November Student Support Services
Week of Monday, November 7 - Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Spring ISD Board of Trustees calls for $850 Million Bond Referendum
Spring ISD Board of Trustees calls for $850 million bond referendum
Spring ISD voters will decide on a $850 million bond measure on the Nov. 8 general election ballot, with three propositions that would include the rebuilding of Spring High School, construction of a district wide education and performance facility, renovations for several campuses, updates to technology, and safety and security features for all campuses.
After hearing the recommendation from the Bond Steering Committee, the Spring ISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved calling the election that will seek voter approval to fund the following projects:
Improve the district’s safety and security capabilities
Rebuild Spring High School
Refresh the current or design the future Westfield High, Reynolds Elementary, and Jenkins Elementary Schools based on community feedback
Address districtwide facility maintenance improvements
Build a districtwide education and performance facility. Spring ISD would utilize this building as a reunification center in the event of emergencies. The center will also be used for districtwide and community educational events, graduation ceremonies, performance and visual arts programs, and indoor athletic events and competitions.
In addition, the proposed measures would include funds to address districtwide technology and specific safety and security needs, including:
Add shooter-detection systems for all locations
Enhance the coverage and density of security camera systems
Provide technology improvements
Purchase regular education and special needs buses
“I am so appreciative of the many hours our Bond Steering Committee put in to ensure they had a firm understanding of the safety and security, facility and technology needs we have in the district,” said Dr. Lupita Hinojosa, Spring ISD Superintendent. “Our students and their learning are at the core of everything we do, and now more than ever we have a responsibility to provide them with a safe and innovative learning environment.”
The Bond Steering Committee dedicated many hours to reviewing safety, security and facility maintenance needs. Its recommendation presented to the Board also addressed technology and rebuild projects. The committee was composed of parents, teachers, staff, students, current and former board trustees as well as faith-based leaders and community/business members.
“This bond presents us with the opportunity to provide our students with the tools and facilities they need to succeed and thrive, all while doing so in a safe, inclusive and equitable environment,” said Spring ISD Board of Trustees President Justine Durant.
If approved by voters, design work of the new construction projects is projected to begin in Spring 2023, with the first construction projects starting in Fall 2024.
The potential $850 million bond is estimated to require a property tax increase of 5 cents per $100 of valuation, which is expected to be offset by an anticipated decrease in the 2022 tax rate; therefore, the resulting tax rate will be the same or lower than the current tax rate.
In 2016, voters supported the district by passing a $330 million bond program, which was completed in 2021. Click here for more detailed information about the work completed under the 2016 bond. For more information on the 2022 bond, please click here.
Planet Ford Stadium Safety and Security Reminders
Planet Ford Stadium Policies and Guidelines listed below:
No firearms allowed
State law and school district policies will be in effect concerning alcoholic beverages and controlled substances
The use of tobacco products in any form is prohibited on all school district property (State Law)
Glass bottles/containers are prohibited in the stadium and parking lot
Items such as frisbees, balls, whistles, etc. are not allowed
Umbrellas are prohibited in the stadium
No portable seating or furniture is permitted
The above is not an exhaustive list, but you may go to: springisd.org/athletics/policies and guidelines to view the complete Stadium Policies and Guidelines, or click here.
🗓 Important Dates
✏️Updated COVID-19 Guidance for 2022-23 School Year
As we begin the new school year, we wanted to provide you with updated protocols related to the reporting of positive COVID-19 cases as a result of recent changes in guidance from the CDC. Spring ISD is not under a mask mandate this school year, but masks are allowed and discretionary based on student and staff health needs.
Within the linked document provided in this email, you will find information related to both student and staff reporting procedures and quarantine protocols.
Please review the complete document linked here for students and here for staff members, which both contain a link to the COVID Positive Test Form that will need to be completed for any student or staff member who reports positive test results.
Spring ISD Guidance on Monkeypox
Spring ISD is monitoring cases in the community and surrounding areas of the monkeypox virus.
Although monkeypox is a disease caused by a virus not commonly seen in the United States, cases have been steadily rising across the country over the past few months. This includes Houston and the surrounding areas.
By knowing the facts, staying informed, and working together, we can help stop the spread of monkeypox.
Symptoms of Monkeypox
Symptoms of monkeypox can vary, but often include:
A rash, which may look like pimples, blisters, or sores
Flu-like symptoms before or after the outbreak of a rash, while some may develop only the rash.
Symptoms usually start within three weeks of exposure to the virus. If someone has flu-like symptoms, they will usually develop a rash one to four days later.
How Monkeypox Spreads
Monkeypox can spread to anyone through close, skin-to-skin contact including:
Direct contact with monkeypox rash, sores, or scabs
Contact with objects or fabrics (clothing, bedding, towels), and surfaces that have been used by someone with monkeypox
Contact with respiratory secretions, through kissing and other skin-to-skin contact.
How To Prevent the Spread
Spring ISD is following guidance from local, state, and federal health authorities to help stop the spread of the virus, and will adapt if that guidance changes in the future. The current guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and local health authorities for prevention have guided Spring ISD to advise the following precautions:
Students and staff should wash hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer
Anyone should stay home and contact their healthcare provider if they feel sick, have a fever, chills, or swollen lymph nodes
Have a new or unexplained rash, which may look like pimples, blisters, or sores
Staff and students who experience these symptoms should alert their campus nurse and administrator.
The risk to most people remains low, but Spring ISD urges everyone to stay informed to help ensure a safe and healthy start for the 2022-2023 school year!
For more information about monkeypox, visit the CDC website.
Guía sobre la viruela del mono de Spring ISD
Spring ISD está monitoreando casos en la comunidad y áreas circundantes del virus de la viruela del mono.
Aunque la viruela del mono es una enfermedad causada por un virus que no se ve comúnmente en los Estados Unidos, los casos han aumentado constantemente en todo el país durante los últimos meses. Esto incluye Houston y las áreas circundantes.
Al conocer los hechos, mantenernos informados y trabajar juntos, podemos ayudar a detener la propagación de la viruela del simio.
Síntomas de la viruela del mono
Los síntomas de la viruela del mono pueden variar, pero a menudo incluyen:
Una erupción, que puede parecer granos, ampollas o llagas
Síntomas similares a los de la gripe antes o después del brote de una erupción, mientras que algunos pueden desarrollar solo la erupción.
Los síntomas generalmente comienzan dentro de las tres semanas posteriores a la exposición al virus. Si alguien tiene síntomas similares a los de la gripe, generalmente desarrollará una erupción de uno a cuatro días después.
Cómo se propaga la viruela del mono
La viruela del mono se puede propagar a cualquier persona a través del contacto cercano de piel con piel, que incluye:
Contacto directo con sarpullido, llagas o costras de viruela del mono
Contacto con objetos o telas (ropa, ropa de cama, toallas) y superficies que han sido utilizadas por alguien con viruela del simio
Contacto con secreciones respiratorias, a través de besos y otros contactos piel con piel.
Cómo prevenir la propagación
Spring ISD está siguiendo la guía de las autoridades de salud locales, estatales y federales para ayudar a detener la propagación del virus, y se adaptará si esa guía cambia en el futuro.
La guía actual de los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC) y las autoridades locales de salud para la prevención han guiado a Spring ISD a recomendar las siguientes precauciones:
Los estudiantes y el personal deben lavarse las manos con frecuencia con agua y jabón o usar desinfectante para manos.
Cualquiera debe quedarse en casa y comunicarse con su proveedor de atención médica si se siente enfermo, tiene fiebre, escalofríos o ganglios linfáticos inflamados.
Tiene un sarpullido nuevo o inexplicable, que puede parecer granos, ampollas o llagas
El personal y los estudiantes que experimentan estos síntomas deben alertar a la enfermera y al administrador de la escuela.
El riesgo para la mayoría de las personas sigue siendo bajo, pero Spring ISD insta a todos a mantenerse informados para ayudar a garantizar un comienzo seguro y saludable para el año escolar 2022-2023.
Para obtener más información sobre la viruela del simio, visite el sitio web de CDC.
Middle School Education Planning Guide
High School Education Planning Guide
💡 Reminders
Volleyball Update
Dekaney lost to Nimitz 3-0 on Tuesday 10/25 in the final game of the season for District competitions.
Spring finished as the undefeated District Champions with a record of 14-0 after defeating Eisenhower on Tuesday night. The Lady Lions will play College Park in the 1st Round of Bi-District Competition at College Park on Tuesday 11/1 @ 6:00 PM
Westfield finished the season with 1 game out of making the playoffs after defeating Aldine 3-1 on Tuesday in the final game of District competitions.
Varsity Football Update
Dekaney defeated MacArthur 37-6 Thursday night @ Planet Ford Stadium. The Wildcats remained in 2nd Place with a 5-1 District record headed into the final game of the regular season. They have now clinched a playoff berth once again and will know their 1st round opponent at the end of this week.
Spring lost a tough fought battle Friday night against Aldine/ Nimitz High School. The Lions will have to win this week and seek help from other teams to possibly get the final playoff spot.
Westfield defeated Davis this past Friday 48-0 at Leonard George Stadium. The Mustangs are in route to their 2nd straight undefeated District Season with a win over Aldine HS this week. The win will once again crown them as District Champions. They should know their 1st Round Playoff opponent at the end of this week.
UIL Region 2 Cross Country Championships
The Woodlands and Wylie High School Boys teams took 1st and 2nd place at the UIL Regional Cross Country Championships held in Arlington, TX on Oct. 24-25, 2022 - Lynn Creek Park at Joe Pool Lake - Grand Prairie, Texas.
Westfield had 3 athletes participating but they did not qualify for the upcoming State meet.
On the Girls Side, The Woodlands and Klein Oak finished 1 and 2 overall. Spring had 1 participant and Westfield had 3 participants but unfortunately their times also did not allow them to advance to State Competitions.
Both schools had a great season.
Middle School Football Update
The Middle School Football Season will come to a close this week with Championship Games being played on Tuesday and Wednesday 11/1-11/2. 7th Grade Championships will be played on Tuesday and 8th Grade Championships on Wednesday.
Championship Week
Tuesday November 1st
7th Grade - B Team
- Bailey @ Dueitt - 5:30 PM - Championship Game
- Bammel @ Twin Creeks - 6:00 PM
8th Grade - B Team
- Claughton @ Twin Creeks (Planet Ford Stadium) - 6:00 PM - Championship Game
- Bailey @ Bammel - 6:00 PM
- Wells @ Dueitt - 6:30 PM (8th Grade A)
Wednesday November 2nd
7th Grade - A Team
- Dueitt @ Bammel - 6:00 PM (Dekaney HS)- Championship Game
- Springwoods Village @ Twin Creeks - 6:00 PM
- Bailey @ Claughton - 5:30 PM
8th Grade - A Team
- Bailey @ Twin Creeks (Planet Ford Stadium) - 6:00 PM - Championship Game
- Bammel @ Claughton - 6:30 PM
2022 Spring ISD Education Foundation Golf Tournament at Northgate Country Club
Spring ISD Athletics Team Ties for 1st
Campus Athletic Coordinator (Twin Creeks) - Chris Brice
Head Athletic Trainer (Westfield High School) – Susan Davis
Assistant Athletic Director - Derrell Oliver
Campus Athletic Coordinator – (Springwoods Village) – Keith Acree🙌 Monthly Shout-Outs
The nursing department went to Salyers Elementary to screen students and discuss ways they could keep themselves from getting sick and how to make sure they stay healthy. The nurses demonstrated how we take temperatures to tell if you are sick and showed them how the numbers on the thermometer help us understand if they should go home or stay at school.
The nursing department supported Marshall Elementary Day of Awesomeness by assisting staff and the PTO during the event. The DOA is a campus event to honor students for participation in a fundraiser to provide 10 or more working emails of family and friends to ask for donations for student incentives and other campus needs. At the event, there were multiple large outdoor inflatables for the students to run and jump on, dance and hula hoop competitions. The kids had a great time!
SISD collaborated with The Care Van from The Caring Foundation of Texas. On Tuesday, October 18, 2022, 280 vaccines were administered to SISD students and the community. This clinic helped to reduce our numbers of students missing vaccines from over 2500 to less than 2000. We will partner with the clinic to provide vaccines monthly so that more students have access to vaccines in our district. 3 photos attached.
Student Support Services
Contact Us
Dr. Efrain Olivo, Jr.
Assistant Superintendent of
Student Support Services
Email: iselar@springisd.org
Website: www.springisd.org/studentsupportservices
Location: 16717 Ella Boulevard, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: (281) 891-6182