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Jefferson Elementary and Fox River Academy - October, 2024
Important Dates and Upcoming Events
Wednesday, October 9: Jefferson 1st Gr. Field Trip to heritage Apple Orchard (JEF)
Thursday, October 10: Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30 - 7:00 (JEF / FOX)
Tuesday, October 15: Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30 - 6:45 (JEF / FOX)
Tuesday, October 15: Trunk or Treat 4:30 - 6:30 (JEF / FOX)
Thursday, October 17: Jefferson 3rd Gr. Field Trip to Heckrodt (JEF)
Tuesday, October 22: Picture Re-take Day (JEF / FOX)
Thursday, October 24: Jefferson 4th/5th Gr. Field Trip to Heckrodt (JEF)
Friday, October 25: NO SCHOOL - Staff Development (JEF / FOX)
Saturday, November 2: Artisan Fair 9:00 - 2:00
Fall Conferences
Fall Conferences for Jefferson and Fox River:
- October 10 from 3:30 - 7:00
- October 15 from 3:30 - 6:45
We will be using PTC Fast to schedule conferences. This is an online scheduling system. A link will be shared with families on September 30.
When you receive the link:
1. Click on the link.
2. Find your student's classroom teacher and click on their name.
3.Enter your student's name, parent/guardian name, and email.
4. PTC Fast will send you a link to choose a day and time for your conference.
5. If you have multiple students to schedule, you will be able to do it at this time.
A few things to know...
1. Students with two households will need to coordinate their conference, as we only provide one conference per student.
2. If you have already been contacted by a staff member at Jefferson/Fox River about setting up a conference time, there is no need to schedule again, as one has already been scheduled for you.
Please reach out to the office if you have any questions. Thank you!
Trunk or Treat
Join us for our first ever Trunk or Treat on Tuesday, October 15th from 4:30-6:30. More information/sign up here: https://forms.gle/FAMK2RPtTCeZ6ihS7
Book Fair
Book fair information will be sent home with your children in the beginning of October. We are using a new vendor called Literati for our fall book fair. The book fair will be open to families during conferences on October 10th and 15th, from 3:45-7:00.
Can’t attend in person? No worries! Shop a wider selection of books on our school store site, https://literati.com/store/?school=jefferson-elementary-school-appleton-wi. The online fair is already open and closes on October 15th. Every purchase supports our school!
We can’t wait for our students to experience our upcoming book fair! Thank you for helping to inspire a lifelong love of reading.
Harmann Studios will be having a Picture Retake day on October 22. This is for students who were absent on the original picture day, a new student to Jefferson/Fox River, or students that have ordered a retake online or through Harmann's Customer Service at 1-800-234-8910.
Artisan Fair
Free and Reduced Application
Please fill out the below application for free and reduced price school meals. You only need to submit one application per household, even if your children attend more than one school in the Appleton Area School District.
You can apply for Free and Reduced meals online through the Infinite Campus portal or with a paper application that can be turned in to your school or the Food Service Office.
When you are in your Parent Portal, go to the menu on the left side of the screen.
- Scroll down to "More"
- Click on "Meal Benefits"
- Click on "Meal Benefits Application"
From the Nurse...
Meningococcal Disease
This change comes after an increase in meningococcal cases seen in the US. As of March 25, 2024, the CDC reported 143 cases of meningococcal disease in the United States, which is a 75% increase from the same time period in 2023. This is the highest number of cases reported since 2014. The CDC notes that the increase in cases is mainly due to the serogroup Y, which can be prevented with vaccination. For additional information about these vaccines, please discuss with your student’s provider or visit CDC Meningococcal Vaccination Information.
View the full article here: October Newsletter
Start of Day Reminders
~Fox supervision on the playground begins at 7:55
~Fox bell to come into the building rings at 8:05
~Teachers will meet the students on the back of the playground
~Jefferson supervision on the playground begins at 8:05
~Jefferson bell to come into the building rings at 8:17
~K-2 students can enter in the front of the building through Door A
~3-5 students can enter in the back of the building through Door I
~The bell to start our day rings at 8:22.
To ease the chaos of the morning, the congestion in the hallways, and for the safety of our students, please remember that students are to be dropped off and parents are not allowed to walk their children to their classrooms. There are staff members in the hallways ready to help students if necessary. If you need to speak to your child’s classroom teacher, please reach out to them via phone or email to set up a time to meet. The mornings are not the best time to chat with teachers, as they are busy getting the students settled and ready to learn.
End of Day Reminders
Please communicate with your child's teacher or the office if your child's end of the day plans have changed. If we do not hear from a parent/guardian, we will have your child follow their regular routine (Y-Care, Boys and Girls Club, walking home, etc.).
Are you looking for a way to help your child know safe routes to school? Are you looking for at least one day out of the week that you don't have to navigate the traffic around school? We have a solution for you...The Walking School Bus!
Please see the flyer for more information. We are looking forward to having more students join!
Visitor Procedures
For the safety and concern of all students and staff at Jefferson and Fox River, please enter through Door A. All parents, visitors and guests are required to check in at the front office, sign in and take a visitor’s badge. When your visit is done, please sign out and exit the way you came.
Lunch Visitors / Outside Food In the Cafeteria
Parents are welcome to join their children for lunch. If food from outside is brought to the cafeteria, please remember that this food can only be given to your own child. Please do not give outside food to other students.
Student Arriving Late / Absences / Appointments
If your student is going to be arriving late and/or leaving early, or going to be absent, please call the office or complete an Absence Request in your Parent Portal.
Family Vacations or Absences of 2 or More Days: If you will be absent for 2 or more consecutive days, please stop in the office to complete a Notification of Student Absence Form.
Before and After School Programs
Boys and Girls Club
Click the link below to view the Boys and Girls Club flyer for the 2024 - 2025 school year!
Tri County Dental Online Registration
Online RGFOC (Robert Glass Focus on the Children program) registration is live! If you would like to take advantage of our Dental Bus this school year, please complete the online registration below, or stop in the office if you prefer a paper copy.
Cell Phone Policy
Jefferson and Fox River Academy students will need to have their phones OFF and IN BACKPACKS while on school grounds.
If you need to get a message to your student(s), please call the office and we will ensure they receive the message. Thank you for your cooperation.
3 - 5 Year Old Developmental Screenings
The Developmental Screening is designed to:
- Educate families about typical child development and growth
- Develop/Expand awareness of available community resources
- Identify young children in need of further assessment
The Screening looks at all areas of child development including:
- How your child talks
- How your child listens
- How your child thinks
- How your child moves
- How your child uses their hands
More information here: https://www.aasd.k12.wi.us/programs-services/young-child/3-5-year-old-developmental-screenings
Parent Handbook
Please find the Elementary and Middle School Family Policy Manuals here: Policy Manuals
Contact Us!
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 3:45 PM
Phone: 920-852-5500
Fax: 920-850-5501
Address: 1000 S. Mason St. Appleton, WI 54914
Email: Jefferson-Elementary@aasd.k12.wi.us
Email: Fox-River-Academy@aasd.k12.wi.us