WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Dear WJHS Families,
We are looking forward to parent/teacher conferences which start tonight! Getting to know families is one of the highlights of the school year and our teachers are eager to talk with you about your child/children. Here are some reminders about conferences and accessing Meet the Teacher:
Parents will get a reminder email one hour before appointments with a link to login, and you will not need your original code to login if you follow that link or the one provided in the original confirmation email.
Once scheduled, you may invite another parent/guardian to join your appointments.
If you have any trouble using the system, please contact the WJS School Office at (847) 512-6600 or office-wjhs@wilmette39.org for scheduling questions or enter a support ticket for technical questions.
Please connect to your video appointment on time, as the conference will automatically begin at the scheduled start time. Your conference will end automatically when the appointment time is over. This feature is built into the system and cannot be changed. The remaining time for the conference will count down in a blue bar on the screen and, if you’re nearing the end of your meeting and find yourself in need of additional time, please use the last couple minutes to schedule another time with your child’s teacher.
We are thankful to all who contribute in making WJHS an inclusive and safe learning environment. Our staff and families' efforts to create a supportive space for students to learn and grow is commendable, and we are thankful to every person's contributions to our community. It is truly special and we are all grateful to be a part of it. Thank you for your support and partnership. We hope that you have a safe and healthy fall break.
Kate, Jeff and Rob
Wrestling Begins Soon!
Buzz, buzz! The 2024 WJHS Spelling Bee is just around the corner!
This year, we will use the Scripps National Spelling Bee’s online testing platform to hold our grade-level spelling bee via an online spelling test.
The first step to spelling bee participation is registering for the online testing platform by visiting https://online-test.spellingbee.com.
Here is a video tutorial that will walk you through the registration process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ThKRsffiFc
Tests can be taken on any device with a web browser, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smart phones. Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge are our preferred browsers. We do not support Safari for desktop or Internet Explorer.
The students from each grade with the highest scores will move on to compete in the district bee. This year, our school-level competition will be administered via an in-person bee at WJHS in January 2025
Our district champion will then move on to represent Wilmette District 39 in the next level of the regional spelling bee program, which may include online tests instead of in-person spelling bee events.
Remember, the first step to participating in the spelling bee is to register at online-test.spellingbee.com. Please register your student as soon as possible, as I will begin assigning tests soon. If you have already registered another child in the online testing platform, you can log in to your account and add an additional child to that same parent account. There is no need to register a different email address for each child in your household.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions about our school spelling bee program.
Mary Kate Lubawski - Lubawskm@wilmette39.org
Wilmette Junior High School
SEL News
As we look to November we look forward to the many holidays that occur during this upcoming season. Monday, November 1 begins the Indian holiday of Diwali, the Festival of Lights. It celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. Happy Diwali to all of our families celebrating.
Thanksgiving, which occurs later this month, is a wonderful time to celebrate our families. The Theme that we observe across the district is “Our Families are Important.” We encourage our students to share about their families, their family traditions, and what makes their family special to them.
Families and the community are also a crucial part of the social-emotional development of our students. While we have lessons about understanding our emotions, building relationships, understanding others’ perspectives, and making good choices and decisions, these lessons at school alone, are not as effective as they are when supported at home by the families that surround our children. Spend time as a family over this month celebrating one another, and engaging in activities that are fun! The Wilmette Public Library has regular events for families, and check out this list of opportunities to spend time together by catching a show, apple or pumpkin picking, heading to a museum and more!
As the holidays approach, the WJHS PTO organizes a one-time gift during the school year from WJHS families to all teachers, admins, building staff, and crossing guards, to be given before winter break. The suggested amount is $30/student. Contributions are completely voluntary and every amount is greatly appreciated.
The deadline for contributions to our annual fund is Friday, December 6th.
Thank you to the families who have already contributed to the WJHS Teacher & Staff Gift Fund through Membership Toolkit! If you’re not sure if you’ve already donated, check your sent emails from notify@membershiptoolkit.com or log into your Membership Toolkit account and view your Previous Orders under My Account. Any questions? Email community@wjhspto.com
Get ready to shine! WJHS is hosting a Talent & Variety Show 3/6/25, where kids will have the opportunity to showcase their unique skills and creativity. Whether you love to sing, dance, do stand-up comedy, play an instrument or perform with a band, solo, or in a group, this is your time to take the stage and impress the crowd! Click HERE for more information and to sign up for your audition on 12/12, 12/16 or 12/19. Questions? Email Vandita Pateriya at vandita9@gmail.com. Don’t miss the chance to show off your talent- every performance matters! Let your star shine bright!
✅Help plan the 8th Grade Graduation Party Please consider volunteering to help implement a great set of party plans for our graduating 8th graders! Email student programs@wjhspto.com to be added to our list.
✅Volunteer to help serve lunch. December can be hard for the cafeteria. With people being busy with the holidays, they tend to get short-staffed. Please consider spreading the holiday cheer by volunteering once this December. It would mean so much to the school! It’s rewarding and very much appreciated. For more information click HERE and thank you!
Our SpiritWear partner HumanKind is again offering sweatshirts for purchase for this year’s 8th graders- the “Class of 2029” (if graduating from New Trier high school) HERE. Makes a great holiday present!
District Update
Board of Education Meeting
The Board of Education gathered this past Monday for a public hearing on the 2024 Tax Levy and its monthly business meeting. During the business meeting, the Board adopted the 2024 Tax Levy, received a presentation on long-term enrollment projections, and shared committee reports. Agendas and materials for all Board of Education meetings are posted online the Friday prior to the meeting.
Parent Education Event
Make plans to join us on Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 11 am for our next Parent Education event titled “Youth Substance Use Trends Parents Should Know About.” This presentation explores the latest substance use trends among youth (including alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis), using visual aids, to help parents know what to look out for when it comes to vaping devices, misleading packaging, and stash compartment items. The presenters will include prevention strategies and tips that parents and caregivers can implement at home. This is presented by PEER Services and the Knowledge Empowers Youth (KEY) Coalition.
Families are encouraged to join us in-person at the Mikaelian Education Center, but can also participate virtually via Zoom. Registration for this event is now open. Please visit our Parent Education webpage for our full schedule of events as well as archived recordings of past events.
Friendships through Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
There is an emerging technological trend that we want to share and encourage conversations with your child(ren) regarding safe technology use. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) chatbots have been on the rise and some children may be using them as companions or, in rare circumstances particularly among older children, entering into relationships with them. Below are a few tools to keep an eye on that child(ren) may be using:
My AI in Snapchat
Replika - replika.com
Kindroid - kindroid.ai
Nomi - nomi.ai
Designed with human-like characteristics, these A.I. chatbots can enter into conversations and seem like real people to children. The attraction to an A.I. chatbots can be non-judgmental listening, emotional support, escape from real world stressors, and a readily accessible friend. One major concern is that if a child is having symptoms of sadness or depression, these interactions with chatbots do not provide the appropriate direction and support that may be needed. In fact, these interactions could lead to a much more serious situation. Another concern is spending an excessive amount of time developing a relationship that is not real at the expense of interacting with real-life peers.
As you have conversations with your child about healthy technology use, please include asking about A.I. chatbots. Here are some discussion starters:
Have you talked to an A.I. character?
How do you think it’s different from talking to a real friend?
What does it look like if someone is spending too much time using one?
Who could you go to if you needed help?
If concerning behavior exists, please seek support from a mental health professional. If you have additional questions regarding A.I. chatbots, please reach out to Tony DeMonte, Assistant Superintendent for Technology and Safety.
Save the Date – Registration for the 2025-26 Academic Year
As we approach fall break, we wanted to share that registration for the 2025-26 school year will open on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. District 39 is excited that it will be offering full-day kindergarten for all families beginning in Fall 2025! Additionally, our school calendar committee is currently busy building next year’s school calendar. The committee expects to present a draft of the 2025-26 School Year Calendar to the Board on December 16 and to receive final approval of the calendar at the January 27th Board of Education Meeting. More details to follow in the coming weeks.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @wjhswolves39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family