Weekly Update
November 22, 2024

As we finish out this week, we just want to remind you that next week is a short week. We will only have school on Monday and Tuesday of next week. On Tuesday we will have our fall parties. If you would like to attend the parties, we ask that you arrive no earlier than 12:45. To expedite the check-in process, you may fill out the Google Form below. This will allow us to pre-check you in and have your name tag ready. Please fill out one form for each person attending. Remember to click "View in Browser" at the top of your email so you may access the form for sign up.
We will be out of school Wednesday-Friday next week for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Have a great weekend!
Katie & Chris
Gift of Giving
We have begun our yearly Gift of Giving Project. For more information, please click the link below.
PTO Fundraiser
Focus on Character
We will focus on gratitude this week. Gratitude is choosing to appreciate the people and things in your lives.
Review Gratitude as a family. Remember that Gratitude is choosing to appreciate the people and things in our lives.
- Find a place in your home to display a glass jar.
- Cut up small slips of paper and place them next to the jar.
- Use the jar to collect special people, places, events, and memories that your family is thankful for.
- Find a time each day to add slips of gratitude to the jar and assist your kids in writing or drawing gratitude as needed.
- Having a gloomy day or a challenging time as a family? Pull out the slips of gratitude and read them aloud together as a reminder of your grateful moments.
We shared the video below in our focus on character. However, it is worth sharing again. In this video, an orphan from Sierra Leone shares about gratitude. His message of finding something to be grateful for is a strong message for this week of Thanksgiving. The Hartman family then shares a 10 penny challenge idea. Please consider giving this a try over the Thanksgiving break. At the end of the day, you will definitely have more than just 10 pennies.
Our monthly Focus on Character for November is below.
Dropping Items Off at Oak Brook
Just a friendly reminder...When dropping items off at school, please leave them on the table inside the front doors. Staff are monitoring the table as they walk by so no need to ring the bell. Please just fill out a sticky note (include students' name and teacher) and leave the item on the table. Thank you for your help.
Upcoming Events
Monday, November 25 - Singing Eagles
Tuesday, November 26 - Gratitude/Thankful Parties (1:00-2:00)
Wednesday, November 27-Friday November 29 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Monday, December 2 - Sustainability Group & Singing Eagles
Thursday, December 5 - Read, Right & Run
School Resources
Parkway Nutrition Services
Includes Menus, Free/Reduced Lunch Application and other items
Contact Us
Mrs. Terbrock - kterbrock@parkwayschools.net
Dr. Shirley - cshirley@parkwayschools.net