NMS Update 2.16.2025
Northfield Middle School 24 -25

Student Illness Guidelines
Due to the number of illnesses we are currently seeing, we ask for your help in ensuring your student receives the care they need. Please review the following important information:
- Illness Protocol: If a student is feeling unwell, they are required to check in with the school nurse before contacting parents to arrange for leaving school.
- Sign-Out Process: Parents should sign their student out at the attendance office before leaving, unless other arrangements have been made with staff.
- Student Communication: All students are permitted to call home from the nurse's office at any time if they are ill.
- Reporting Symptoms: When reporting an illness, please communicate the student’s symptoms.
- Extended Absences: If your student will be absent for an extended period due to health reasons, please contact their counselor to arrange for any necessary accommodations.
Thank you for your cooperation.
MN Student Survey
The Minnesota Student Survey (MSS) is administered every three years in grades 5-12 and is the primary source of comprehensive data on young people at the state, county, and local level in Minnesota and is the only consistent source of statewide data on their health and wellbeing. It provides valuable information about issues vital to the health, safety, and academic success of young people. The survey is voluntary, confidential, and anonymous on the part of students.
Northfield schools will administer the 2025 survey during the week of 3/7/2025 in grades 5-12.
Federal law requires schools to make the Minnesota Student Survey available for parents to review in person at our school. Please contact your student’s school to make arrangements to review the survey questions.
For additional parent information, click here for English and Spanish. This survey is voluntary. You may choose to have your child not take the survey by completing the online form below. Students may also decline to take any part of the survey or the whole survey. They are informed of that option by staff when taking the survey.
If you do not want your child to take the Minnesota Student Survey, please click here to complete this opt out form online by Thursday February 24, 2022.
This Week's Events @ NMS
Monday, February 17: No School/President's Day
Staff Development Day - Main office will be closed
Tuesday, February 18:
- NO SCHOOL DUE TO EXTREME COLD WEATHER. This will not be an e-Learning Day as this is our first school closure. There will be no MS Activities.
Wednesday, February 19: Maroon - Day 1
Music Lesson Day 1
- One hour late start, 8:57 am
- MSYC, 3:00 pm - Homework Help, Young Chefs (nachos & guac), Sports Club (soccer), LGBTQIA+ (dirt & worms), Mask Making with Mr. Estrella
- Fitness Center, 3:00 pm
Thursday, February 20: Gold - Day 2
Music Lesson Day 2
- MSYC, 3:00 pm - Homework Help, MESA (Jeopardy), ESports, Leadership Club, Sports Club (kickball)
- Fitness Center, 3:00 pm
Friday, February 21: Maroon - Day 1/Mid Quarter 3
Music Lesson Day 3
- District Choral Festival, NMS auditorium
- Chamber Orchestra, 3:00 pm
Middle School Youth Center (MSYC)
NMS Raider Closet
We are excited to share a resource we have at the Northfield Middle School- The Raider Closet. It is a place that ALL students are welcome to use. The Raider Closet has coats, hats, gloves, sweatshirts, pants, shirts, shoes, and more! If you have a middle school student that could use any of these supplies have them come to the student support office during their study hall or before/after school and we can help them pick out what they need! Questions feel free to reach out to Heather Stanton Ims, School Social Worker at 507-663-0685.
Order your NMS 24 - 25 Yearbook
There's nothing else like your school yearbook. Get your hands on the limited edition collection of our stories from the year. Share it with your friends today and hang on to it for years to come! Mrs. Holland and the Yearbook Club are excited to bring you the 2024-2025 Northfield Middle School Yearbook. Watch for announcements on how you may submit photos and content to be included this year. Order your's today!
Upcoming Middle School Events
February 17 - No School, President's Day
February 21 - District Choral Festival
February 21 - Mid Quarter 3
February 24 - Ski/Snowboard Club, 3:00 pm (make-up day)
March 3 - Ski/Snowboard Club, 3:00 pm (make-up day)
March 4 - All District Jazz Bands Concert, 7:00 pm, NHS
March 6 - Student Council Meeting, 7:15 am
March 10 - Registration opens for NMS Spring Activities
March 10 - 15 - Children's Theatre, MS Auditorium, 4:00 pm
March 12 - Grade 8 Orchestra Festival, 9:00 am - 2:45 pm
March 14 - MS Jazz Field Trip, 8:00 am - 1:30 pm
March 18 - MS Spring Conferences, 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm
March 19 - WEB Spring Break Movie, 12:45 pm - 2:45 pm
March 20 - Student Council Meeting, 7:15 am
March 20 - All District Orchestra Concert, 7:00 pm @ NHS
March 21 - End of Quarter 3
March 24 - 28 - Spring Break, No School
March 31 & April 1 - No School, Teacher Prep Days
April 2 - Quarter 4 Begins
April 2 - MS Spring Activities begin
Winter activities: Fitness Center, Wrestling, Ski/Snowboard Club, Speech, Knowledge Bowl, Math Olympiad.
Tutoring Hotline
Tutoring Hotline is a volunteer program that matches Carleton volunteers with Rice County students of all ages in need of free, one-on-one academic assistance in any subject. Our program supports students who already have a set curriculum; our tutors are not equipped to assign new content. Approved tutors sign up for specific tutoring requests depending on their academic interests and availability and will meet with students for about one hour, once a week in a public location or via Zoom. Tutoring sessions are individualized to the student’s needs and may include review of concepts learned in school, preparation for upcoming tests, help with homework, etc.
Helpful Numbers & Links
Activities Hotline
Attendance Line
Benjamin Bus
NMS Main Office
NMS Office Hours
7:15 am - 3:45 pm
School Fax #
Student Support Office
Student Support Team
Our School Counselors are available to assist families with class schedules and questions you may have:
Jenny Streefland - student last name A-H
Natalie Amy - student last name I-P
Cori Yamry - student last name Q-Z
The Northfield School District does not discriminate on the bases of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX, including in employment. You can learn more at https://northfieldschools.org/about/departments/human-resources/ under the Title IX tab."
NMS Administrators
Connect with Greg Gelineau
Email: ggelineau@northfieldschools.org
Location: Northfield Middle School, Division Street South, Northfield, MN, USA
Phone: 507-663-0650
Connect with Michael O'Keefe
Email: mokeefe@northfieldschools.org
Location: Northfield Middle School, Division Street South, Northfield, MN, USA
Phone: 507-663-0650