergarten, 1st and 5th graders the week of October 12th.
A few Words from Mrs. Buch and Mr. Walton
It has been a busy week at Westgate! Our teachers and students continue to hone their remote learning skills, navigating new tech tools, and connecting in different ways.
Today we are celebrating our Wolverine pride by wearing our Westgate spirit wear! Feel free to snap a few photos and email them to Mrs. Buch at We would love to add them to the upcoming newsletters!
A few words about remote learning...
As a staff, we have learned many things over the last few weeks. Of importance is the need to strike a better balance between synchronous/live instruction and asynchronous/not live activities. Many teachers choose to stay on Zoom to be accessible to students who may need help; however, we are strongly encouraging students to log out of zoom and step away from their computer when they are not interacting with the teacher. We would also appreciate support in having students join their class Zooms on time. Setting timers can help remind students during busy days. Finally, we want students to do physical activity throughout the day and during lunch. They need to move and get fresh air to keep their brains healthy and active. Remote learning is a true partnership between adults at home and adults at school. Thank you for your continued support!
We wish you a healthy and happy weekend!
Lunch Supervisors Needed!!!
11:40-12:40-1st and 2nd Grade
12:10-1:10- 3rd, 4th, 5th grade