Colrain Central School News
Where we learn by serving...
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October 25, 2024
A Note from Ms. Looman
- Don't miss the chance to order more CCS apparel. See the link below.
- This week, we had a safety training with the state police. It was super helpful and we were able to discuss what we would need to do in the event of an emergency. In the unlikely event of an emergency at our school, we strongly request that you not respond to the school unless instructed to do so. Well intentioned community members responding directly to the school during an emergency have significantly hampered the efforts of emergency personnel in other jurisdictions. Should there ever be an emergency incident we will, in all likelihood, not be able to re-unify you with your child at the school. We will instead conduct that reunification at a safe off-site location. We will advise you of the exact location of the reunification site via local media as well as through automated calls (texts/e-mails). Those automated calls will go to the most up-to-date contact telephone numbers and e-mail addresses we have for you. As such, it is imperative that you keep your contact information up-to-date with us so that we have the best means by which to reach you. We also ask that you make every effort to keep us informed as to any changes regarding the custody of your child, to include any probate or restraining orders impacting your child, as well as any changes regarding who you have authorized to pick up your child. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
- Students riding Bus 13: Brett's bus: On Oct 29th there will be 15 minute delays on Jacksonville Rd in Colrain due to a movie filming. This will be between Cal Coombs Rd and Thompson Rd. Please know that your bus may be delayed during both the morning and afternoon runs.
2D8T October Update
Contact: H. Jake Eberwein, Project Manager, jakeeberwein@gmail.com
October 25, 2024
Following a comprehensive data collection and review process, the 2districts8towns Steering Committee has identified the five most promising models to consider in its ongoing study and analysis of the operating and organizational structure of the Mohawk Trail and Hawlemont Regional School Districts.
The Sustainability Study aims to deliver the highest quality educational experiences for students in the eight towns that comprise the districts while reflecting fiscal realities. The Steering Committee reviewed over 177 possible ideas and options that were generated from surveys, focus groups, community meetings, review of historical literature, and best practices related to rural education. These ideas were narrowed down to the most promising options after a series of 2districts8towns planning sessions held over the summer. A full progress report with more information
about this process can be found HERE.
Through the process of identifying sustainability models to explore further, there were a number of
compelling ideas proposed by various stakeholder groups (primarily in community meetings or through surveys) that will be taken into account in the modeling process. These are ideas that could be implemented by school administration or School Committees under any future operating plan. Examples include adding more career and technical courses at the high school; utilizing a single-tier bus schedule to reduce transportation costs; or implementing effective strategies to attract and retain local students.
The five models that will be explored are:
1. No Change. Examine the status quo with projections into the near future if the districts remain
as they are currently. No school closures.
2. Districts Merge. Mohawk Trail and Hawlemont Regional School Districts become a single PK-12
regional school district with 8 towns. No school closures.
3. Move 6th Grade. Move students to Mohawk Trail Regional School (MTRS), making it a grade 6-
12 school with a 6-8 middle school. All elementary schools become PK-5. No school closures.
The two scenarios to be considered are maintaining HRSD and MTRSD as separate districts and
merging the two districts into a single PK-12 district.
4. Move 6th grade (and possibly 5th) to MTRS and close one to three elementary schools. The
three scenarios to be considered are closing one elementary school, closing two elementary
schools, or having all elementary schools consolidate at the Buckland-Shelburne Elementary
5. Single Campus. All schools combine onto a single PreKindergarten-12 campus at MTRS.
The research team, in the next several months, will carefully detail the five models. Each model will be
evaluated by considering several broad questions:
● Does the model improve or at least allow the districts to sustain educational quality?
● Does the model advance sustainable finances for the 8 towns in the near- and long-term?
● Does the model lead to greater district efficiency and alignment?
● Is the model feasible?
Additionally, the research team and Steering Committee will consider the impact of each model on
school identity, family experience, staffing, retention/recruitment, facilities, transportation, and
community partnerships
On October 10, BERK12 provided a virtual update on progress of the Sustainability Study, including an explanation of the research conducted to date and the process for identifying the five models. For those who missed that session or want to listen in again, a second session will be offered on November 14, 6:30 - 8:00 pm. The session will be held at the Mohawk Trail Regional High School Superintendents’ Conference Room and can also be accessed virtually through these links:
VIDEO LINK https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83357032331
JOIN BY PHONE +1 305 224 1968
It is important to note that no decisions have been made, and no “favorite” solutions have been
predetermined. Rather, the 2districts8towns Steering Committee has used a high-level process to
capture ideas generated from stakeholders, and those ideas now need to be fully modeled to determine if they make sense, or not. Once the five models have been explored, community outreach sessions will be held to gather input and address questions. It is anticipated that these sessions will occur in January and February. Ultimately, the decision to support any change will be up to the residents of the eight towns. Community members are encouraged to review the resources section of the 2districts8towns website, which includes a comprehensive progress report of work to date along with additional reports and presentations related to the study. Questions or comments can be submitted through the CONTACT link on the website. For those just becoming familiar with the Sustainability Study, a one page project overview is available HERE.
For more information, contact project manager H. Jake Eberwein, jakeeberwein@gmail.com.
PTO News
This Sunday from 1-4 will be our Trunk or Treat and Fall Festival, featuring a Hager Bros Fried Dough Pop-up. Games, face painting, giant hay bales, and more....Don't miss it!
Upcoming Events
10/26: 4:00pm Heath Library Trunk or Treat
10/27: 1:00pm PTO Trunk or Treat and Fall Fest
11/1: All school hike
11/5: No school for district inservice
11/7: 12:30 dismissal: Family/Teacher Conferences
11/8: 12:30 dismissal: Family/Teacher Conferences
11/11: No school in observance of Veteran's Day
11/14: 5/6 grade STEAM fair at MTRS
11/27: 12:30 dismissal for Thanksgiving break
11/28-29: No School in observance of Thanksgiving
1:50 dismissals: 10/30, 11/20
12:30 dismissals: 11/7, 11/8, 11/27