NOE's Family Newsletter
February 2025
February is National Children's Dental Health Month
Please check out the quick fact sheets below to see just how impactful good dental health is for healthy development! It is not just about teeth!
Important Dates
Dates to Prioritize
Friday, January 31 - Progress Reports will be sent home with students in grades 1-3. The most recent assessment data will be attached.
Wednesday, February 5 - Little Caesars Product Pick Up Day (thank you PTO) - see below for specifics!
Friday, February 7 - Progress Reports will be sent home with kindergarten students. The most recent assessment data will be attached.
Tuesday, February 11 - PTO Meeting 3:15 pm
September 9-May 9 - Century Club Reading
Check out what your PTO is making happen at NOE!
Little Caesar's Fundraiser Info
Respiratory Virus Letter
Helpful Reminders
Helpful Reminders
Drop Off
Please be sure your child remains IN THE CAR until the drop off doors open at 7:35 am each morning. With the mornings darker, it is even more important to be sure staff in safety vests are out on the sidewalk to greet your child and ensure he/she safely moves into the building. We'd also ask that parents do not get out of the car or escort your child in. Remaining in your car keeps the line moving and if you need to come in to the building we have a sign in process for that in the front office.
Students are NEVER to transport medication with them. We have forms, see below, that must be filled out and medications can be brought in to the office and picked up by an adult. If cough drops or other over the counter medication is needed, there is a form for those things and they will be dispensed in the office with supervision. If you have questions, please call!
Warm Clothing
Students are outside daily for recess! It is important for all students to have appropriate outside attire. With winter weather approaching, please label ALL of your child's gear. This includes boots, snow pants, jackets, hats and gloves! If any of these items are not in your budget at this time, please reach out to our school counselor, Rachael Olson, and she can assist with needed gear!
Office Information
If your child will be/has been absent it is important to call the office within 24 hours. You may leave a message if needed.
Any end of the day changes need to be made by calling the office.
Any changes to a student's approved pick up list must be done in person at the office.
Cafeteria Menus
From Your Specialists
Physical Education Update:
We have really focused on learning that movement and exercise is good for our bodies and it is healthy for our heart. During our jogging laps, the students feel their heart rates, to see if they are increasing while jogging, and then we focus on some cool down laps and deep breathing to get our heart rate down. All students participated in the Turkey Trot in November; we have some excellent runners at North Ohio, and their motivation to complete the trot was contagious.
All grade levels have been working on locomotor skills, these skills are vital when they start to participate in extracurricular activities. Ask the students about Hula Hoop Car Ride, it is a school wide favorite.
All grade levels are learning and working on underhand throwing and catching a ball. Some grade levels need to work on the accuracy of the throw and other grade levels need to focus on stepping forward with their opposite foot. This is something the students can work on at home with family members, just throwing and catching a soft object.
Thank you to the PTO for purchasing a class set of balls for all students to have the same size object to work on.
We will be doing our annual sledding week, this is a school wide favorite activity.
Soon we will also focus on bowling thanks to the local bowling alley for providing the equipment.
First Tee Golf will be visiting North Ohio in March to teach the students the basics of the game of golf. Towards the end of the school year we will host our Fun Day for the students, so keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities for the fun filled day.
A quick reminder since most students come with boots make sure they have shoes to use for their physical education days.
Thank you all for letting me teach your students about movement and making it fun for them at the same time.
~Mrs. Payton, NOE PE Teacher
Important Info
Links to previous NOE Newsletters
Links to Previous Newsletters
https://secure.smore.com/n/4anbc - September 2024
https://secure.smore.com/n/2650rc-happy-fall - October 2024
https://secure.smore.com/n/1e4cu - November 2024