The Pulse of the Pride

September 6, 2024
Lyme School Friends,
We have had a fantastic start! It was so great to see everyone on our opening day! I know it was challenging with our siding project going on but it was still a wonderful bell ringing opening to our year!
In the building, our routines are taking shape and there are many smiles! It is great to see our classrooms bustling with joy and excitement around the building. Students are definitely engaged in their learning.
As you may know, our school is the polling location for Lyme. This means the voting public is allowed into our building on 9/10 and 11/5. I have learned in the last few years that makes some parents uneasy. Please note that on 11/5, it is a teacher work day and students will not be in the building. On 9/10, I or another administrator will be stationed in the lobby during the school day at all times. We do this to ensure the public goes to the polling location and then exits the building. Please know that the safety of your children is our top priority every day.
Please don't forget to log-in to ALMA and complete your registration for this year. This is required for all returning families.
You will notice that we slightly changed the format of the newsletter to highlight the new information each week and to identify when it shifts to previously published information. We thank you for that feedback last year. We hope you find this change to be more user friendly.
We will be without Amanda Perry next week and she will not be accessing email regularly. Please direct any calls, questions or dismissal changes to me for the week as I will be covering the office. A big thanks to Mr. Tomlinson, Ms. Foxall, and Nurse Miller who join me as the team covering the office.
We already have some lost and found items. Please encourage your children to check! We will send pictures in future newsletters of lost items.
We hope to see you at the parent/guardian information night!
Have a fantastic weekend! Thanks for reading!
John P. D'Entremont, Principal
New News, Dates, Information, & Announcements
Important Dates
September 10th - NH Primary
September 12th - Parent Informational Night & Meet the Teachers
September 17th - School Picture Day
September 19th - Middle School Hike
September 20th - Middle School Activity Night
September 30th - October 4th - Artist in Residence Program
October 3rd - Open House & Celebration of Learning
PTO Directory
The PTO has begun work on the Lyme School Directory which is a tradition at school. Many families find it to be a handy resource as well. If you wouldn't mind logging into ALMA, hover over your initials in the top right, click on My Info, scroll down and click the button to opt-in to the directory. This will give us permission to share your information to the PTO. Please see the pictures below to assist you.
Lunch Program Update
Our lunch prices are:
Regular Lunch: $4.25
Large/Adult Lunch: $5.25
A La Carte Menu Items: $1.00
Milk $.65
Students seem to really be enjoying lunch and the options provided each day. Thank you for your support of the new lunch program. Please see the September menu which is also posted on the website.
Arrival to School
Please don't forget, our school day starts at 8AM sharp!
For car drop-offs, please enter the driveway, proceed as far forward as you can, and drop your student(s) off. We will have some staff outside meeting and directing students in the morning.
Please remember, students who are walking or not being dropped off in the driveway MUST use the crosswalk!
Thank you for ensuring everyone's safety in the morning!
Dismissal from School
Dismissal will start at 3 PM. Please remember students crossing Route 10 MUST use the crosswalk. Please meet your student outside the main entrance if you are picking up by car. Cars are not permitted in the bus loop/driveway during dismissal.
If you are going to make dismissal changes, we kindly request that you call our office by 2:30 PM, so we can ensure to get the message to your child or their teacher.
Thanks so much for a safe dismissal this year! [And don't forget, we dismiss starting at 2PM on Thursdays every Thursday.]
Parent/Guardian Information Night - Thursday, September 12th 5PM - 6PM & Open House - Thursday, October 3rd 4PM - 5:30PM
Parent/Guardian Information Night - 9/12/24 - We welcome you to our school for Parent/Guardian Information Night this Thursday from 5 to 6 PM!
Information night is a night for families to come see the classrooms as well as learn about what their child is learning. It is also an opportunity to say hello to the teacher(s).
This is a night for adults and we ask that students attend open house in the beginning of October with their families. This is when students "host" their families at school.
Please don't forget to stop into the cafeteria and meet Chef Dindo! She is planning on serving bruschetta crostini with balsamic glaze and chocolate chip cookies.
Open House - 10/3/24
Open House is an opportunity to visit the school with your students. Your students will show you their spaces and tour you around the building. You will also get an opportunity to say hello to teachers. We look forward to seeing you there!
We do these events at different time slots because we know that it is hard for families to get to school. It is our hope that families can make at least one by staggering the times a bit.
School Picture Day - Tuesday, September 17th
Picture Day is September 17th. Further information will come out later on how to order!
Middle School Homework Club
Homework Club for students in grades 6-8 will start next Monday (9/9/24). It will take place Monday-Wednesday, 3pm-4pm in the Middle School Learning Center. If interested in having your child attend, please contact Geoff Tomlinson (gtomlinson@lymeschool.org, 603-286-4531 ext. 106).
Snap Photos?
We do collect photos for our newsletter as well as the yearbook. If you have a photo from a school event such as the first day of school, please feel free to send to aperry@lymeschool.org or jdentremont@lymeschool.org. We have a place to store these electronically for those that work on these important celebrations! Thank You!
Got Sneakers?
Sneakers are the footwear we wear in our gymnasium for PE and recess (for inclement weather). Please ensure your children (especially our oldest) have a pair at school. It will keep our gymnasium looking sparkly! Thank you!
The Specials Spotlight
Lower School Spanish
Β‘HOLA! I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself to the Lower School families in our Lyme community: I am SeΓ±ora Chandler. This is my 15th year of teaching Spanish. However, it is my first year working in the Lower School after 5 years of teaching in the Middle School at Lyme. So far I have had a blast getting to know the Lower School students! We have done a variety of activities in Spanish to get to know each other, including a Hispanic rhyme called "Manzanita del PerΓΊ" (pictured here), a magic box, songs, and quiz games about ourselves. I look forward to sharing more with you as we get into this school year!
From the World of Art by Ms. G.
Dear Lyme Families,
I am so glad to have all the students back in the Art room! They have all grown by leaps and bounds and are ready for the school year. In the k-5 art classes, students have been making their Art mats that we use all year long. The mats are inspired by different artistsβ¦.Peter Reynoldβs Dots (k), Auguste Herbinβs Plastique Alphabet (1), Henri Matisseβs paper cuts (2), the YOU ARE LOVED MURAL (3), 1 point perspective (4), and the street artist Bansky (5).
I have an amazing group of students working on digital drawing in Middle School. This week, we reviewed some of the tools and concepts around organizing digital drawings. Students created shaded spheres and started a Still Life. Students new to the platform are working their way through tutorials to build their foundation.
We are excited to welcome this yearβs Artist in Residence, Jay Ryan, a printmaker. Students will be working with Jay for their Art classes during the week of September 30th. Stay tuned for more details!
The 5th grade students will be participating in the Hood Museum of Artβs Images Program this year. This is such a wonderful resource in our community and I am looking forward to exploring this museum with such a curious and engaged group of students.
βImages is a program offered for regional elementary school students in grades 4 through 6 that brings groups to the museum four times during the year. Each visit includes time in the galleries, where students learn from and discuss original works of art with a professional museum educator. Afterward, in the studio, students complete a hands-on art project that relates to what they looked at and learned in the galleries.β
Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.
I can be reached at egirdwood@lymeschool.org.
Hope to see you all soon!
Emily Girdwood
From the Music Room!
In the lower school this week a few classes got to explore Incredibox, a fun and user friendly music mixing site.
Monday, September 9th fifth graders will be visited by a rep from Ellis music for their instrument demo day in preparation for beginner band!
In Middle School Elective we began our exploration of the music production site Soundtrap. Students jumped right in to learning the interface and creating their own mixes.
Ms. Connie...Student Success Coordinator
Welcome back to school!
Iβm Connie Balch, known to students as Ms. Connie. I am the Student Success Coordinator. I teach social skills and I work with students in either small groups or one to one.
I help students when they get stuck or become inflexible. Students can also see me for short breaks when they need a break from the classroom. They are not βin troubleβ when they come to my room to get help. We problem solve and make a plan for next time. We collaborate to solve the problem. The student and I: identify the problem, the size of the problem, whoβs affected by/involved with the problem, brainstorm possible solutions, and identify what tools or resources they might need. They pick a solution to try. Then we check back in to see how successful it was. Smaller problems are managed at school and sometimes bigger problems might require family communication. The classroom teacher and/or I will communicate with the family, if needed. My room is a place for students who need a break, who are working on focus and attention, who are working on their social skills, friendships, or need more support in problem solving.
Students can ask to see me. Teachers may send students to my room. Parents can ask to meet with me or ask me to check in on their child, or sometimes a student may ask me to check in on another student.
I can be reached by calling the school (603) 795-2125, ext.135 or by emailing me- cbalch@lymeschool.org.
Neuroth's Library and Media Center News
Welcome back to returning families and welcome to new families! For those who do not know me, my name is Becky Neuroth and I am the Library Media Specialist at Lyme School. This is my seventeenth year in education and my fourth year teaching at Lyme School. I am a Lyme School parent of two second graders and I also have a two year old. Iβm excited for a year full of learning and books!
It is great to have the Library Commons filled with K-4 library classes and grades 5-8 visiting for book check-outs for independent reading. All grades have been (re)introduced to the layout and new features in the Commons, the process for book check-out and return, and library expectations.
As many of you know, the school and town share a collection which is housed mainly across the street from the school. We have a collection of books here in the Library Commons, ranging from young adult and early readers to graphic novels, non-fiction, and a wide range of picture books. I see Kindergarten through fourth grade students in the Library Commons weekly. These are times dedicated to learning about the library and how it works, sharing read alouds, and checking out books. Students will also learn how to use the library catalog, as well as research and tech tools.
During these first two weeks, each K-4 student chose 1-2 books to check out. Books are checked out for up to two weeks, and most students return them after one week so they can choose new ones. At the start of the year, we will stick with 1-2 books at a time each week until everyone gets in the routine of returning and checking out books.
Books can be returned at school or at Converse Free Library. (You are also welcome to return books that are checked out from CFL at school.) You do not need to wait until the day of Library class to return - any day/time is fine. There is a book drop in the lobby at school, as well as in most classrooms, as well as outside of CFL.
We will have most K-5 library classes in the Lyme School Commons, and about once a month we will have a "field trip" across the street to the Converse Free Library!
Grade five has library time scheduled bi-weekly. Grades six through eight have access to the collection in the Library Commons daily, either in the morning, during breaks, or during a class with permission. Students can browse and check books out, or place books on hold. I integrate into all grades as needed to support curriculum with book talks and book collections, as well as co-teaching research and inquiry skills. Ms. Stanton and I are also co-teaching a 6-8th grade special rotation called βNeuton Timeβ where we are addressing digital citizenship.
Our technology program at Lyme School is based on technology competencies that span grades K-8. Our middle school students are up and running on their 1:1 Chromebooks, which are used daily in their classes. In the lower school, over the next few weeks students will become familiar with the Chromebook set-up and logging in. We will discuss Chromebook expectations and the importance of safely using technology for learning.
Throughout the year, I will highlight student learning and continue to share the happenings in regards to the library media program. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or resources.
Finally, please review the Tech Tools Opt-Out Letter 24-25.
If you have any questions about Library time or technology at Lyme School, please feel free to reach out.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Neuroth
Library Media Specialist
PE and Health News by Mrs. Damren
Eighth grade had their first health class this week. To get us back in the flow and working together, students were in groups and took part in an activity called β choose threeβ. Students were tasked with retrieving three things from their locker. These items were then used as β survival toolsβ as each group was given a scenario where they had to decide and discuss what item they would use and why. The intent was have students engage with one another and have conversations about what they felt was the best item to use.
Scenarios included being stranded on an island, welcoming a new student to Lyme School, and several others. The overwhelming choice of an itemβ¦.deodorant .
Looking forward to a great year with this group!!!!
Fourth Graders had no problem finding their fitness during their first PE class of the new school year. Students were given a colored disc with a fitness activity associated with the color. Students were tasked to run or jog to music and when the music stopped, they performed their fitness activity that correlated with their colored disc until the music began again. The activities included bleacher dips, wall sits, and running.
I am always proud that our students take their health and fitness seriously and that they always give 100% in all they do!
Counselor Stanton's Corner
Welcome back, Lyme Families!
I hope you all had a great time away this summer and are ready for another year of fun and learning π. For those of you new to Lyme School, my name is Mrs. Stanton and I am the school counselor here! I get to spend time each week with your awesome students in class during Kindergarten-5th grade Stanton Time (Social Emotional Learning time) and with Mrs. Damren (PE/Health Educator) co-teaching 5th-8th grade Adolescent Health. I work with kids in other ways too - I am an advisor in our middle school, I coordinate the high school choice and transition process of our 8th graders, I spend time with students in groups working on different skills, and time with students one-on-one. I am here to support kids and families, so please reach out if you have questions or concerns about your student(s). We have a great student support team here where the school counselor, principal, student services director, nurse, teachers, and our student success coordinator meet weekly and as needed to find ways to best them.
This summer brought big changes for my family. We moved! About 45 minutes north to where Mr. Stanton grew up in Monroe, NH. We are so thrilled to be surrounded by grandparents and lots of cousins! Fortunately, I still get to return to Lyme each day to spend time with some rockstar staff members and students!
I wanted to take a moment to share my Lyme School Counseling Website where you can find lots of good info including:
Information about me
Contact information
Resources (family changes, managing technology, mental health, crisis lines, academic/tutoring support, loss, LGBTQ+ resources, financial/food support, etc.)
Information about our K-8 Social Emotional Learning Curriculum at Lyme School
Information about High School Choice
If there are any resources not on here that you would like, please let me know!
I look forward to my time with your students and a fantastic 24-25 school year!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Stanton
603-795-2125 ext 105
If you or your child are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Room.
24-hour Hotlines:
West Central Behavioral Health: 800-564-2578
DHMC Psychiatric Emergencies: (800) 556-6249, press 7 (24 hours, 7 days a week)
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 988
Crisis Text Line: Text 741741 from anywhere in the US to text with a trained Crisis Counselor.
WISE - Sexual and Domestic Abuse Advocacy 24-Hour Crisis Line 866-348-9473
or TEXT - 603-836-9472 to speak to advocate
News from the Health Office
Lyme School Community,
Welcome returning and new students and families to the 2024-2025 school year. Please
refer to the following information from the Nursing Health Office.
Additional School Nurse information can be found on the Lyme School website under
the Student Support tab.
The Nurse's office is staffed Monday-Friday by a Registered Nurse. Please email
nurse@lymeschool.org and/or call the Main Office 795-2125 if your child is absent from
school due to illness or injury.
Duties include Nursing care, Health Screening, Medication administration, First
Aid, Emergency care, Individualized Health Planning, Health Education, and
collaborative work with families, teachers, special education services, our
guidance counselor and behavioral coach.
Kati Miller RN BSN: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Matthew Greenway RN BSN: Wednesday/as needed coverage
Celeste McCool RN BSN: Wednesday/as needed coverage
Medication Administration:
If your child requires emergency medications (epipen, inhaler, etc.) to be kept securely
in the Nurse's office, please contact nurse@lymeschool.org to set up a time to deliver
the medication along with an updated allergy or asthma action plan from your child's
Healthcare Provider.
Returning students need an updated allergy or asthma action plan at the start of each
school year.
For daily medication administration, please complete and return the forms below with
your child's Healthcare provider.
All medications need to be dropped off before the first day of school.
Authorization for RX Medication Administration
Medication or Procedure Order Form
Student Influenza Vaccine Clinic:
The Flu Clinic for students will be held this year at Lyme School on October 22 2024
during the school day. Registration forms will be provided as we get closer to this date.
COVID-19 Information:
Please review the provided link regarding COVID-19 recommendations from the Center
for Disease Control (CDC) if your child is experiencing respiratory illness symptoms or
has tested positive for COVID-19.
The Lyme School Nurse's office is here to support you and your child and to promote
healthy outcomes for students and staff.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns you or your student may have
regarding the upcoming school year.
We look forward to a new school year and appreciate your cooperation.
Kati Miller RN BSN
Lyme School
As of March, 1 2024 The Center for Disease Control and Prevention updated guidance to provide "practical recommendations and information to help people lower risk from a range of common respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, flu and RSV."
We follow these guidelines. Please review the following links from the CDC for more information and reach out to me with any questions/concerns.
Thank you for your efforts in keeping our Lyme School students, staff, and families healthy.
ALMA - Open for 2024-2025
If you are having trouble logging into ALMA, please reach out to Amanda Perry.
Please complete the required forms for 2024-2025 in ALMA for all returning students. You will see this on the main page when you log-in to ALMA under your student(s) name.
In ALMA, you will find your child's teacher(s) and schedule, a way to message teachers directly, and paperwork that needs to be completed for this school year.
Lyme School Apparel Store
The Lyme School Apparel Store has a variety of apparel and accessories all customizable with a variety of school logos. The Lyme School PTO earns 12% of all sales. Thank you for supporting our school and go Lions! #LYMESCHOOLROCKS
Community News
Lyme Ski Program by Steve Small
I know we're just kicking off the soccer season, but some important skiing information needs to be disseminated now to avoid any confusion going forward.
There is a Lyme Ski Program offered thru the rec dept. - sign ups will be in early December and are coordinated with the school so that early release on thursday works with the Rec ski program to get 2 full hours of skiing in at the skiway and there is a fee - again, much more on that later.
However, each Lyme child needs a skiway pass which you can purchase at a more than reasonable price of $25 (simply the administration fee) online by going to this link:
You can register while purchasing your ticket and you can also purchase a season rental if you don't wish to purchase equipment. If you do need equipment please do this asap as the season rentals go fast!!!!
If you purchase your childs' pass before the end of October the cost is $25, after that it increases to $50, so best to get this done right away!!!
Please contact the skiway directly with any questions about the pass and/or equipment and stay tuned to sign your child up the the Rec Ski Program, coming in December.
thanks for your attention everyone and THINK SNOW (right after the soccer season!!!!)
Steve Small - Recreation Director
(O) 603-442-6781
(C) 603-491-7537
NESA Fall Programming
Explore all aspects of the arts with New England School of the Arts this fall! Students and Adults will learn everything from singing and dancing, to circus skills, collage making, face painting, acting, mask making and more! We will be offering fall, winter and spring programming. Join us for a year full of creativity, growth, and friendship!
β Fairness β Acceptance of Others β Integrity β Responsibility
β Perseverance β Individuality β Compassion β Courage
John P. D'Entremont, Principal
Elise Foxall, Academic Director
Geoff Tomlinson, Student Services Director