Newsletter Term 4 Week 4
Patumahoe School 10th of November 2021
Principal's Desk
Kia ora parents, caregivers, and extended whanau
This afternoon should herald a major announcement regarding a possible return to school next week. Cabinet has indicated that they will make an announcement at 1pm today outlining their decision in regards to primary schools reopening. Once the BOT, school leadership and staff have met and discussed the outcome of cabinet's decison and its implications, we then intend to communicate with you before the end of the week. The communication will come through schoolsAPP, so please make sure you read that particular communication. This announcement will likely determine how and if our large scale end of year events will go ahead as planned. For instance our prizegiving, Y6 Leavers dinners and other school events.
Regardless of the outcome of todays announcement I would like to inform you of one particular change the school has recently made.
We will be doing end of year reports as per usual. However, the format will look different than previous end of year reports. Curriculum levels and the associated overall teacher judgments (OTJs) will NOT be included in this end of year report. Due to the disrupted nature of the year and the impacts this has had on the implementation of learning and teaching programmes, teachers are unable to accurately assess your child’s achievement in literacy and numeracy. Furthermore, the short return to school timeframe has not allowed a realistic window for assessment to take place. The priority as you would understand is to positively transition and re-engage children back into school. We expect there will be some anxiety from children upon their return to school, so the focus will be about getting back into normal routine and also having a bit of fun in the few weeks we may have left. The report will include a full general comment which will look to capture your child’s learning journey this year, it will include a comment on distance learning- where applicable- as well. Please be aware that this report change is a ‘one-off’, and we intend to return to normal reporting in 2022.
So what does this mean?
We understand that the impacts of this particular year, may be a cause of concern. You may feel anxious about where your child is at with their learning, you may be worried that they have not made any progress. It is totally understandable to feel this way. However, take heart from Professor John Hattie's visible learning research, that indicates learners normally progress at an effect rate of 0.4 over a year, that is without any additional interventions. That is what he refers to as the 'hinge' point. So anything over and above that will have increasing effects on student progress. So whilst your child may have missed out on direct teacher instruction over the last few months, your child will not have gone backwards.
For our Year 6 students? We had discussions with Pukekohe Intermediate yesterday around our students who will be attending there in 2022. We have provided information and relevant academic data on every child in order for Pukekohe Intermediate to gain a picture of the learner. We will also be liaising with the other schools our leavers will be attending in 2022.
For our students in 2022? We will be completing comprehensive schoolwide baseline assessments very early in term 1. This will give us strong data that will inform of learning and teaching programmes. As always we will be providing high quality learning programmes that meet the needs of each and every child.
Socialisation This is probably the part of your child's schooling that can be overlooked. Socialisation is critical and something I want each family to be mindful of as we prepare for a return to school. After last years lockdown, we observed a significant shift in the way a number of children interacted with each other. The shift was not positive. A fair amount of niggle and uncooperative play was evident. Naturally, the long lockdown and absence of regular play with friends has resulted in the social toolbox becoming a bit rusty. It is no different with us adults at times. But I urge you to have discussions with your child prior to the return to school. Focus your discussions on playing with friends and interacting with others. Perhaps use the following bullet points:
- Are you looking forward to going back to school?
- Who will you play with?
- What game will you play?
- Are there any other kids in your class that you might like to include in your game?
- What will you do if somebody won't share the play equipment? (juniors)
Your pre-work at home will really help our teachers as we look to encourage positive and healthy play.
I hope you have a positive end to the week. Perhaps a bit of retail therapy is on the cards. I must say that it was heartwarming seeing Pukekohe alive and busy on my morning commute today. A reminder that the Blackcaps are in action overnight with a blockbuster semi-final against England in the T20 cricket world cup. Can the Blackcaps march their way towards being the undisputed best team in all 3 cricket formats?
Nga mihi nui
Mr Tawhiti
Upcoming Events
- 2nd of February- Kaiako Korero (1pm) Opportunity to meet and chat with teacher before school starts.
- 3rd of February 2022- Term 1 starts
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Contact Us
Email: admin@patumahoe.school.nz
Website: https://www.patumahoe.school.nz/
Location: 38 Patumahoe Rd, RD4 Pukekohe 2679 New Zealand
Phone: +64 09 236 3802 - 027 336 3802