What's Happening @ORLC
June 18th-24th
Contact Information
Office Hours: Tues-Fri 9am-2pm
Office Admin: Abby Keller
Deaconess: Britt Baumgartner 907.310.0341
Director of Children and Youth Ministry: Lauren Johnston
Faith Community Nurse: Sally Coburn
Servants and Missionaries: ORLC Members
Email: office@orlc-ak.org
Website: www.orlc-ak.org
Location: 18444 Old Glenn Highway, Chugiak, AK, USA
Phone: 907-688-2157
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ORLCAK/
Confirmation Class
Is your child entering into 6th grade this coming year? Confirmation classes begin in September, so talk to Pastor or Lauren to get the scoop!
First Communion
Do you have a child old enough to be going into 3rd grade this fall? If they're interested, and you think they're ready, we can talk about First Communion classes at ORLC.
Chayon Ryu Martial Arts Beginner Class.
Chayon Ryu Martial Arts Beginner Class will be held on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings from 9:00am to 10:00 in the downstairs fellowship hall. For additional information please contact Mat Keith.
ORLC Prayer Chain
After about 12 years of dedicated and loving service, Kaylene has prayerfully decided to hand off this ministry at the end of April. We'll take the month of May off to evaluate the next chapter and the best path forward. If you have desires to help lead the prayer-life here at ORLC, now's your opportunity!
Alaska Mission for Christ
Please join us in praying for all of our faithful volunteers as they travel to Alaska to serve in various ways throughout many communities. We also pray for our volunteer hosts in Juneau, Anchorage, and Fairbanks as they greet and orient Servant Event Teams over the next two months. May God grant safety, health, and protection during these busy mission months. He is great! www.amc-ak.org
Family Camping Trip
Digital Directory
Check out ORLC's digital directory as a way to easily update and share your information with us, learn some new faces, find contact info, and more. It's an "opt-in" setting, so nothing will be shared without your approval. Then, you can download the "Church Center" app on your phone to always have access to the directory, calendar, and group info at ORLC!
Music Lessons
Suzette Scialfa has been teaching piano and organ lessons this year here at ORLC on Saturday afternoons for a very reasonable price. If you or your child would like lessons, give her a call: 907-864-0866.
ORLC Youth Newsletter
Calendar of Events
Tuesday, June 18th
- 9:00am Chayon Ryu Martial Arts Beginner Class
- 10:00am Fall Prevention Class
Thursday, June 20th
- 9:00am Chayon Ryu Martial Arts Beginner Class
- 10:00am Fall Prevention Class
Sunday, June 23rd
- 9:00am Sunday School/Bible Study
- 10:00am Worship Service
Serving the Lord
Sunday, June 23rd
Altar Guild: Evelyn Sampson & Kathy Simpson
Lector: Kathy Simpson
Elders: Mark Keller & Jeff Smith
Summer Sunday School : Randyll Tansey
Birthdays & Anniversaries
June Birthdays
19 Duncan Keith
21 Eric Roelfs
22 Ashley Shaw
22 Layne Sarvela
24 Matt Keith
June Anniversaries
21 Kevin & Suzanne McCarthy
23 Scott & Tabitha Roelfs
24 Bill & Kaylene Sullivan
Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Are you a Fred Meyer Customer?
You are now able to link your Rewards Card to your favorite nonprofit by following the link below. Whenever you use your Rewards Card when shopping at Freddy’s, you will be helping that organization earn a donation from Fred Meyer. If you do not have a Rewards Card, you can sign up for one at the Customer Service Desk of any Fred Meyer store.